Two nations sat alone in their home, one was reading the paper while smoking and sitting in the dinning room, and the other was happily knitting away while sitting on the blue sofa.
The pink haired nation put down his knitting and examined the sweater carefully, a bright smile spread opon his freckled face.
"Oh Françios.~" The pink haired man said happily cooing at his lover.
The bearded man didnt look up from the paper but replied.
"Yes Oliver?" He asked taking a drag from the cancer stick.
The pink haired man happily walked to his lover and laid the material onto the dark oak table. The blonde haired man looked up and killed the cigarette. The 2p presonification of England had made a dark pruple sweater.
"Do you like it?" Oliver asked excidedly.
"It's a cool color..." Françios said looking at the material folding up his paper.
"Try it on!" The pink haired man said happily sitting down in the chair across from him and pushing the sweater towards his blonde lover.
The Frenchman groaned,
"Please." The freckled man asked leaning on the table.
Françios sighed and couldnt help but give a small smile that didnt show his teeth as he placed the sweater over his body and let the material fall over him.
The sweater wasn't itchy like he expected it to be. It was warm, and soft.
"Do you like it?" Oliver asked like a child.
"It's nice." François said, he noticed something on the right wrist sleeve, a small heart with an arrow with the two men's instills. God, that must've taken forever.
Oliver, rushed into the living room, pulling out a pink sweater under the couch, putting it on, and showing his lover the same heart on the same sleeve.
"Cute." Was all François could think, though he'd never tell Oliver in real life.
However, he wished he did.
That night, the two went on a walk, in their sweaters. The cool fall air drifting over them, but if one got a chill it would quickly be forgotten by the warmth of the other.
Then it happened.
A man in a car came rolling onto the sidewalk, being halted by a young woman's body. He got out of the car, with a knife. People around then began to ran, somehow in the crowd François lost Oliver's hand. As soon as he realised it he ran back. Seeing his lover bleeding out slumped against a tree.
The man no where in sight.
"OLIVER!?" François screamed, rushing to his lover. He kneeled to the man, trying to help cover the wound.
"Y-You're going to be fine it-it's just a scratch."
"F-Françios." Oliver coughed "Hold me. Please."
The Frenchman did,
"I love you." Oliver siad, lacing his fingers with the older males.
"No-No. No. Oliver listen you're not dying!"
"I-I'll be back soon."
"I don't care. Oliver you are not dying!"
Oliver's vision was becoming blury, and he began to cry. He wanted to see his sons, he was greatful to be with Françios though.
He looked up, and saw not only his crying boyfriend but the stars. They slowly pulled him into the blackness.
"Oliver?" The Frenchman asked, looking at the younger male.
"Oliver wake up! Oliver?!"
"OLIVER!?" François screamed, no response.
He began to cry, then he kissed his lovers bloody lips.
He would find that man.
The English Government took Oliver's body, promising that François would he the first to know when he woke up. He want allowed to stay with him though.
Matt, and Allen heard soon after that day. Allen crying like he was a child again, and Matt walking out of the house killing about five unconvicted raper's.
François isolated himself, obsessed with finding the man, he wore the sweater, keeping the heart from Oliver's sweater in a small clear locket. Oliver's sweater had to be thrown out along with the other clothing he wore that day, sense it was bloody, but he was able to save the heart.
Finally after a month, he found the man. He thought about inviting the boys but Allen, and Matt we're already waiting for him at the location when he arrived.
"You didn't think we'd let you have all the fun."
Suddenly there was a loud scream inside the apartment building, they went in to find Luciano, his brother, Hong Kong, and several others there waiting to take his turn.
"I get the last hour with him." François sighed.
"Deal." The Italians said.
For twenty hours the man endured torture until François was kind enough to take him out of it, the sweater had a bit of blood on it but that was washable.
When the three got to the older long blonde haired mans house. Inside a heavenly aroma was coming from the home. François ran in, the boys following.
In the kitchen there he was the Brit was back, humming, and baking cupcakes.
He had taken the last batch out of the oven, and closed the door when the Frenchman tackled him in a hug, crying.
Oliver a little shocked by this reaction hugged back, and hugged his boys too. Who were crying like children.
"Mom." Allen sniffled.
"Don't die again. Matt finished for him.
The two boys stayed there that night. François holding the Brit closer than he ever had before.
"It was only a month." Oliver said not understanding the big deal.
"It felt like an eternity, though." The Frenchman grumbled.
"I love you." Oliver said pushing himself closer to the Frenchman.
"Don't die again, please." His lover responded.
"I'll do my best."
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