Nightmares Part 2
They were fighting. It was rare when they did, but this time it was bad. He was trying to stay calm, Olivers eyes were flashing dangerously, making a chill go up the mans spine each time.
He couldn't speak.
"Oliver, please let's talk about this." He wanted to say, but his mouth wouldn't even open for the words.
He could only watch his lover grab a suitcase, throwing it onto the bed, his face still red, he was shaking a little even. He saw his lover throw his clothes into the suitcase, not bothering to fold them. Hearing words being muttered under the younger mans breath.
"He doesn't even care to stop me! Bloody bastard, smoking cursing, unloving, sarcastic, jerk!" He grabbed the suitcase, Francis moved trying to stop the man, Oliver glaring at him, as the older man grabbed his wrists.
Tears quickly filled the strawberry blondes eyes,
"LET ME GO! ARGH!" Oliver cried out, tears spilling from his eyes, Francis forcing his dream self to do what his lover had asked, he could already see the bruises on the smaller mans wrists.
Olivers, with a teary scared face, shut the suitcase, and walked out of the apartment, Francis following as his lover went down the apartment steps, until he was outside. The air was still, the clouds were grey, no one else was outside, except the two.
The smaller man, looked at the other his face now red with tears.
"I hate you." he said, and rushed off the stairs, to the sidewalk.
Francis was planted to the doorstep of the complex, watching as Oliver followed the street signs, even looking both ways before crossing when a car came running him over. Francis wanted to scream, remembering the first time he died it took him six months to get back, and he had a little memory lost for a while.
Francis opened his eyes, sighing, he placed his left arm over his eyes, breathing deeply. He slowly sat up in bed, carefully not disturbing the smaller male who had been holding his hand while they slept. Francis removed his hand from his partners loose grip praying that Oliver wouldn't wake up.
Francis sat on the side of the bed, hunched over thinking about what would happen if Oliver actually did leave him, he could hardly function without the man, if he lost him...He would never admit this to anyone on the planet, and if anyone knew he'd slit their throats, but he did lover Oliver, though he hardly showed it.
He began to feel angry with himself, he couldn't give Oliver everything. Sex, a mentally healthy him, someone who was open about their feelings, basically all his 1p was.
He looked behind him, at his lover, and reached out, taking his lovers hand.
"Je suis désolé mon amor." The scruffy man whispered, laying back down, taking the covers that Oliver hadn't stolen.
"What are you sorry about?" Oliver mumbled sleepily, the blue eyes opening slightly, filled with concern.
"Can we talk about it in the morning?" Francis mumbled praying that his lover would forget it by then.
Oliver nodded, swinging himself, so that he was now on top of the older man, he leaned down to the very chilled man, kissing his lips longingly, both sinking deeper into the kiss, their mouths inviting each other. Oliver leading the kiss, his hands going no where. Finally sense the two could only hold their breaths for a few minutes, they pulled apart.
"I love you, goodnight." Oliver yawned, getting off of the taller man, not facing the man, as he laid down, his hand looking for his lovers. The scruffy man hesitantly giving his lover his hand, worried that he was making mistake giving taking the others hand. His fingers graced over the wedding band, scared he was going to loose this man, someday, somehow.
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