Big Ben and Beers roofie
The older blonde was In London for a world meeting, and he was bored. Bored, sad, and in need of love. Maybe he would find a nice girl at the club or something and have a girlfriend after God knows how long. Sighing, the man grabbed his coat, put on his shoes, and left his hotel room.
Luckily for him the nearest club "Big Ben and Beers." Wasn't too far from the hotel.
Arthur was in need for a drink. He couldn't stop thinking about him. What their past was. What future did they have? He couldn't stop thinking of France.
A drink would calm him down. Alfred and Matthew (who had stayed at the blondes place) where already asleep. England quietly placed on his shoes, grabbed his coat, and went to the nearest pub.
"Big Ben and Beers."
At first Francis had grabbed a glass of wine, surprisingly enough to him. It was decent, after he had finished the glass he saw a beautiful young woman dancing by herself. She had long blonde hair, a nice curvy figure, and a glow around her.
He got up from the bar stool, and made his way towards her.
"Would you like to dance mademoiselle?" He asked the woman, who couldn't of been more than 21.
"What?" she asked obviously not hearing him over the loud music.
"I said," the blonde said a little louder "would you like to dance?"
The girl gave the blue eyed man an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry sir. I'm a lesbian."
"Ah," France replied "I'm sorry madomesielle. I do hope you find someone to dance with tonight."
The girl had a look across her face, as if she hadn't been expecting that sort of reaction.
"T-thanks." She said to the man giving him a warm smile.
Francis nodded and turned to walk back over to his barstool. He didn't expect to see him.
England. Arthur. Was sitting in his previous seat, a small glass of rum by him. He wasn't tipsy, or drunk yet, and was in a conversation with young man. The man sitting beside Arthur however placed something in the Brits drink.
"Shit." Francis muttered to himself as he hurriedly went through the crowd, so many people had showed up in so little time.
"Pardon." He muttered as he shoved his way through the people trying to get to Arthur fast enough. He didn't know what was, or what could be in that drink. At worst it was aphrodisiac. The "rape drug." He would not let anyone take advantage of his England. Not like that. Not again. Anger and panic, Adrenalin rushed through him as he rushed through the cord making it through the people. He stopped still as he saw Arthur drink the last drop of his rum. The man beside him smirking looking like a smug asshole.
Francis felt rage inside of him. He matched over to the man and punched him in the face. The man becoming unconscious with the powerful blow, the Frenchman's hand hurting a little from the blow.
"Francis!?" England yelled in shock and anger.
How dare that frog hurt one of his citizens?!
"Let's go." Francis said coldly as he grabbed the others arm pulling him off the chair.
"What the bloody hell!?" The man said as the Frenchman grabbed him pulling him from the chair.
"This man slipped something in my friends drink." He said to the bartender, who nodded and pulled out his phone to hopefully call the cops.
"W-what!?" Arthur said now worried.
Francis said nothing as he pulled the man out of the club.
"You wanker!" Arthur said "G-Get your bloody hands off of me! How do you know that someone slipped something in my drink!?"
"I saw them." Francis said, as he continued to pull the struggling nation to the said mans home.
"Right or left?"
"For what?!" Arthur demanded
"To your house, I'm taking care of you until the drug wears off."
"THE HELL YOU ARE!" Arthur said releasing himself from the Frenchman's grasp.
"Angleterre I'm not going to rape you if that's what you think!"
Francis said still annoyed at the man who had drugged his crush.
"The boys can take care of me!" Arthur said defiantly.
"You would really wake them up? You know they worry when you drink. Now they won't let you go out for a drink ever again. Especially alone." The taller blonde stated sharply.
The Brit opened his mouth to say something but the frog cut him off.
"Believe me Angleterre, they have ways. It took over fifty years once to gain their trust with alcohol again."
"Well of course they wouldn't trust you with alcohol, I'm different though."
"Arthur whenever you drink, you end up drunk."
"I do not!"
"Oui you do." France stated calmly as they reached the others block.
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do."
"Angleterre ssshh!" The Frenchman hissed,
"You're going to wake the boys up."
England rolled his eyes, but did feel guilty for possibly almost waking up his boys.
England walked up to the doorstep, France behind him worrying about the drug almost taking hold. Before he could get his key the door opened by itself, and there stood a very annoyed Canadian in the doorway.
"Where have you been?!" The Canadian said much like a parent. He stepped aside, allowing the two to enter.
"It's almost three in the morning! You're lucky we have a late meeting tomorrow."
The Canadian sighed shutting the door after his parents walked in. Did they hear him at all?
"I know, I'm sorry Mattie." England sighed feeling woozy.
"I know I should... should've left a note or something." With that England feel to the floor, only being saved from the impact by France.
"Dad!?" Mattie said with panic in his voice.
