Chapter 5: Festival of Ice
Taco and Coiny were freezing by this point, shivering at the harsh wind scraping against them. There was no way they were going to turn back, however.
They had come too far to give up now, plus this was their friend they were talking about! They couldn't just abandon her! Taco sighed, teeth nearly chattering.
"I wonder how far she managed to go?" She asked Coiny, hoping the answer was right around the corner. Coiny shook his head, struggling to walk in the deep snow.
"Surely it couldn't have been that far... Leafy has fatigue, and that nasty cough too." He looked at Taco, worry in his eyes. "We need to find her as soon as possible..."
Taco nodded, and they continued to trek through the snow. Light started to appear, and once they reached the top of the slope, they noticed a friendly looking cabin was setting at the top.
The two of them sighed in relief, and walked over to it. Stepping inside, they were both surprised to find that it was a gift shop of some sort. They were even more surprised to find Gelatin at the counter.
He stared at them in confusion. "Uh, well my shift just got more interesting!" He laughed, leaning on the counter. "What the heck are you two doing out on a mountain like this?"
Taco walked over to him, confused too. "Long story, but what the heck are you doing here? Since when have you had a gift shop?" Coiny nodded, adding on: "and in the middle of nowhere!"
Gelatin smiled, shrugging. "I have time for a long story, and it's not just a gift shop! It's my new and improved Steakhouse! With an added gift shop."
"Ohhh..." Coiny muttered, as Taco walked up to the counter. "We don't have much time to tell the story. Our friend is in trouble." Gelatin's smile slightly faded.
"Do you have any gear we can use?" Gelatin rifled through the shelves behind him. "I don't think Lollipop will mind if you use some of our climbing gear, plus she's kinda gone right now, so she won't know I even gave this stuff away."
Taco and Coiny looked at each other, then at the gear Gelatin placed on the counter. "The party?" He shook his head. "Date, that's all I can say." He smirked slightly, leaning his elbow on the counter.
As he started to speak again, another person entered the shop, shocking him. "Whoa. What, did everyone hear about the soup of the day or something?" He joked, as the person walked up to the counter.
"Apple juice, please." They spoke with a familiar voice, as Gelatin obliged. Opening the mini fridge under the counter. He handed it to the stranger. "That'll 4-" The bottle opened with loud crack, as the stranger quickly downed it, the hood of their jacket falling off.
Taco and Coiny gasped. The apple juice bottle was sat on the counter, now empty. "How much did you say?" Four asked, wiping his mouth slightly, and reaching for his wallet. Gelatin looked at the empty bottle.
"'s...uh...on the house..." Four stared at him with a deadpan look. "As nice as that is...I'm just going to do a guesstimate." He looked around the room. Then he placed a five dollars on the counter.
"Keep the change." He started to walk off, before Taco grabbed his hand. He turned to face her, a surprised look on his face. Taco noticed dark bags under his eyes, and she gives him a worried look.
"Four, we were worried when we couldn't find you!" He looked away slightly. "Look, I understand, but let me do what I need to do, I'll meet you up ahead." He said, trying to leave. Taco huffed.
"Promise us you'll explain everything when we get there." Coiny said, trying to defuse the situation. Four left, and Taco sighed. "He better..." The door closed, and they went back to the counter.
Gelatin handed them two of them the supplies, and they went outside, not seeing any sign that Four had even been there. Taco sighed, as the two of them continued their journey through the mountains.
Leafy sat in her throne...upside down. She never thought in her life she could ever be this bored, yet here she was. It wasn't that she was alone, but more that there wasn't anything to do.
She tried telling a story, but no one was around to hear. She tried reading a story, but she forgot to bring a book. Well, it wasn't exactly top priority to bring a book. So really, what could she do?
Staring at her ice walls, she started to think. "Well...what would the Snow Queen do?" Leafy asked out loud. Gasping, she sprang up, stars in her eyes. "Festivals!" She excitedly cried out, accidentally setting off her ice powers.
She flinched, before taking a deep breath. "I really have to practice my powers." She smiled, looking down at her hands. "Not a bad idea..."
Leafy stuck her tongue out slightly, concentrated on the final piece of the last stall. She had built a mock-up of what a festival in a small village might look like, using ice for the walls and harden snow for the rooftops.
