Chapter 8: Monster
Coiny and Taco stared at him in disbelief. "No...No that can't be!" Coiny said, shaking his head slightly. Four nodded. "The parasite is ruthless." He started.
"It won't stop until it has sucked every last drop of Leafy's energy out of her body." He glanced ahead. They were almost to town. Taco coughed slightly.
"But...can't she just be recovered after the parasite kills her?" Four teared up again, tensing. Coiny stared at him in sympathy. "Your...Your fiancé couldn't be recovered."
Four glanced at Coiny. "Could they...?" Four sighed, as they started to follow the road back to Firey's house. "...No..." Taco thought for a moment.
"Are the powers related to the parasite?" She asked, coughing into her elbow. He nodded. "It's a side effect we studied together." He said, most likely referring to his fiancé.
"What it does is it gives the host a power that they could likely kill themselves with, connecting the intensity of the power to the hosts emotions."
He continued. "The powers could ever be one of four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. Except, there is one that we weren't even sure was part of what the parasite could do..."
Coiny stepped over a branch, Firey's house close by. "Ice?" Four nodded. "The only way we knew about it was because my fiancé gained those powers..." Taco thought for a moment.
"...Four?" Taco asked, as he looked down at her.
"Is that why you're so attached to Leafy?"
Firey shivered at the cold wind, as his team tromped through the snow. Loser had come up with a team of mostly muscle, not that he was complaining.
Snowball, Blocky, Eraser, and Cake were following him. Loser didn't even seem to be phased by the harsh wind. Firey let his mind drift.
He couldn't help but feel nauseous, nervous about seeing her again. He wanted to see her, but was worried about her reaction. Would she be thrilled?
Angry? Upset? ...Afraid? He felt his anxiety rise. He could only hope she would forgive him for all he had done to her. Cake shivered, walking closer to Loser.
He wrapped an arm around Cake, smiling slightly. "Once we find Leafy, maybe she can end this winter." Snowball scoffed, shrugging. "Why bother?"
He smiled. "It's actually felt great out ever since she did that!" Blocky chuckled. "Maybe to you, but to anyone not made of snow, it's been awful!"
Cake nodded in agreement. They all stopped dead in their tracks, spotting a large ice palace. "Whoa." Snowball muttered, staring at the structure.
Loser turned to face Firey. "You don't think...?" Firey nodded. "I think it is." Suddenly, they started to hear voices, and his in the bushes.
"I feel so awful! We should have insisted to stay in the room during the visit!" A quiet voice cried out, as the team spotted them. Two snowflakes were walking along the path.
The bigger one sighed. "I know...And Lady Leafy has locked herself away in her chambers! Not even Cold-Shoulder could pick the lock..." Firey felt his chest burn.
"Lady Leafy?!" He seethed quietly. "The worst part...Princess Taco..." The large snowflake sighed. "I really thought she would be able to turn things around...but somehow, things are worse than before."
The smaller snowflake hugged him. "I know...I was rooting for them too..." She admit, as the larger snowflake wrapped his arms around her.
Firey paused. "Rooting" for them...? Did she mean that she was...? Firey grit his teeth, clenching his fists. Loser noticed, and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Control yourself!" He whispered angrily. Firey calmed down slightly. He tsked. "Let's just try to get inside." He whispered back. However, it seemed that the large snowflake noticed.
He pulled out his sword, aiming it towards the hidden team. "Who goes there?!" He yelled, hiding the small snowflake behind him. Firey sighed, looking at the others.
"Might as well try to talk to him." Firey suggested, no longer whispering. The six of them exited the bushes, and the snowflakes gasped.
Firey crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "What?" He asked, as the larger snowflake pushed the smaller one towards the castle. "Go tell Cold-Shoulder the beast and citizens of the evil village have arrived!"
She ran off, as the large one turned to face them, glaring. "So you finally show your face, you flaming beast!" Firey's arms fell to his side, as he stared back in shock.
He was the beast...?
Taco coughed, as Four laid her on the examination table. Golf Ball and Tennis Ball stared at her, as frost covered her body. "This is crazy! Leafy did this?!"
Four sighed, looking down. "Not on purpose." Taco nodded, coughing again. "She...d-doesn't have f-full control..." she muttered.
Four glanced at her, worried. He started to take off his jacket, ignoring the stares coming from everyone as they started to notice one odd detail about him.
His right arm was mechanical.
He wrapped his jacket around Taco, trying to smile. "I know you're going to ask..." he started, lifting up his metal arm. "My fiancé did this by accident..."
His eyes seemed to glaze over. "It was...Well, he tried to get rid of the parasite, but it refused to leave, and when I tried to help..." He trailed off. He was silent after that.
Coiny stared at the arm. Then to Taco. Finally, he remembered what the large snowflake said, and gasped. "Yoyle berries!" He exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him.
"The large snowflake dude said something about the berries being the only way! And it all makes sense now!" He smiled, running to Firey's kitchen.
Golf Ball looked at Tennis Ball, skeptical. When Coiny came back, he brought a whole basket. "I honestly can't believe he had some fresh ones on site, but I don't wanna question it."
