Your entries need to be written in one of these listed languages: English, Indonesian, French, German and Spanish.
Must follow Wattpad's Guidelines and Code of Conduct.
Choose only one prompt. We suggest you not mix the prompts due to specific prizes that each profile might have.
Special rule for Poetry: the word count must be between 200 - 750 words.
Drabble needs to be exactly 100 words.
You can submit more than one entry.
You may take the participant sticker linked as an Inline Comment.
Short Story word count between 2.500 - 5.000 no more, no less.
Contest will run from December 5, 2024 until January 25, 2025 and submission will be closed by January 25, 2025. 23.59 PM EST. Any submission entered after the given time will be directly disqualified.
Only entries that fill the form will be eligible for judging. You're more than welcome to put your story to the comments section so others can read your story as well.
You can write for all the activities and submit through the given form here but please remember that there will be no winners or special score if you do this, it's just simply having fun writing. But we might give you stickers for your outstanding activities that melt our hearts!
Optional tags: #citifiedfantasy, #frosttown, #winter.
Your story must feature Winter, Christmas, Yule, New Year and Fantasy vibes.
Your Story, Drabble or Poetry must be made specifically for this contest only.
You can have co-authors but make sure only one submits and posts the story in case your story wins. Only one will be featured in our reading list.
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