Stepping back, Leafy glanced all around her, dazzled by her creation. "It's missing something..." she thought, thinking about the story. "Hm...Well, I think at one point the Snow Queen made an army of ice giants to protect her..."
She rose her hands, focusing her energy. Three bursts of ice sprayed from her hand, forming three different figures. Leafy stared in awe, looking over the features of each of the statues.
The first one was larger than her, and looked way larger than Snowball! He had a strong, protective aura to him, like a bodyguard or guardian of some sort. He stood in a proud stance, sword leaning over his shoulder.
The next one was shorter, with a cuter appearance. She stood in a shy pose, holding a clipboard and one hand on the rim of her glasses. Leafy adored the personality shining through, finding her adorable.
The last one worried Leafy. His face was partially melted, like he had fought a fire, and won. He held a dagger in one hand, and a lute was strung over his back. His face was expressionless, and his stance was straight.
Leafy smiled, nodding once. "Good... but now they need names." She thought out loud, looking at the tallest one first. "Oh! You can be Frost-Fight! Strongest member of the Royal Guard, with a heart of gold!"
She turned to the small, shy statue. "And you are Snow-Light, the Royal Librarian! While you tend to be a little shy, no one can resist your charming personality, and with your vast knowledge of stories, you know how to liven things up!"
Finally, Leafy gazed at the last statue with sympathy. "While your war scars may be bad, it doesn't stop you from doing what you love." She spoke to him. "Ex-General Cold-Shoulder, a stoic, fierce warrior who retired the from the battlefield after the last fight. You decided that it was time for someone new to lead the team."
She smiled, pointing to the lute on his back. "You carved yourself a lute out of a frozen block of ice, and taught yourself how to play it. You're actually really good at it too!" Leafy smiled, and created one more thing with her ice powers.
"And without further ado, let the festivities begin!" She exclaimed, lifting a flute made of ice in the air. Starting to play it, the castle walls echoed with the cheerful melody.
Leafy tapped her foot, swaying slightly to the music. She turned her back on the statues, getting into the rhythm. She had been so enticed, she almost didn't hear the plucking of strings.
She froze in place, the tip of her flute still against her lips. She turned around, and her jaw dropped. Cold-Shoulder was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, playing his lute. He looked up at Leafy once he had noticed she stopped.
"Did I miss a note, your Highness?" He asked, his voice deep. He stood up, as Leafy stared in shock. "N-No?" She replied, dropping her flute. Cold-Shoulder looked at her in concern.
"Everything alright?" He stepped closer to her. Leafy tensed, her powers firing off accidentally. She gasped, and someone large tackled her to the ground. "DUCK!" She yelped , as the stranger screamed.
Cold-Shoulder sighed, facepalming. "Frost-Fight, the Queen isn't under attack, she just got spooked." He said, as Leafy shook her head in disbelief. "What?" She asked out loud, as Frost-Fight lifted her up in his arms.
"It would appear so, General!" He laughed, sounding like a cliche adventurer from a 90s point and click game. "No need to fear, my liege, the two of us are more than capable of protecting you!"
"Ex-General." Cold-Shoulder tiredly corrected. Leafy could barely process what was happening. "Well, should we c-continue on with the f-festival?" A quiet, stuttering voice asked.
Leafy turned her head to look, eyes sparkling when she found Snow-Light was alive too. She sheepishly smiled at Leafy, bowing. "Your M-Majesty." She greeted. Frost- Fight put Leafy down, and she stared at the trio.
How on earth were they alive?
(A/n): Finally! Was meant to post this yesterday...but some stuff came up ;w;
Four's back! No- wait-
Anddd he's gone again...what's his deal?
Oh well, maybe he can explain himself once Taco and Coiny reach the Ice Palace.
And this is why I included the OCs in the disclaimer!
Here we have Snow-Light, Frost-Fight, and Cold-Shoulder. I've been planning this story for a long while, so I really couldn't wait to write this part!
Elsa has her Marshmallow and Olaf, and Leafy has her Trio of snowflakes!
No seriously- they actually are snowflakes.
I'll post a photo once I get them drawn, and post a separate chapter with the drawing!
But these guys are going to be a bit important later on, eventually-
So anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading!
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