Four rolled his eyes, picking up a berry. "How exactly is this going to help Taco...?" Coiny smirked, crossing his arms. "Simple! Metal can't freeze!"
The room fell silent. "...What?" He asked, staring at them in confusion. Golf Ball sighed. "It's worth a shot..." Four walked over to Taco, she ate the berry, and turned into metal.
She shivered, coughing once, then sighed. "Believe it or not, I think it's working!" She smiled, jumping down from the table. Golf Ball then spoke up.
"Our research has lead us to find a possible solution to the parasite problem." She said, as TV displayed a chart. The parasite looked like a vibrant purple slug, oozing liquid that was the same color.
"The parasite inhabits hosts who's emotions are unstable...they feed off any negative emotions they feel, and slowly kill the host in the process."
Four nodded, listening carefully. "We have found a possible solution..." Tennis Ball smiled, as TV displayed Leafy. "A warm and tingly emotion could confuse the parasite, and drive it out of the host's body."
Coiny rose an eyebrow. "What kind of emotion is warm and tingly?" Four and Taco tensed, knowing where this was going. Tennis Ball chuckled, as TV's screen turned a pink hue.
"Love!" Four made an odd sound, similar to a screech, making everyone dazed for a moment. He covered his mouth, blushing slightly in embarrassment.
", I haven't done that in a while..." He said, whispering the last part. Taco flusteredly laughed. "So...What? Is someone just...supposed to kiss her?" She joked.
Golf Ball stared at her. "Yes." She said seriously. Taco blushed slightly, still laughing. "O-Oh...hehe..." She stopped, and the room was silent again.
Taco started to exit the room. "I'm gonna go find Leafy, for a totally unrelated reason!" Four grabbed her arm. "No- I mean, a true love's kiss is supposed to go both ways, right?"
He nervously laughed. Golf Ball chimed in. "Well, given up until recently, Leafy has been completely alone. Literally, she could be in love with any of you three."
Coiny chuckled. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm interested in someone else." Four nervously looked away. "Uhh..." Taco looked at him.
"Wait..." She stared between the two of them, confused. "So...I'm the only one who shares any feelings back?" Four tensed. "Seems like that's the case!"
He turned to look at her, nervously smiling. "But I mean, she just met you a few days ago! She can't just love someone she just met!" Taco stared at him for a moment.
Then, she remembered their earlier discussion.
"Is that why you're so attached to Leafy?"
He never gave her a clear answer, he never even answered her! Four avoided the question entirely! Taco shook her head in disbelief. "You like her because she reminds you of him."
Four tensed, as he gasped in shock. "Doesn't she?" Four blushed, shaking his head. "No! She's my friend! Not my..." He trailed of, looking away.
He stayed silent for a minute. "...I never wanted to use her to fill the gap." He admit, crossing his arms. He looked back at Taco, a shameful look on his face.
"I'll admit it, when I first saw her in the happy she was...she looked just like him." He smiled, tearing up. "It was even better when I found out she had the same parasite and same side effects as he did."
Taco gave him a look of pity. "I had a second chance. I could save him again." He frowned. "I knew she wasn't really him...but even their personalities were similar."
He sighed. "I kept telling myself that this was wrong! That I was just using replace him..." He shook slightly. "But...I genuinely enjoyed her company."
Four chuckled, lowering his arms to his sides. "She's a good person, but she is her own person...not my fiancé." He said, looking back at Taco.
" was never in love with her..." He said, frowning. "I was in love with the person I wanted her to be." Taco frowned, stepping closer to him.
"I...I'm sorry..." she said, putting her hand on his shoulder. He smiled. "Don't be." He turned her around, pushing her gently towards the door. "Now go kiss that leaf."
Taco blushed, unsure of what to say. She ran out the door, noticing that the blizzard had gotten stronger.
"Your highness, please!" Snow-Light cried out, banging on Leafy's door with her fist. "It wasn't your fault! Please just come out!" Leafy sighed, walking away from the door.
She couldn't let them in. She couldn't let them see the monster she really was. Stepping over to the balcony, she gasped. Frost-Fight and Cold-Shoulder were fighting a group.
Not just any group, but a group lead by her former friend! Firey dodged Cold-Shoulder's daggers, glaring at him. Suddenly, he locked eyes with Leafy.
Time seemed to stand still, as they stared at each other. Leafy felt her anxiety rise. She broke off her gaze, turning away from the scene, coming to a harsh realization.
They were here for her.
Leafy felt like crying, as she leaned against her nightstand.
"It's finally come."
"Come to knock down the door."
She sulked, feeling hopeless.
"I can't hide this time...Like I hid before."
The wind raged outside, blowing the icy drapes.
"The storm is awake. The danger is real."
"My time's running out."
She covered her face with a hand.
"Don't feel. Don't feel."
"Fear will be your enemy, and death, it's consequence!"
"That's what they once said to me, and it's starting to make sense..."
She looked up, uncovering her face. She thought back to Taco.
