The Huntsman and the Baker part five
Françios awoke at sunrise, something was wrong.
Horribly wrong.
He knew it just from the feeling he had in his chest. He grabbed his cloth shoes, slipped on his clothes, snatching his sword, and his knife from under his bed.
He then exited the hut, rushing to the base of the tree, one thought on his mind.
The baker. Oliver. He wouldn't be alright until he knew that Oliver was okay.
He ran to the edge of the tree, Gillen, and Matthieu were on watch tonight, and demanded to go with him. He didn't have the time to argue, nor the patience.
Gillen grabbed his nearby bag, and the three went down the tree, shuttering from the cold wind that blew throughout the sunrise.
The three ran through the woods like hummingbirds flying through the sky.
The older blonde, began to remember sometimes he had with Oliver.
They were cleaning up the bakery, when Françios looked under the counter, to see a woden stick with holes in it.
Turns out that Oliver could play the flute, and made Françios one by the next time the male came over.
The day when he was given the flute, Oliver kept looking at him. With these big blue eyes, he took his friends hand, and looked almost as if he was about ready to kiss him.
Instead, the two looked away blushing, and worked on cleaning up the bakery a bit more.
He remembered Oliver asking him if he had eaten, if he was okay after one night of a nightmare he couldn't remember, those long lingering stares, he got when he had to go.
The hugs Oliver practically tackled him in when he would come back.
The hunter realized something. The baker loved him, perhaps not in the way he hoped but he loved him, and he loved the cheerful baker back.
That was all he needed to keep those lungs from giving out on him.
It made him run faster through the trees, the branches cutting him every now, and then.
His mind showed him more, little things that showed some form of love between the two.
They entered the sleeping town, and skidded to a stop in front of the bakery, Françios, and his son falling down on the dirt road. Gillen had tripped over a root, and rolled himself to a stop.
That was what was on the doorstep, the first thing the three males saw. Françios felt his heart sink, fear, and anxiety grabbed him like a he was a coin purse that had been taken from a thief.
"Stay here!" He said to the boys.
He ran in the open doored shop.
"OLIVER!" He cried out, he looked around the room, and saw all the blood on the floor. and followed it to a pale man on the floor.
"SHIT! OLIVER!" The blonde male cried out, tears gathering in his mind.
He checked the mans pulse. A beat!
Françios nearly shat himself. The baker was still alive.
They couldn't stay here, not for long. The forest was to far though.
Françios picked up Oliver, and placed him on the bed.
"Gillen!" the rag wearing male said rushing out of the shop.
"Both of you in here!"
The two ran inside, trying to ignore the blood.
"Gillen, I need you to heal him!" the blonde pleaded, tears streaming down his face. Gillen didn't ask questions as he went inside the bedroom.
"Mattieu, help me clean some of the blood." The blonde said, looking around for dishrags.
The smaller blonde nodded, grabbing a bucket, he saw a water pump, at the end of the road, he would have to hurry, but he could do it.
The last thing they needed was police, and nosy neighbors.
By the time the sun was in the sky, and people began to want in the shop. Françios, and Mattieu had cleaned the blood, from the old wooden floors. Gillen came out of the bedroom, saying that the male needed rest, but should be up before the day was out.
Let's zoom into where we are now, it's noon.
Françios is sitting next to Olivers bed, clutching his slowly warming hand.
He been looking at the mans swollen bruised face, for an hour now crying. Mattieu, had been at the door afraid to come in.
"Please wake up." The boy whispered "Please wake up Mom..Papa needs you."
As if the words were magic, the baker stirred, groaning as he opened his eyes.
Françios had the males right hand on his forehead, looking at the ground.
He looked up just in time to see the males blue, swollen, eyes open.
"Oliver!" the huntsman cried out, kissing the man on the cheek, forehead, nose, hands, and moving himself closer to hug him, without moving him to much.
"Françios!?" The pink haired man said surprised. "Y-You're here!?"
"Yes, I am! What happened to you! I-I came in, and looked dead!"
"I got robbed," the injured person on the bed groaned "and killed I think two of the robbers." Oliver said grabbing his head, trying to remember exactly what happened.
The violet, tired, red eyed man gave his friend a surprised look.
Oliver noticed the boy in the doorway.
"Who's this?" He said looking at the boy, who hid a little more behind the doorway.
"This is Mattieu, I've claimed him as my son."
Oliver, looked at the boy, and smiled, waving at the boy. The smaller blonde, waved back.
Oliver perked up remembering something:
"There are sweets in the room across from mine, on the other side of the bar. You can eat as many as you like, but if you have any friends make sure to save some for them."
Mattieu's eyes went wide, he smiled, and rushed to the other room, with Gillen.
Oliver chuckled:
"He's adorable."
Françios nodded, in agreement.
"Oliver." He said, swallowing nervously. "Do you.."
"Do you-want something to drink?"
"Pussy!" Gillens voice yelled through the other room.
"Shut up!" Françios yelled back.
"Who's that?" Oliver asked
"A friend of mine. He, and Mattieu insisted to come along when I woke up earlier today."
"Oh." Oliver said "I think I should get some water, there should be a canteen by my bed somewhere." The pink haired baker, said trying to look around but winced when he tried to get up.
"I'll get it." Françios said. looking around the bed, then seeing the canteen under the bed.
He got the leather water holding device, and gave it to his crush. The man thanked him, and took a swing of the cool water, that made his body feel relived.
"Thank you." Oliver said once more after drinking.
"Anytime." Fraçios said "Oliver." The male said looking at the injured man in the bed.
"I know we hardly know each other, and that this is a crazy idea, but when you get better, will you-"
The words were tightening themselves in his mouth. He stumbled over the words.
"Will you go with me an-and be my companion?"
Oliver felt his face heat up immeadiately.
"I know this is sudden." The ragged clothed man said "I just can't risk loosing you. Oliver." he said looking at the scrawny baker.
"I thought you were going to die." His voice was breaking tears came before he knew about it.
"Françios." Oliver said softly, taking the mans scruffy mans face with both hands.
"I will." He said smiling, tears falling down his cheeks.
"You will?" Françios said shocked.
"Yes. I will." Oliver brought the mans face closer for a kiss "I will." he said in between kisses.
It took five days for the baker to walk again, it was a wobbly walk, but with that walk he wanted to get out of the bakery.
Françios insisted upon having Oliver come to the tree with him, maybe with luck Oliver would fall asleep, and want to just forget about the shop in town.
Once they went, Matt had snuck some sweets into his pockets, and Gillen had taken what to him was a few loafs of bread, but to us it would be more like fifteen, and a basket.
When they arrived, Alejandro was pleased to meet him, along with the children.
Especially the children, Matt had often shared the sweets with his friends if his father had brought any with him from pervious visits.
They had a bonfire that night, and Oliver swore in the darkness of the trees he saw a group of men with red hair. He could only hope that perhaps they were his brothers, at least now he knew they were alive.
He would have the courage to speak to them later but now, he had not the strength to move from his position. Curled up by the hunter, a blanket over them, as his head threatened to fall away from the mans strong shoulder.
That night it was only the baker, and the hunters first kiss together. Nothing more, nothing less. For them it would signify something for them, a beginning of a new life.
The bakery closed that fall, just as a new bakery opened. The shack in the tree got just a little bigger. The two small boys moved with the two, and they were probably the least likely coupe that had ever been, but they were happy. That's all that mattered to them was happiness.
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