Chapter 22: Love
~~~~~~~~~ are time skips
"Areum... babe... wake up". I slowly opened my eyes. "We're here Princess" "really! Where are we??" I asked very excited "it's still a secret... so close your eyes... I'll guide you there" "o-okay". "Close your eyes babe", I closed my eyes, he put something over them. I felt as he opened my door and helped me get out of the car. He let go of my hand and closed the door. I started freaking out as I didn't feel his presence by me. "Oppa! Where are you!" I yelled "I'm right here babe" he said while wrapping his arm around my waist. "Just a warning... I'm going to pick you up" he says "huh? AHH!" I screamed as he picked me up.
A few minutes later he sets me back down on my feet and he removed what was over my eyes. "Open your eyes Princess" he says, I opened my eyes. My eyes widened at the beauty before me.
I turned around and looked at him in shock, “Oppa! Oh my gowd when?… how? When did you even have time to do this?” I asked
“I planned it out… do you like it?” he asked “yes! I love it!” I said while smiling at him. “I’m happy you like it… now would you like to dance with me?” he asked “of course!”.
He sat his phone down on top of a speaker and it started playing slow music. *cocktail from Jonghyun* “May I have this dance with you Princess?” He asked “yes”.
He came closer to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He starts swaying my waist back and forth to the music.
We both look at each other making eye contact. “Areum… thank you” he says before leaning closer and pressing his forehead against mine, “thank you for what Oppa?” I asked him “...for being the sweetest, most beautiful woman that ever met and for going on this date with me” he says. I felt butterflies in my stomach as his grip on my waist tightens and he pulls me even closer. “Oppa…” “yes?” “...I...I love you so much” I said while looking at the ground.
Ughhhh OMG Author you’re so irritating!
Oh my jisoo I’m so done with you!
“What was that Princess?” he asked while tilting my head upwards causing me to look at him “... I.. uhmm… I love you Jinhwan Oppa” I told him, he smiles at me.
“I love you too Princess…. I know I just met you a few days ago… but I want to spend the rest of my life with you… you’re such an amazing person, w-would you b-be mine?” he asked while stuttering. I smiled then kissed him passionately on the lips.
After a minute I broke the kiss, “does that answer your question Oppa?... Of course! I’d love to be your girlfriend” I told him. He instantly picked me up and started spinning me in circles. “Thank you Areum! I love you Jagiya!” he says before kissing my forehead, “I love you too Oppa!”
“So jagiya… would you like anything to eat?” he asked me “yes! you have any fruit?” “yes.. I have your favorite fruits!” he says while pulling out a basket full of food. “Wait… how would know what my favorite fruits are?” I asked him “..uhm… I’m actually really good friends with Rin… and I asked her a lot about you” he says while looking away “awww!! That's so cute!”.
We were now laying in the hammock, I was laying on top of him with my back facing him. “Ahh~ that feels so good~ Yah!! Oppa! Why did you stop?” I asked “oh.. sorry Jagiya” he says.
He brought one of his hand back up to my hair and the other to my waist. He starts caressing both my waist and my hair at the same time, while kissing my neck again “Ahhh~~”. After a few more minutes he stopped and wrapped both his arms around my waist. “Hey Jagiya… what time is it?” he asked “...uhmm… it’s 8:17 P.M. it’s pretty late... are you still dropping me off at Rin's house?” I asked him “no it’s okay! Rin told me that you just stay the night at our house again and then I could drop you off in the morning” “okay… do you wanna head home soon?” I asked him “sure Jagiya”
( 3 hours later ) ( 11:17 )
“So..Oppa… how are we going to get all these bags in your house?” I asked him while looking at the backseat, which was full of bags. “I’ll have B.I. come help me… here Jagiya at least take this bag so you can change into to comfortable clothes” he says while handing me a bag full of over sized shirts and sweatshirts. “Okay thanks Oppa!” “you’re welcome Jagiya!”.
I walked up to the door while holding hands with Jinhwan. I rung the doorbell, it swung open quickly. “Hey!! How did your date go?” Ju-ne asked “...uhmm… really well…” I told him “we’re dating!” Jinhwan says happily. “AWWW!! JIREUM IS SAILING!!! OH MY GOWD IT'S HAPPENING!!! SO CUTE!!!” Ju-ne yells “yahh… stop yelling, you’re gonna wake up everyone!” Jinhwan says “Oh… you guys are back? OH MY GOWD!!! ARE YOU GUYS DATING!!?!?” B.I. yells “...y-yes we’re d-dating” I said “AWWW!!! SO CUTE! YOU’RE BLUSHING!!” “yahh… don’t tease my Jagiya” Jinhwan says “awww! Okay we won’t make fun of your Jagiya” Ju-ne says before walking away with B.I. flowing him. “Come on Jagiya, let’s go back to my room… I’m sure you’re tired and you want to get some sleep” Jinhwan says “okay Oppa”.
( 10 minutes later )
I was laying in Jinhwan’s bed waiting for him to come. I had already changed into one of the many oversized t shirts he bought me. After waiting 10 minutes I just decided to go to go to sleep.
( 20 minutes later )
After changing into comfortable clothes I walked into my bedroom. “Jagi? Are you sleep?” *Areum snores* “awww! Jagi you’re so cute!” I said while walking over to her. She was laying down in my bed wearing one of the tshirts I bought her. I slowly crawled into bed behind her. When I got in the bed, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. *Areum snores again* “Aww! I have the cutest Jagiya ever!” I said happily while laying my head onto her shoulder. *Areum snores again* “Jagi… I love you so much… you’re so cute… I know you probably can’t hear me but… I love you… I love every single about you.. goodnight Jagi! Sweet dreams” I said before kissing her forehead. “G..good..night Oppa” she mumbles “goodnight Jagiya”.
End of Chapter 22
This is so cute!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍^^^
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