When the bus arrives back at the point where they got on, Hika is quick to escape its confines, lingering only so Tuva could say goodbye. The girl waves as her mother pulls her off of the bus, struggling to hold onto her book at the same time. With a soft laugh, Hika waves back to the girl and turns away from the bus.
Although she could go back to the private beach, she doesn't have to. Not if she's careful. So instead of walking back down the road to her family beach, Hika goes to the closest beach and strides right into the water. Her skin steams lightly and she shivers. She couldn't be in even this warm water for long and waters in other parts of the world, colder waters?
It would be very hazardous in combination with her fire gifts. The cold and the water would snuff out her flame. But she won't be in it for very long here, just enough to get a decent distance out. She crosses the breakers with swift strokes, easily moving to deeper water. You'd think that she wouldn't be able to swim due to how little she goes in the water, but she can.
Her aunt Pele taught her how to swim in lava, so moving in the water is like air. Hika looks back at the beach to find that she can barely even see people on the beach, they are these tiny, ant-size specks. She looks at the water beside her to see Moana swimming tucked in close to Hika's arm. Hika smiles.
"You ready?"
Moana ducks her head down and slides beneath the surface. Hika frowns for a moment, not sure where the little turtle is going, but then something forces her body out of the water. Holding back a shriek, Hika looks down to see a large turtle shell appear beneath her, lifting her up into the air.
"Well, that was interesting. Will you take me home?"
Moana shifts slightly, angling her body in a different direction, towards Maui. It isn't long before they are back at the shore and Hika slides of Moana's back. She hesitates before going back up the beach, frowning at the turtle.
"Where are you going to go?"
Moana looks up at Hika for a moment then turns back towards the water, making her way back across the sand. The breakers wash over her and follow her back out to sea, leaving Hika to stand there frowning.
"I . . . guess I just call?"
There is no response from the sea and Hika sighs, turning away from the water. She's tempted to dry her clothes with her flame, but the water actually doused the little bit that has been stuck to her finger and she doesn't want it to come back. Her clothes are already decently dry as well due to the normal heat of her body, so their dampness won't be that much of a problem.
When Hika reaches the car, she pulls the keys from the waterproof and fireproof pouch at her waist before she tucks it back into her pocket. She grabs a towel from the backseat and lays it across the driver's seat before she gets in, careful to keep any residual dampness on her clothes from touching the leather.
When she steps in through the door after the drive back, her mother is waiting on the sofa in the open living room. She smiles softly, but there is a nervous smile in her eyes. Hika knows the reason, her mother is well aware of the repercussions of Pele's moods.
"How did it go?"
Hika shrugs as she settles onto the sofa beside her mother. "'Anakē Pele did not blow up Kilauea."
Hi'iaka laughs. "I suppose that's a good sign." She frowns at Hika's already distant look. "What are you thinking about?"
Hika sighs. "How long do you think it will be before I can go?"
Hika bites her lip. "I'm sorry, I'm just excited. And . . . a bit nervous."
"I've never left the islands, Makuahine. It's a whole new world out there that I know almost nothing about."
"You can always wait-"
"Until I'm of age? I'm not going to do that. I want to go now, when I'm still the same me."
Hi'iaka's brow creases. "You'll always be the same person."
Hika snorts. "No, I won't." Hi'iaka opens her mouth, but Hika cuts her mother off. "It's hard to understand if you don't really think about it, but people are always changing. As they learn, they are different than the day before. This is a big change that's coming, Makuahine. Besides, if I wait, I'll have to wait until I have control over the new bounds of my powers as well. I want to go as I am now."
"It's not as safe."
Hika laughs. "And when have you ever seen me not able to handle myself? Do you remember the encounter at school?"
"You were being so adamant that the stories of our 'ohana were true that you were bullied and when they said that we weren't real, when they ganged up on you,"
"I hit that jerk in the face."
Hi'iaka snorts. "You would have scalded his face if I hadn't arrived to pick you up just then. Only ten years old, and you could already do that." She sighs. "The 'ohana should be ready to see you off by the end of the week."
Hika grins. "Thanks, Makuahine."
'Ahiku = seven, when counting
makuahine = mother
'ohana = family
What do you think of Hika's reasoning? Do you think she should go, or should she wait? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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