Sorok vosem'
Jaak frowns at his sister. "There's something I don't quite understand."
Hel raises an eyebrow at him. "What is that?"
"You said all that you knew about what happened to Pappa is what you had heard and seen, but what could you have seen?"
A muscle in Hel's face twitches and hardens. "What I am to show you, you must understand that I didn't show it to you before because I thought it would be too painful. I did not intend to hurt you. I wouldn't even be showing it to you now, except it seems you might need it."
Jaak quickly nods. "I understand, Hel."
Hel gives Jaak a long, hard look. "I truly hope you do."
After a heartbeat or two more, she turns on her heel and strides off down the path, her skirt whipping around her heels in a phantom wind. After a glance at Hika, Jaak does the same. The path they follow winds through his sister's land. When they reach a fork in the path, a cry splits the air. Hel doesn't falter, diverting to the leftmost fork. Hika looks towards the other fork, from whence the cry came.
"What's that way?"
Hel glances back over her shoulder. "That is the way to Nastrond. You do not wish to go there, trust me. That is where those undeserving of a kind afterlife dwell before they are washed away to Niflheim. Come away from the split in the road, child. Even if death itself cannot hold you, the dead may."
Hika nods, shuddering. "I think I agree."
Hel laughs. "You're quite right to. Hurry along now, there is always the chance of a murderer wandering out of Nastrond and I'd much prefer to not deal with one of those today." She pauses. "Or ever again."
Jaak snorts. "You're at home here, Sister."
"Of course I am. I rule here. The dead give me respect many of the living don't. Why are you saying this?"
Jaak groans. "I was just trying to make small talk."
"I don't think that's necessary, Jaak."
Hel stops for a second. "We're getting very close now. Look up ahead."
Jaak's eyes widen at the sight looming in the distance. A massive tree sits in the middle of a clearing, golden light peeking through holes in its trunk. It may not be as large as Yggdrasil, but that tree is an exception. Among normal trees, this one is a giant. Hel walks into the trunk, the light spilling across her features.
Once inside, Jaak turns to take the sight in. There is a slope descending into the ground below and around the trunk there are pieces of furniture sculpted from what seems to be the living wood of the tree.
Shelves scattered with trinkets, a cabinet, low seats, and a table. There is a small staircase against one of the curves of the trunk, just barely wide enough for a person. Jaak notices that one of the higher shelves seems to be completely empty. Hel looks over her shoulder at Jaak and Hika.
Jaak quickly moves to one of the benches and settles into it. A moment later, Hika sits beside him, gently curling her arms around herself. Hel stands in the middle of the room for a moment before she goes to the empty shelf and touches her hand to the air before it. It ripples, revealing a few objects sitting on the shelf.
Hel lifts one of them from it, a box that spans two hands across. It's very plain, made from pale ash wood and completely unadorned. She sets it on the table and sits on the other side of Jaak, pulling the box toward her. Hel places her hands on either side of the lid and takes a breath before she lifts it.
Jaak would have thought his sister would remove the lid slowly, but instead she whips it off and quickly covers the top of the box with her hand. She reaches inside after a moment, gently pulling an object from within. Hel cradles it in her hands as she sinks down beside Jaak. She glances over at Hika.
"Could I see that crystal again?"
Hika quickly pushes the crystal across the table towards Hel, but the goddess doesn't move to touch it. She just glances at Jaak, a silent request in her eyes. Jaak moves the crystal until it is sitting right in front of Hel, only a centimeter from the edge of the table. Hel carefully lifts her cupped palms to the table and glances at Jaak once more.
"Could you surround us in a layer of ice? A dome, if you will. I need the space sealed off."
Despite his confusion, Jaak does as his sister requests. It's a thin dome that he creates, Just enough to seal them off from the rest of the room. Hel takes a quick look around the room and opens her hands. Something translucent floats upward. It's a shapeless mass, colors shifting within it. Images, actually, from what Jaak can see. They're small but they seem to be clear, if he could just make them out. Jaak squints, but it doesn't help much.
sorok vosem' = forty-eight (Russian)
What do you think Hel had in the box? Why does the room need to be sealed off? What do you think she will tell them about the crystal? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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