Tricat' sem'
Jaak follows the trail of stars along the root, their multi-hued lights casting vivid colors over the snow on the ground and his skin. As they pass beneath each star, it dips down to revolve around Hika. He had thought that the combination of all the stars casting their colors on her would have been unflattering, but it seems to be quite the opposite.
Jaak looks back at the young goddess to see one star flit close to her and she turns her hand over to weave the star between her fingers. Hika looks up and flashes a grin at Jaak, resulting in a flush on his cheeks. He quickly looks forward again, quickening his pace.
The sound of running water begins to fill the air and he forces himself to slow. They're getting close to the spring now and he would much prefer it if he didn't embarrass himself in front of the Norns. Hika moves forward to walk beside him, frowning into the dark.
"What is that?"
"It's the Well of Urd that you hear, the spring. We're very close now."
"And what's bothering you?"
Hika stops, placing her hands on her hips as she stares Jaak down. He takes a step backwards, unnerved by the intentness of her gaze. Hika cocks an eyebrow at him and he gulps.
"I told you, it's nothing!"
"No Jaak, it's not. Something's bothering you. I knew that just by the fact that you walked faster just now, then how you have become evasive, and you know what?"
Jaak feels small under her gaze. "What?"
"Your blush just now. You don't want to talk about whatever it is, especially not to me. But hiding it won't help, it'll eat away at you instead."
Jaak grimaces and grasps for an answer, an alternate answer than the truth. "I'm afraid of what the Norns will say."
She gives him a piercing look for a second before she nods. Jaak has to keep himself from sagging in relief. If he did, she would know he lied without a doubt. As they walk, Hika moves closer to Jaak's side, compelled by her nerves. He can feel the heat rippling off of her skin, causing Jaak's own flesh to bead with sweat.
The sound of the spring grows louder and louder as each step brings the two young gods closer. Jaak catches a glimse of dark water gleaming beneath a beam of starlight. They've reached Urd's Well. The sight of the water is soon blocked out by a robed figure, another one appearing behind them with a third just to the right. The Norns.
Jaak dips his head to the three maidens, who lower their gray hoods at the sight of him. One of the young women, Verdandi, steps forward to stand between the two young gods and her sisters. The starlight gleams on her face, tinting her skin blue. Her dark hair shines like the feathers of a raven, floating around her face.
"Young Jaak Frost, and Hi'ilani. Welcome to our well."
Hika steps closer to Jaak and whispers beneath her breath, only just loud enough for Jaak to hear. "How did she know my name?"
"Verdandi's domain is the present, she knows what is."
"And the other two?"
Jaak nods to the woman closest to Verdandi, watching them with her dark eyes. "That is Urd, she is the most likely to have the knowledge we seek. She knows all that belongs to the past. The third sister is Skuld-"
"She knows the future?"
"That's right."
Verdandi extends a hand to Jaak, motioning. "Come closer, young ones."
Jaak keeps one eye on the spring as he moves to stand by its edge, Hika doing the same. The spring may not be that deep, and he may be a winter god, but he would still prefer to not fall in. The water has a magic to it, knowledge. It is very powerful. What could it do to him if he fell in? Skuld touches his shoulder from behind him.
"Do not fear, you won't slip."
He flashes a smile at her and looks to her sisters again. Verdandi dips her head to Jaak. "Ask your question, Jaak."
Jaak swallows and turns to Urd. "My father came to you all. He had questions, he was looking for something. Can you tell me what it was? If there is a chance that I can save him-"
Urd cuts him off. "He had seen something, a message in his dreams. He came to us to ask what it meant."
"What did it mean?"
She gives him a piercing look but answers after a heartbeat. "Danger was coming, danger to you, Jaak. He wished to know how to stop it, so he came to us for aid."
"What did you tell him?"
Skuld intones, her voice deepening as she recites the words. "A dark time is coming, one to harm the child of frost. Choices taken will twist the tide in peace or war. The end of days will fall without the wisdom of days gone by. To save the end will require knowledge more powerful than should be."
Jaak frowns. "What does it mean?"
"It is not for us to know. We carried the message and that is all."
Urd adds to her sister's comment. "Your father chose to interpret that as he needed more knowledge than he had. He went to Mimir's well for knowledge and he didn't pay the price. The knowledge overcame him and the truth of him was lost to our world, replaced with a twisted mind."
Verdandi nods sagely. "There is more at play than just your father's fate, young one. Ragnarok is coming, we have know this for a time."
Jaak gulps. "Ragnarok?"
Skuld nods. "Yes, and it is tied to you, Jaak Frost. Remember the words we spoke and perhaps the end of our world will fail to arrive."
Hika speaks up from beside Jaak. "What should we do?"
"You will encounter guides and clues of the world. Follow them."
Jaak nods. "Thank you, all of you."
"It was our pleasure, Jaak of the Frost."
He turns to go, Hika stepping in front of him, but Skuld grabs onto his shoulder and speaks to him, her voice hushed and urgent. "The time is soon to come, the time the orb of stars has been waiting for. Be ready."
Jaak gulps and nods, rushing to catch up with Hika.
Tricat' sem' = thirty-seven (Russian)
What do you think the message meant? What do you think of the reason Loki went dark? How is Jaak connected to Ragnarok? What do you think is going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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