All dragonslayers have heightened senses, smell, eyesight, hearing, motion sickness. But some dragonslayers have a couple other senses based on what type they are. Mario was one such dragonslayer as he could sense different type of stones, rocks, and dirt within the ground.
So on days where he didn't have to work, he actually went spelunking. It was good fun for him and he could make money off it if he found something valuable. He was walking down to his cave, or rather the one he had carved out when he had become a part of the guild, when he ran into Daveed.
"Heya Pebbles~" At first that nickname had been annoying, but once they had started dating, it became a cute nickname. "Whatcha up to?"
"Just heading down to my cave." He said not thinking about what he was really saying.
"You have a cave?" Daveed asked in surprise. "I thought you said you weren't an actual dragon."
"I'm not, its just a place where I go to relax and collect any gems I find." He told his boyfriend.
"Ooooooh can I come?" Daveed asked in interest.
Mario thought about it for a moment before nodding. Daveed might as well see his safe place. It was a short walk before they got to the entrance of his cave which was alongside the far shoreline.
"Be careful, I can sort of see in the dark so just hang onto me and I can guide you." Mario told him offering his hand. Daveed took it and smiled as Mario led him into the cave. There was a little lighting in the cave but Daveed could barely see even as Mario finally stopped and helped him sit down on a mat.
"So you come here often?" Daveed asked in interest even as the two cuddled one another.
"... Are you being serious right now?" Mario asked in a dry voice.
"What? It just seems like you come here a lot as you got the mat and everything." Daveed complained.
"Daveed, think about what you said." Daveed thought about it for a moment before realizing. "... How did I accidentally say a pickup line?" (Quick AN: That really did happen accidentally, afterwards I just went with it)
"No idea." Mario told him before telling him. "I come here sometimes when I get a moment to relax, its comforting."
"Hmmm, so do you just sit here or?" Daveed asked curiously.
"Most times I either just sit here or I do a little spelunking to find gems and such." Mario told him.
"Wait really?" Daveed asked in surprise.
"Yeah, its easy enough to do, especially since my senses are made for dealing with anything cavern related." Mario said with a smirk.
"Hmmmm, I bet I've found a prettier gem." Daveed suddenly told him.
Mario looked at his boyfriend in complete skepticism. He knew that Daveed didn't really go hunting for gems so this was his boyfriend trying to sound cool. Deciding to just go with it, he asked. "Oh? And what gem would that be?"
Suddenly, Daveed lifted him into his lap, causing the dragon slayer to yelp in surprise. Once Mario was properly settled, Daveed leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "You."
Mario was glad that it was dark because he blushed very darkly at that statement. He had not expected his boyfriend to say that but that was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to him. He leaned up and kissed Daveed's cheek with a smile on his face.
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