"All this pain, all this fear began because of me!"
Walking over to her vanity, she looked down.
"Is the thing they see, the thing I have to be...?"
She looked up, flinching at her own reflection.
The shadows of icicles nearby made Leafy look like she had horns.
"A monster...were they right? Has the dark in me finally come to light?"
"Am I a monster..."
She glanced back at the scene below, as her snowflakes fought against Firey's crew.
"Full of rage? Nowhere to go...but on a rampage?"
She sighed, looking up.
"Or am I just a monster..."
The Icicles above created a weird perspective. Like they were the bars of a prison cell.
" a cage?"
Down on the battlefield, Loser dodged the attacks of Frost-Fight, as Snowball and Eraser ran towards the castle.
"End this winter!"
"Bring back summer!"
"Keep your guard up!"
Cake, Loser, and Blocky sang, unaware that they were.
Firey slid under Cold-Shoulder, running towards the two entering the castle.
"No harm comes to her!"
He sang.
As he entered, the trio fighting the snowflakes continued to sing.
"End this winter!"
"Bring back summer!"
"Keep your guard up!"
Leafy's anxiety rose, seeing Firey enter the castle below.
"What do I do?!"
"No time for crying now!"
"I started this storm, gotta stop it somehow!"
She stared into the distance, before turning around, clenching her head.
"Do I keep on running?!"
"How far do I have to go?!"
"And would that take the storm away, or only make it grow?!"
Tears slid down her face. Backing herself into the wall, she slid down, her knees pressing against her chest.
"I'm making my world colder! How long can it survive?!"
"Is everyone in danger, as long as I'm ALIVE?!"
Snow-Light gasped, banging on the door harder. "LEAFY NO!!"
Leafy couldn't hear her pleas.
She stood up, clenching her fists.
"Was I a monster from the start?!"
"How did I end up with this frozen heart?!"
"Bringing destruction to the stage!"
"Caught in a war that I never meant to wage..."
Firey caught up with the others, glaring at the small snowflake. His glare turned into confusion, as he noticed she was crying. Snowball and Eraser seemed freaked out too.
"What?" Firey asked, as the small snowflake walked up to him. "If the legends are true...and you were friends with Leafy at one point..." she sobbed. "Just...Just listen..."
Firey looked at the door. He leaned closer to it.
"...Do I kill the monster...?"
Firey froze.
Something sizzled against his body.
He then realized he was crying.
Leafy formed an icicle in her hand...raising it over her chest.
" know what's best for me."
"If I die, will they be free...?"
She lowered it slowly, stopping just before it touched her chest.
"Mother...what if after I'm gone, the cold gets colder, and the storm rages on?!"
She tossed aside the icicle, it clattered to the floor.
Firey sighed in relief, before tensing at the sound of something being thrown.
He was that close to losing her?!
Leafy grit her teeth.
"I have to stay alive, to fix what I've done!"
"Save the world from myself...and being back the sun!"
Snowball and Eraser started to break down the door, catching her attention.
"If I'm a monster, then it's true..."
"There's only one thing that's left for me to do!"
They broke down the door, and she backed away slightly.
"But before I fade to white, I'll do all that I can to make things right!"
They stepped towards her, unintentionally intimidating her.
She shook her head.
"I cannot be a monster..."
She glared at them.
"I will NOT be a monster!"
Leafy ran past them, only to be stopped by Firey. "Leafy-" He started, but she tried to pull away. "Firey! Take your team and leave!" She yelled, trying not to use her powers.
He grabbed her other hand, staring at her. Leafy locked eyes with him again. She teared up, the painful memories coming back. Her hands frosted over.
"Do what you want with me, but leave my friends out of this!" She said, closing her eyes. Firey felt the ice coming from her hands, staring in awe at them.
He never got to see the magic up close... What almost killed him up close... He was silent for a minute. Then, he spoke. "Snowball...Blocky..." He started.
"Go tell Loser to stop fighting the snowflakes..." They exited the room, leaving them alone. Well. Almost. Snow-Light hid behind a corner.
She started to wonder if she did the right thing...or if she had just betrayed her Queen. Leafy's anxiety had hit the max, as her body started to shut down.
She cough violently...and occasionally...
She would cough up some strange purple liquid.
She passed out.
(A/n): The end of this story is almost near...
But, I have something to tell you...
Remember Frozen II?
I like it, but some people think it kinda sucks.
I mean, I don't really care if some people don't like it, they are entitled to that opinion.
I just like the music tbh-
But I already have a sequel in mind for the story, and the first chapter will probably go up right after this one is through.
So...don't be too sad the story is ending, because trust me, this is just book one!
It's just the beginning of this AU!
There is still a lot to see...and a lot to write.
Just one problem:
Should I give the sequel it's own book, or just put the chapters here in this book???
That's what I wanted to ask you guys.
So, sequel here? Or give it its own book?
Let me know in the comments!
Don't feel pressured to comment tho-
You don't have to if you don't want to! :3
Also fun fact: The song featured in this chapter came from the broadway production of Frozen!
Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!
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