"He's drugged Matthew." Francis said switching to French, he went to the fallen man.
"Drugged?!" Matthew replied in the same language.
"Someone at the club." France said picking the man up bridal style.
"Can you bring some water?"
Canada nodded frantically grabbing a glass and filling it with ice water.
(The ice coming from the fridge)
"I think." France said, as he walked down the hallway with one of his sons behind him.
"It's either a sleeping draught or Aphrodisiac. I'm going to watch him. If it's aphrodisiac I'll come out of the room and leave him with any of his sex toys. To replace any of the pian."
"P-pain?!" Canada asked scared.
"Oui. Everything is heightened, and it will cause him a lot of grief if he does not relief the tension."
"H-how do you know all of this? J-Just out of c-curiosity."
"I got roofied, two months ago."
He said as the two entered the room at the end of the hallway. It was still Englands.
Canada set the glass on the nightstand by the bed, and looked at his father sadly.
"I'm sorry Papa."
"Don't worry he didn't lay a hand in me once I tasted something funny on my wine. Called the cops, he got arrested. However I felt like Hell during the drugs flare ups at the hospital. The doctors could do nothing."
France set the British man down on the bed, gently. He took of the mans shoes and socks, and tucked him in bed.
"Go onto bed Canada, we'll have to wait it out with him."
"S-Should I tell Alfred?"
"If you want to."
Canada nodded and hesitantly left the room for the shared room him and his brother had here.
Francis was about to leave himself when he felt someone grab his wrist.
"F-Frog." The man whined,
Francis didn't need to turn around to know it was England.
"Frog it-it hurts."
Francis a little concerned turned and sat on the bed, the hand was once on his wrist now was in his hand.
"What hurts Angleterre?" He asked softly in English.
"Everything hurts. Especially down there."
"I know. I know. I'm sorry you have too through this."
Francis said rubbing the smaller males hand with his thumb.
"C-Can you fix it?"
"I can but I'm not going to take advantage of you, if I wanted to make love to you I'd do it when you were sober."
"So-so when I'm sober?"
"When you're sober and able to concent with your own tsundere methods, then I will. Not now though. Okay?"
The British man let out a long moan like whine.
"I need you now though."
"Then touch yourself while thinking of me."
Francis whispered as he leaned to kiss the Brits forehead.
The longer haired man patted the others leg, which have off another moan.
"Goodnight England."
"W-Wait F-Frog." The Englishman panted out.
"If I-I go take care of this problem will you stay with me?"
Francis sighed pondering the question for a moment.
"I don't trust the drug, Angleterre. I'll stay with you, however I won't be in the same bed with you."
"F-Fine you bloody asshole!"
France sighed, shaking his head with a small smirk as the other got up and went into the bathroom, his face redder than Romano's after Spain had whispered something in his ear.
France sighed with a slight smile, he then went out the door, and there he saw one boy trip out of a room, on the far edge of the hallway, another following behind him.
The one who fell quickly scurried up to his feet like a cartoon character and ran towards the Frenchman, the other following.
"DUDE!" America shouted "Is Iggy alright?!" The blonde thankfully got his tone a lot softer than before.
"Oui. He's fixing his uhm...his hard on, at the moment. He wants me to stay with him, don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to him."
"Well duh we know that!" The American stated.
"Dude, don't worry we aren't those creepy kids that think you're a rapist and all that shit. Just be careful that drug is fucked up."
The Frenchman was stuck between scolding his son for cursing and thanking him for trusting him.
"Thank you boys." France said in his language.
The boys helped him find the closet with all the blankets, and pillows, then the three of them made a spit on the floor right by Englands bed.
"What happens if he tries to butt screw you?" America said trying to stop his cursing, just in case England would come out of the bathroom and kick his head in the wall.
The Frenchman just shrugged.
"Your dad only likes to top when he is referred to as "Captain" or when he's drunk. Depending on who's he with actually, and I have never let him top."
The two boys looked at each other with complete and utter disgust and gave the same look to their dad.
"What?" He asked innocently
The two just snickered, and shook their heads.
Alfred threw a pillow at his dad.
"Goodnight dad/Papa." The two said in unison, as they left the room.
The two mumbling how gross their sex life parents was.
The Englishmen stumbled out of the bathroom soon after that, he looked tired, he practically zombie walked to the bed and flopped down onto it, rolling inside the covers. He faced his lo-France-his friend. In the morning, the two boys entered the room smiling at the sight before them. Francis was gripping tightly onto Arthur's hand, Arthur's hand was giving the same treatment to his partners.
"Let's leave them." Matthew said to his brother "they've got a good two and half hours left."
"Not before a picture". Alfred said pulling out his iPhone.
"Fuck yeah." Matthew whispered pulling out his Samsung.
Needless to say that the picture was up online in the next four minutes.
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