Piat'desiat shest'
There is a choking sound from behind Jaak and he turns to see his father staring with eyes practically popping out of his head.
"You did what?"
Jaak scowls at his father. "I went to Mimir to gain the knowledge of how to save you. Would you rather I didn't?"
"But the price-"
Jaak levels a glare at his father. "The price for my knowledge was returning the knowledge you stole, however I am supposed to do that."
Loki frowns. "I can't remember what I learned. I know the sense of it, I know what I was looking for, but I don't know what it was that I discovered."
Snow crunches from beside Jaak and he turns to see Hika wobbling over the snow, trying to step up to his side. He reaches for her, helping her over the frozen pitfalls. She frowns between them both, the wings on her back casting shadows over her face and making her cheekbones appear sharper than they truly are.
Somehow, this image of Hika makes Jaak think of Pele, who he only met once. Her sister and Hika's mother, Hi'iaka, had a much softer face. Like this, Hika looks like her aunt instead of the mother with who she normally shares her features. She opens her mouth, her clear voice ringing across the snow like a bell.
"I know what the knowledge was." Both of them turn to her fully, their attention piqued. Hika looks at Jaak. "Do you remember what the Norns said?" She glances at Loki. "They told you the same."
Jaak's eyes widen as he recites the words of the Norns. "A dark time is coming, one to harm the child of frost. Choices taken will twist the tide in peace or war. The end of days will fall without the wisdom of days gone by. To save the end will require knowledge more powerful than should be."
From beside Jaak, his father swallows and shifts. "We have to stop that from coming to pass."
Jaak turns, glaring at her father. "That's what started this whole mess, Pappa."
Hika nods. "Besides, it already has passed."
Jaak frowns at her. "How could you possibly know that?"
"The end of days referred to Ragnarok, yes?" Jaak nods hesitantly. "Who is told to be the instigator of Ragnarok?"
Jaak glances over at his father. "Where are you going with this?"
"He would have started Ragnarok because he was trying to protect you, Jaak. This past century, that is where it was all leading."
"But how can you know for sure that what you believe is true? How can you know that it all is past?"
Hika tilts her head, frowning as she yawns slightly, shaking her head to keep herself awake. "Your sister and Mimir have both referred to my starlight as knowledge that is more powerful than any knowledge should be. It's because of this whole situation with him killing me that he was healed and so Ragnarok was stopped." She pauses for a moment before adding, "Taking the knowledge is what sent him insane, now that he is whole again he no longer has it. Healing him returned what was stolen from Mimir's well."
Jaak stares at Hika with adumbfounded expression on his face. "I'm still not sure how you know all of this."
She shrugs. "I'm not sure myself, perhaps because I'm exhausted and can't think straight."
Hika sways as she says those words, stumbling against the snow. Jaak tightens his grip on her arm, pulling her back up again. As she moves closer, he realizes that the flame of her wings is flickering, dying out. Jaak frowns.
"Let's get you inside so you can sleep."
Hika doesn't protest when Jaak scoops her up, her eyes are already drifting closed. She's been holding out this long, trying to tell them what they needed to know. However, it is catching up with her now. Jaak looks back at his father, shifting Hika's weight in his arms.
"Are you coming with us?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Do you think I would be asking if I didn't?"
Loki pauses. "That's a fair point."
Jaak can't help but crack a smile before he turns, looking for his sister. He finds Hel standing against one of the trees on the opposite side of the tiny clearing, a strange expression on her face. He makes his way over to her and stops just in front.
"Are you alright?"
Hel nods. "I am, it's just been so long." She looks behind Jaak, at Loki. "I should go back soon."
Even so, a faint blush appears on her cheek, brightening the green of her eye. Jaak laughs. "So you want to talk to him? I'm sure he can find his way to Mamma's place without coming directly with me."
"Are you sure?"
Jaak laughs, leaning on one foot for a moment so he can nudge his sister with the other. "Go on, Hel."
With a small smile, Hel picks her way across the pocked snow. Jaak watches until she stops in front of their father, shifting on her feet for a few heartbeats before she finally speaks. They are soon engrossed in conversation and Jaak smiles, summoning up his snow to carry himself and Hika back to the mountain.
Piat'desiat shest' = fifty-six (Russian)
What do you think Hel wanted to talk to Loki about? What do you think of the prevention of Ragnarok? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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