This isnt a dream. Im completely sure. Because i had walked into my room and crwpt through the wall. It just didnt seem real. My Mum's last words echoed throughout my brain. "Just remember, my favourite colour is purple..." then i remembered the shorts and the note "oh shiz" i spun around looking for the exit or the hole in my wall. Upon finding it i attemoted at walking out of it, however i was still floating. I forgot about that. I was about to step out of this hazy and unreal world when a purple creature appeared out of thin air, blocking the exit. I saw a folded peice of paper among its fur, unlike all of the other crearures, i could actually touch this one so i picked up the paper and squeezed my way past the creature and out i tumbled into my room.
It was then that it struck me that it was really late at night, almost dinner. So i picked myself up off the ground and walked into the study. I opened the filing cabinet and dug around for the peice of paper i had earlier. My hand felt a crumpled peice of paper and i withdrawed my hand from the cabinet. Hastily i unfolded the paper and smoothed it out on the desk. It read "For not only the house holds secrets but your body does too". "Great." I said "I guess we're playing Cluedo now." And sighed, i opened the other peice of paper i had it read "every third letter is the step closer to evolving" "Honestly mum" i sighed in defeat, these letters are probably years old from a treasurehunt Grace and i never finished or even started, mum had a tendency to forger where she put things. I walked off into my room with the lettrrs and stashed them in my bookcase between my Sherlock Holmes book and Agatha Cristie books. Just in case i needed any spare paper to wrute on because those peices of paper were literally nothing to me, they mean nothing.
A/N Im making a few major changes to this book including: The title, spelling and grammar checks, Chapter titles, names of characters, making certain chapters longer, the bio. Im not going to completely change it, its just a few sentences here and there do not make sense and i need to reword or add in information to keep the story going. Also SPOILER!!! im going to be adding in a boy soon... let me know what you think and if theres anything that you want to see in this book or the next chapter or two
- Lucky 💫
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