AN: This is Part 2 of Crush as a lot of people asked for a second part to this!
After his conversation with Kit, Lukas had been avoiding the guildhall and any subsequent encounters with Brandon. Knowing what this feeling was, he didn't think he could face the white-haired guild leader without blushing.
He had taken to training on his own, sometimes with Kit, who teased him incessantly about his crush even without knowing who he was, sometimes with Mario and David, who acted so much like his older brother, it wasn't funny, and occasionally he trained with Inmo. One time he had been stopped by Ritchie to discuss a few things but other than that, he hadn't seen hide or hair of either of the guild leaders.
At least, he hadn't.
As he left David's house one morning, he was surprised as he walked straight into somebody. He started to apologize only for his words to come out a little strangled as he saw exactly who it was.
"Ah Boat, just the person I was looking for." He felt his heart speed up when Brandon said he had been looking for him but he quickly pushed the thought out of his mind as he asked. "Y-you were looking for me?"
"Yes, I took notice that you have not been to the guildhall at all in the past few days, not even to take missions, and I was wondering as to why." Shoot he should've known that they would have noticed he hadn't been in the guildhall. His hands started to sweat as he tried to think up an excuse but nothing came up, nothing reasonable anyway.
"Boat." Lukas' head snapped up to stare at Brandon in the eyes as he said. "It is not a hard question. Simply tell me why you haven't been in the guildhall."
"Well, I-I-" His mind raced with a reasonable explanation that wasn't the truth but unfortunately that was what came out of his mouth "I've been trying to avoid seeing... someone."
"Avoid someone? And who would that be?" Brandon asked raising an eyebrow. This time Lukas found that he couldn't respond even as his face went a bright red. Unfortunately for him, the guild leader easily recognized the blush on his face. "Is it that person you were mentioning to Kit the other day, whoever they may be?"
"H-huh?" Lukas found himself meeping. B-Brandon had heard that? How- wha- why?
"When you're a guild leader, things tend to make their way back to you." Brandon said mysteriously before asking. "So you are avoiding them?"
Lukas was still frozen but Brandon took his lack of answer as a yes. Brandon sighed before grabbing his arm, making him let out another yelp as he started to drag the god slayer along.
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to speak to whoever this crush of yours is," was the calm reply.
"WHAT?" He exclaimed, now trying to tug himself away from Brandon.
"If you having a crush results in you not doing your job, you're going to have a nice civilized talk with them and get it out of your system," Brandon told him sternly.
"Or I could just kick you from the guild for not doing your job whatsoever." Brandon added and Lukas' eyes went wide before tears started to fill his eyes. He couldn't lose this guild. It had been so long since he had felt so happy, so safe, he couldn't lose that. He couldn't.
The tears started to spill over but before they could fall down his cheeks, he felt them being wiped away by a gentle thumb. He looked up to see Brandon looking at him with concerned eyes. "Boat, calm down."
Despite wanting to protest, Lukas felt himself calm down with the gentle motion of Brandon's thumb on his cheek. He looked into the onyx eyes which held concern for him and he knew what he had to do. He just hoped it wouldn't backfire.
"Brandon? You said you overheard the conversation between Kit and I?" Brandon looked bewildered but he nodded anyway.
"Tell me, from what I described, who do you think I was talking about?" Lukas asked even as Brandon tilted his head.
"I don't know to be honest, at first I thought it might be Mario because of the calm part, then I thought maybe David as he sometimes likes to help others, maybe Ritchie since he's both and is also very kind..." Lukas shook his head at all of the names, making Brandon even more confused. "Who then?"
Lukas took a deep breath before he looked deep into Brandon's eyes and said. "Well did you know you're very cute when you get angry?"
Brandon blinked once, twice, before a big grin spread across his face, surprising Lukas. What surprised him more was when the guild leader pulled him close.
"B-brandon?" Lukas asked in shock.
"You like me?" Brandon asked him, not letting him escape from his arms.
"I-I- yes." He decided to just admit it even as his face turned a bright red color. Though his face was probably a tomato at what Brandon did next.
Almost as soon as Lukas had said yes, Brandon had leaned forward and locked their lips together. Lukas' eyes went wide in surprise even as he started to kiss Brandon back. They kissed for what seemed like hours before Brandon pulled back and rested his forehead against his.
"I like you as well." The guild leader admitted as he stared into Lukas' eyes.
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