Chapter 8
{Flow's POV}
I jumped off Spice as she landed and went to the group tree, Penny shrugged off behind the school, well, I mean, no one at our school has really accepted her except me. Not even Luna, I sighed. The bell would ring in about 30 minutes from now so I had some time to talk with her.
"Flow!" Flicker gave a little tug of her head for me to go over there but I sighed and kept on going, Flicker looked confused and kept on talking. Another 'Flow' came up and this time it was some weather sparks wanting for me to join Air Ball with them to be a ground force, no thanks.
I made my way to Penny before the last "Flow! Watch this!" came up. I know they were just trying to impress me because I defeated the dragon, but seriously! Space!
I just said "Not right now" and kept on going towards Penny, "You okay?" I asked while laying a paw on her shoulder. "I am trying my best ya know." She huffed. "I know. Just give them time. You won't expect them to love you in a matter of a day right? It's-" She cut me off, "It's because I'm this right?!?!" She was referring to her Spark type.
"No! I was about to say-" she ignored me and kept going, "No one cares what happens to me! Just face it! They don't like me, I came here to help and I get this?!?!" I staggered a bit as she brushed my paw off her shoulder. That offended me a bit but I know how she felt, she just needs some time.
Penny looked at me with tears rimming her eyes, "Just... not right now... I will see you at the break." And with that, she teleported away.
I gave out a long breath "See you at the break." I muttered, the bell rang and I went to my locker grabbing my books and going to my first period, then the second bell rang and to my second period and so on. It was the fifth period before I heard my name "Can we have Flow Carmendale to the office please?" The intercoms rang. "Of course." Mrs. Howler lead me out the door, we were right in the middle of learning about Spark cultures too!
I opened the door to the office and a Mystery was at the desk with a soft smile. "Yes?" I asked, "Sora is waiting for you." She answered pointing to her room. I walked in and looked up at Sora.
"Flow, I have a question for you..." she started "yes?" I answered "Do you know how you well finished the dragon off?" this was a weird question but no, I don't remember.
"No, I only recall seeing the dragon collapse," I responded Summerseed entered the room with some paperwork and stood next to Sora handing her the files and then going out with a worried glance. Well, that was not good...
Sora took a look at the files and then set them down, "Well... Me, Summerseed, Mystery, and Wave know how. And you have the right to know too." I was so confused, she's just going to say that maybe I choked it or something, I wanted to know but was it this important? Why was Sora telling me this... alone? She carried on, "Do you want to know how it's your choice." She pushed.
"Yes." I gave a small breath waiting for her to tell me but why did she look concerned? She gave in a deep breath. "You found a new way to use your magic without knowing, a type that we well forbid from using and Water Sparks never use unless necessary..."She took another pause, was it really this bad? What did I do? Just tell me.
"What was your last thought?" She asked, "Well, it was a glacier..." I kind of understand now, I threw boiling water on it! But every Water Spark does that, and anyway I would have seen the water. "Your last thought was a glacier, and that trick makes you boil water right?" I nodded she took her last breath before it spilled out.
"Well, Water Sparks can control any source of liquid as long as it has the slightest amount of water in it, so I know you didn't know but you well- Can control blood... So... You- You boiled the dragon's blood...." She looked away.
I- I what? I BOILED BLOOD?!?!?! That right there was pure evil, who would even, that was HORRIBLE!
I rushed out of the room I could hear Sora cry my name but I refused to go back, what kind of monster did that? What if the school finds out? What if my friends find out? All the thoughts came rushing to my brain as I burst out the two doors behind the school and onto the bench. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, followed by another, and another.
I put my paws into my face as I started sobbing a couple of minutes later I felt a paw on my shoulder, it was Ash. By just looking at him more thoughts rushed to my head, what if I accidentally hurt him? Boil HIS blood, or worse all my friend's blood?
"Go away. You can't be by me." That hurt to say it but I had to. "Look, I know, Sora told me-"
"You know WHAT HUH?!?! That I am a monster, a freak? Tell me something I don't know." I heard Ash give a small sigh I didn't look up but I can tell they were all here now.
"Flow, you didn't know, and if you did it to save me, us, then it was well, good.." He had a point. "We will always be here for you No matter what." I gave a small smile, but it quickly went away.
"What if I hurt you, tear you apart?" I heard Penny's voice come up, "You won't, you can't in fact Flow, you put us together, well some of us." I looked up and I was right, everyone was here, Penny spoke again "I found out no one hates me, they just need to get to know me. And so they did."
I smiled again and hugged them. They were there, always.
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