Mistpaw pelted across the tundra, wind streaming through her silver fur. Refreshing cold pricked against her paw pads, armed with thick skin which set her Clan aside from the rest.
FrostClan. In her biased opinion, the best Clan. They lived on the vast tundra, where every day frost clung to the barren earth and climbed any existing grass. FrostClan cats had thick, rough paw pads to walk over the cold ground, and lush, thick fur to protect from the winds. They survived mostly on birds that swooped over the tundra, rabbits, and the occasional shrew amongst the rare vegetation.
Their Clan camp was in a dip in the ground, sheltered enough for the hardy FrostClan cats. Their Clan leader, Snowstar, and her deputy, Sleetclaw, were wise and just, and the medicine cat, Dewdrop, was one of the cleverest cats in the territories!
FrostClan, Mistpaw mused, really is the best Clan.
Reedpaw stalked stealthily through the forest, loving the feel of warm earth and dry leaves under his paws.
Reedpaw was a member of OakClan, who resided in a massive forest of oaks beside the tundra. He lifted his head in delight as a breeze swept through his dark mottled fur. OakClan cats had light, fluffy fur, and soft yielding paw pads, perfect for hunting on the noisy forest floor. Here OakClan had plenty of prey to choose from, anything from birds to squirrels to mice.
OakClan's leader was the powerful Branchstar, and his deputy was a pale tawny tom, Seedpelt. And their young and pretty medicine cat, just received her full name, was Dawnleaf. Even though she was not allowed to take a mate, Reedpaw could name at least three toms in her Clan who would stop the sun from setting for her. However, Reedpaw knew Dawnleaf was loyal and would serve her Clan to the utmost of her abilities.
OakClan, Reedpaw mused, really is the best Clan.
Rosepaw stood on the sandy beach, sniffing the lovely tangy smell of salt water. The turquoise waves lapped gently at the golden sand and pebbles a couple of tail-lengths in front of her.
The third and last Clan was OceanClan. They lived by the beach, in the shelter of some trees nearby. They were sleek, streamlined and usually well fed, as their territory was full of prey. Fish in the shallows, as well as shellfish, clams, and crabs burrowed under the sand. Seabirds, small sandhoppers, made just as good a meal as any other bird. To aid them in eating their prey, OceanClan cats had unusually sharp teeth and claws to pry open shells and rip away pincers.
OceanClan's leader was a lithe she-cat called Drizzlestar. Her mate, Rockpool, was also their deputy. Their medicine cat was a kind-eyed tom, Tidestorm. All three were brave and fiercely loyal to their Clan.
OceanClan, Rosepaw mused, really was the best Clan.
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