First Real Fight (part 3)
Bryan ran through the Divinus Magia stronghold to David's house. He hoped the ice mage was there and that he would be willing to come help Mario despite their argument. When he arrived at the ice mage's house, David was sitting on the front step with Kit and Inmo on either side of him. His face was buried in his hands even as his two guildmates rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him.
Kit glanced up and her eyes widened as she saw him.
"Bryan? I thought you were with-" She cut herself off as she looked down at David. "You know who."
"I was but-" "David doesn't really want to see him right now." Inmo interrupted him. Bryan's eyes snapped to look at David who sighed and said. "I- I- just feel hurt... he's been acting off for weeks, getting more irritable and snapping at me and whenever I go to question him, he says that nothing's wrong! Well, something's wrong or else he wouldn't be acting like that!"
Tears started to flow down David's cheeks. Bryan sighed and said. "You're right, something is wrong."
David's head snapped up to look at him and Bryan sighed. "Mario didn't want anyone to know but a few weeks ago, the two of us went on a mission together. During that mission, we ran into a mage that tried to use a spell on both of us but only just managed to get Mario. We didn't know exactly what it did to him at the time, but... it's really not good."
"What did it do to him?" David looked concerned now for his boyfriend. Even if he did feel hurt by his boyfriend's words to him, if there was a legitimate reason for it, then he wanted to know.
"It was a spell that is specific to dragons and dragon slayers. This spell tends to make dragon slayers much more irritable than they would normally be because, without a cure, they slowly lose their magic."
David, Kit, and Inmo's jaws all dropped as they could only stare at Bryan in horror. Then David shot up and demanded to know. "Why didn't he tell me?"
Bryan sighed. "I honestly don't know. When we first found out what the spell did, I told him he should go talk to your guildmasters about it, but he refused because he thought they'd kick him out of the guild."
"Brandon and Ritchie wouldn't do that." Kit said softly, her eyes still filled with horror at the thought of her big brother losing his magic. "They'd at least help him look for a cure."
"We all would have." Inmo added, his eyes filled with just as much horror as Kit's.
"Honestly, I didn't understand it myself, but he was insistent and I decided to respect his decision." Bryan told them.
"Then why are you telling us now?" Inmo raised an eyebrow at him.
That's when Bryan remembered the whole reason he came out here. "Oh shoot, how'd I even forget- Gah, stupid brain-"
"What are you talking about?" Kit asked looking concerned. Bryan didn't respond, he just turned to David and said. "I know you said that you didn't really want to see him right now, but he's having a full-blown panic attack and while Jakey is trying to calm him down, I doubt he'll be able to."
David's eyes widened. "Panic attack?"
Bryan could only nod, not wanting to be the one to explain why he was having one. David's eyes turned hard as he started walking in the direction of Mario's house. While he may not like that the dragon slayer had kept such a big secret from him, he wasn't the kind of guy to leave his boyfriend in such a state.
Upon entering the house, Daveed's heart nearly broke at seeing his boyfriend's state. The dragon slayer was curled up on his couch, sobbing his heart out as Jakey tried to soothe him. His sobs were loud and they tore at Daveed's heart.
The moment Jakey saw him, the bluenette moved to give the ice mage some space. Carefully, Daveed sat down beside Mario before gently pulling the other into his arms. At first, he could tell that Mario hadn't even recognized who it was, then his eyes shot open and they could only stare at each other.
Then Mario was burying his face in Daveed's chest, his sobs getting louder even as the devil slayer tried to soothe him. It took maybe half an hour of constant soothing from Daveed before Mario's sobs turned into quiet sniffling.
"I'm sorry." Daveed's head snapped down to meet Mario's eyes. "I'm so so sorry. If you want to break up with me, I under-"
"Break up with you?" Daveed interrupted, his voice colored with shock. "You think I want to break up with you?"
"After how I treated you, yes I do! I've been a terrible boyfriend and you should brea-" Before Mario could even finish his sentence, Daveed had kissed him on the lips, interrupting him once more. Mario could only kiss back even as he felt that he didn't deserve it.
When Daveed finally pulled away, the ice mage told him. "Bryan told us what happened, why would I ever break up with you for something that was outside of your control?"
Tears gathered in Mario's eyes as he said. "But-"
"No buts." Daveed told him firmly. "While I do believe that this whole situation could've been avoided if you had just told me, I'm not going to break up with you, especially now that I know the reason behind it."
Mario looked down, feeling ashamed of himself now. Daveed leaned down and pressed his forehead against the dragon slayer's. "I love you, and now that I know, I'm going to do my best to help you through this, alright?"
"... And if I do lose my magic completely?" Mario asked quietly, making Daveed stop before he told him honestly. "As if that would make a difference in how much I love you."
Mario smiled slightly and leaned against Daveed's chest as the other hugged him. The two of them fell asleep like that, cuddled and content knowing that they had each other, even after the fight they had had.
AN: And that's the end of this three-shot. More aspects of Mario's problem will be explored in the future, however, for now, they've made up and you guys can stop threatening Daveed about not breaking the poor bean's heart!
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