2p Bus Ride
Another day ended for a high school in North Dakota.
Another day where a British transfer student sat in the back of the dirty sock smelling bus, setting his stuff in the seat across from him as he normally had done since he started dating a man named Louis.
The day had been cold, and shitty for Oliver Kirkland; his oven broke in culinary, he didn't have any lunch money, and his last violin string broke.
All he wanted to do was go home, and eat food. Probably sleep before he had to go to work at Dairy Queen.
He sat looking out his window, pulling his dark purple jacket closer to him, trying to block out the cold day, when someone sat down next to him. He looked over, and couldn't hold back his smiled softly as he saw his boyfriend.
A normally grumpy man, with a black leather jacket, a button-down purple shirt, faded dark jeans, black jays, a rough chin that housed a small beard, long blonde greasy haired looked at him with purple eyes.
"Shit day?" The older male asked the pink-haired freckled boy, leaning his head against the back of the seat in front of him.
"It wasn't the best day." Oliver said trying to stay positive "How did you guess?"
"Your smile wasn't as wide, and I didn't get a hug."
"Oh my goodness I'm sorry love," Oliver said, giving the man beside him, a quick hug.
To his surprise, his boyfriend held him closer, making the man feel warmer.
"Since your day was so bad." the blonde whispered huskily into the younger males ear, making a chill go down Oliver's spine.
"How about I make it better." The man slid his hand onto Olivers' outer thigh.
"Won't we get in trouble though?" Oliver said nervously, trying to stay calm.
"Doubt it. We're in the back. No one can see us."
Oliver wondered if that was the reason his lover had chosen the two back seats on the bus just for those two in the first place.
The purple shirted man cupped his lovers chin with his pointer finger, and thumb, and leaned close. Oliver blushed and closed his eyes. He could feel his lover push him against the leather, dark green seats. Louis was still sitting down on the seat, using his upper body to lean closer to the man, the hand on his thigh moved to the side of his stomach.
Then he felt the lips he was expecting on his own, go to his neck, and leave a strawberry.
Oliver lurched backward laughing, as his partner continued to tickle his sides.
"Louis!" Oliver said laughing, and flailing around helplessly in the seat, as he could not fight back against the tickles. They were too strong.
Finally, when Louis stopped, Oliver was out of breath, panting, as a few tears from laughing went down his face.
"Stop being sad," Louis said with a smirk. "If not I'll have to keep doing that to you, and my reputation is at stake here."
Oliver chuckled, leaning closer to the man. "Wouldn't want anything to happen to that now would we?"
"Aww!' A chorus of four male voices sang out. Louis and Oliver looked up to find Alan, Matt, Alejandro, and Gillen staring at them.
Louis only glared at them, and they went straight back to sitting down in the seat minding their own business.
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