QnA 2!!
TW: mention of gore in this chapter!
Me: Welcome back! At the time of writing this, we just hit 1k!!!
Gelatin: Woo! 1k!! *leans to Firey, whispering* 1k what?
Firey: *shrugs* Don't ask me-
Me: Okay, we got two more new questions!
@FormalPotato asks: "Question: How did all the other elemental(?) characters survive the parasite??"
Leafy, confused: Yeah...I was kinda wondering the same thing...how exactly did the parasite leave my body???
Firey: You mean you don't remember?
Gelatin: To be fair, she was pretty much dead.
Taco, blushing: O-Oh- uhh- Oh this is awkward-
Firey: It wasn't your kiss that saved her...I thought that was obvious.
Taco: Excuse me?
Firey: Pretty sure my apology was what saved her.
Taco, chuckling: Oh my stand. That wasn't an act of true love!
Firey, agitated: That's funny, coming from someone whose fairy tale kiss failed!
*Taco and Firey glared at each other*
X, yawning: Neither of you actually saved her.
Taco and Firey, staring at X in confusion:
X, a small smirk on his face: Yeah, true love can confuse the parasite, but it's just better to rip it out directly.
Leafy, even more confused: But I threw it up??
X: Yeah, in that situation. I'm talking about the other elementals! While I may have used a combination of my Algebralien powers and elemental powers to drive your parasite out, for the others, I had to use a more direct method.
*X creates a sculpture with his ice powers.*
X: Okay, so the parasite prefers to rest in the torso, here. *points to the middle of the chest* My Algebralien form lets me stretch quite a distance, but, it is still difficult to grab the parasite...
*X demonstrates this by trying to reach inside the sculpture through the mouth*
X: But, there's something about the parasite that you don't know...it exists on both a physical and non physical level. I mean, how do you think it gets inside a host undetected? It's about the size of a softball!
Leafy: That does make sense...I think I would remember swallowing a softball sized parasite...
X: Exactly. Fortunately, my elemental powers have also given me another cool trick. *his hand fades, becoming transparent* Tada! Neat, huh? This allows me to reach inside a host and yank the parasite out! *He winces*
Taco, crossing her arms: There's a catch, isn't there?
X, nodding: Yeah...the parasite can switch between physical and non physical in an instant...it kinda rotates between the two forms every minute...so...*he reaches through the ice with a transparent hand* if I'm not careful...*his hand becomes physical again, causing the ice to break, leaving a gaping hole in the middle* The parasite could do something like that...
Firey and Taco, staring in shock:
Firey and Taco: *slowly pushing Leafy behind them, away from X*
Me: ...O...kay, moving on to the next question!
PersonHereHi asks: "Leafy is there anyone you recognize in your prison like "home"?"
X: Hey! It's not a prison!
Taco, deadpan: Sure it isn't.
Leafy: Hmm...I think Bottle was part of our town at one point...right?
Firey: Yeah...? What's Bottle doing there??
X: Are you being serious right now? What part of "parasite" don't you understand??
Firey, in sudden realization: So you're the one behind the kidnappings!
X: No- I'm saving them!
Leafy: Oh! I think I remember seeing Woody in the training room too! As well as Ice Cube!
X: Both safe, now that I removed the parasites from their bodies!
Leafy: Other than that, I don't think I saw anyone else...in the training room, at least. But...what if there are more of them? I think I might have to do some snooping...
Me: Well, maybe in a future chapter, you'll be able to find more of them!
Leafy: Chapter?
Me: Anyways, thanks for reading this second QNA part! Thank you for your questions, and feel free to ask anymore! I'll be writing the next chapter, so it might be published along side it! I hope you enjoyed!
Quick A/N: Hey, so I'm publishing this chapter a bit earlier, because of a possible glitch that I am having.
On my home page, I can't access my books unless I go to the editing tab.
That's not all, when I search my name or books in the search section, I cannot find them, so I've come to the conclusion that I am possibly being shadow banned.
I originally intended to publish this QNA part along with Chapter 9, but because of this glitch/shadow ban, I wanted to see if this would even notify anyone.
I've already backed up my books and unfinished chapters just in case it deletes my books or whatever.
If you see this, let me know.
I don't know when this glitch will end, because the same thing happened yesterday, and it still isn't fixed at the time that I'm posting this, on the end of the day of the 2nd of December, 2020.
I hope this will be fixed soon.
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