ITU Chapter 4: A Kingdom
The only thing Leafy could hear was her heartbeat. It was slow, and soothing. She found she couldn't help but drift slowly in and out of consciousness.
When she started to finally come to, Leafy could hear the vague sound of...humming... Leafy tensed, noticing the humming sounded like the siren.
She pretended to be asleep, as she could hear them walking over to her. They placed a hand on her's, gently squeezing it. "I can't believe she has finally arrived..."
Leafy knew they were the siren...the voice matched up perfectly. "After years of planning, she's here..." The siren sighed in bliss. "The fifth element, the extra side effect..."
They let go of Leafy's hand, and she could hear them walking away. She waited a minute, then opened her eyes, slowly sitting up. The walls were very clearly made of ice.
Leafy looked around for an escape, stepping off the bed. Everything in the room was made of snow and ice. She noticed a door, and cautiously peeked out.
No one was there, much to her relief. She crept out the door, and eventually started to run. She didn't want to stick around to find out who kidnapped her.
The wind started to push against her, making her gasp. "Leafy!" The secret siren called, as she fought against the wind. It became too much for her, and she slipped.
She was pushed backwards, as she collided with a hard surface. Arms wrapped around her figure, and she struggled. "Calm down! I promise there's a reasonable explanation for this!" The siren said, as Leafy looked up.
Before she could see the siren, her eyes were covered with a blindfold. "I-I'm sorry, my friend's orders are to blindfold you as I take you to see him." They said.
"Something about a 'good first impression'." They giggled, as they started to gently drag Leafy. She grit her teeth, as her body tensed.
Looks like she had no choice...
Four angrily stormed through the mansion, gathering supplies. He shoved them into a bag, muttering swears under his breath. No one had ever seen him this angry.
Taco was the only one brave enough to speak to him. "Four!" She started, walking with him to the next room. "What do we need to pack?!"
He shook his head. "Nonono, you four will be staying here!" He said, grabbing a flashlight. Taco continued to follow him. "Are you crazy?! You need backup!"
Four walked to the library, grabbing the book that Leafy had left on the table. "No, I don't!" He said, turning to face her. "You don't have powers like Leafy or me! You could seriously get hurt!"
Taco glared at him, crossing her arms. "Four..." She started to scold. He sighed. "Say what you want, I'm not changing my mind." He started to leave the room, but stopped.
Taco was staring at something beside the table. "What?" He asked her, as she walked over beside it. She covered her mouth in shock, and Four rushed over.
He gasped, flinching at the substance laying on the ground. Shiny glitter was on the floor, glittering in the light. What was so shocking about it...was the words it formed.
Four growled, taking out his camera to take a quick photo, then kicked the glitter. "So." He looked at Taco. "Back up, you say?"
Leafy nervously walked along side the siren. They had been walking for longer then anticipated. Five times now had she nearly tripped.
Five times had the secret siren caught her. Leafy was beginning to think that this was a way to trick her into trusting the siren. If she could look at them skeptically, she would've.
Finally, they both stopped. "Okay...I'm going to take off your blindfold..." the siren started. Leafy felt gentle hands wrap around the blindfold, and pull it up.
Light flooded Leafy's eyes, and when they adjusted...She found that her secret siren...
Was a microphone...
The microphone smiled at her, as she took in her features. She was gray and black, but there was a tinge of a tealish blue color on her sides.
"I'm so excited to finally meet you!" She said, excitedly holding Leafy's hands. "Everyone is!" Leafy tensed. There was more than one of her?!
That's when she noticed multiple other objects in the room. A bottle partially filled with dirt and a flaming paintbrush...Leafy felt as though she recognized one of them...
Leafy backed away slightly, staring at them with a skeptical look. "So..." she started. "Which one of you kidnapped me?" They sheepishly glanced away.
"You weren't kidnapped..." a squeaky voice said from above. Snow started to fall, and with it, a yellow object. They descended down quickly, wings attached to them.
Leafy noticed they were made of ice, and when the yellow blur hit the ground, they shattered, turning into a glittery mist. The object stood up, and Leafy noticed they looked almost similar to Four.
He smiled at Leafy, outstretching his arms.
"You were brought home."
(A/n): Finally! Everything is revealed!
So, plot twist! It's a crossover with inanimate insanity!
You have no idea how long I wanted to reveal that XD
Trust me, there is a good reason (story wise) for the crossover...
The name of Leafy's painting wasn't exactly a coincidence-
The next chapter will feature more of X and Leafy interacting.
But finally, X is here!
But what does he mean by home?
But more importantly...
How the heck are Four and the others gonna get through those bushes?
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. During the weeks like these, I'm going to be forced to slow down-
But hopefully by the weekend everything will be back to normal! Thank you for reading!
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