Home No More
The roaring engines of the aircraft were deafening as I leaned back into the seat as the speed kept on increasing before tilting upwards.
It was yet another end of the year, another traditional family dinner. I didn't mind it, I actually quite liked it because it was the only time when I got to see her. But my liking has changed ever since I have.
"Sir, would you like anything to drink?"
"No." With my simple and cold answer, I counted down the minutes.
Tall trees, decorated with ornaments greeted me as I entered the airport through the gates. The Christmas cheer and happiness was visible in every passing person. Airport staff was dressed accordingly with bright smiles.
I didn't pay them mind as I walked past them in a hurry, wanting to get away form all the cheesy cheer of Christmas.
The cold December wind blew past me as I skimmed my eyes through the crowd of waiting people before my eyes fell upon him.
The driver was already standing outside the airport with a board. The big bold letters he held up spelled my name, Mikael Villin.
I nodded at him, resulting him to briskly walk towards me and getting my bags from my hand.
My hands instantly went inside the pockets of my unzipped brown leather jacket which had white undershirt. My dark boots paired with black jeans sounded a loud thud as I walked beside him.
"Fredrick, how's life treating you?"
"Not very good, sir. Mr Villin has recently lost his mind." He shook his head. I walked straight to the passenger side while Fredrick placed the bags in the boot and walked to the driver's side.
"Well he wouldn't be Micheal Villin if there was a mind somewhere in him." I muttered. It was expected. Father was never the kind, loving one. He was full of greed and power, working for and with twisted men, and mother was worse. She only married the man because of his promise of money. She abided by the money rule she created herself and neglected her children ever since she birthed us.
"But what did he do this time?" I questioned with a sense of curiosity as the familiar scenery passed us by.
"He lost some money. The most recent man he was working with ran away with it."
"That's it? Some money?" I chuckled. From what I'm hearing, his temper is getting worse.
"I don't think you'll like the next part, sir." His voice held sincere hesitation.
"Spill it."
"Cora got the worst of it from both of them." He held his breath.
The tension in the car was raised up and the grip on my phone tightened. My breathing picked up and I could feel my eyes changing. A quick glimpse in the rear mirror showed me the blood red colour that filled my eyes.
"I don't think letting the monster inside you loose would help the situation, sir," Fredrick sounded, "you should listen to what your mind says, not the what the monster says."
"God, you're right!" I shut my eyes tight and pinched the bridge of my nose.
The car halted to a stop, "we've arrived, sir." On Fredrick's words, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.
With one swift move, I got out the car and walked towards the house, "keep my bags in my room, Fredrick."
I walked towards the large entrance door and rang the bell.
"Mikael," His stiff and cold tone greeted my whilst opening the door. His serious posture gave away nothing, "glad you could make it. It's nice to see you back home." He stepped aside from the door and I entered.
"I don't think I'm in the position to say I feel the same," on further walking in, I saw mother walking past me without a single glance, yelling commands at frightened servants, "I want every decoration exactly as it is every year, not one thing different!" I could only roll my eyes at her behaviour.
"Where's Cora?" My voice still held some edge to it.
"In her room." I didn't stay any longer as I quickly jogged up the stairs to her room.
My knuckles made slight contact with the wooden door as I knocked.
"Come in," Her feminine and cold voice came through which gave me the permission I needed.
I stepped inside the same old maroon room that she's had since she was fifteen.
"I thought you'd be excited to see me," She was sitting by the bedside table but my words made her whip her head in my direction.
She didn't waste a single moment in running at me and embracing me, "Oh I thought you'd never come," she whimper, "I thought you forgot about me." Her voice cracked as she broke down. Her head resting on my chest and arms wrapped around tightly.
"How could I, love," I rubbed her back, "you never left my mind, not even for a single second." I grabbed her head in both my hands and placed a soft kiss on her warm forehead.
"But you left me here, alone with them." She spat the word with venom laced in her voice.
"I plan to change that." I smiled when she looked at me with her wide eyes.
"You joking?"
When I shook my head as an answer, she jumped up with enthusiasm and squealed like a happy child. Her happiness was shining through.
But my good mood didn't last long when I caught the slight bruise beside her lips.
"What did they do?" She jumped away from me. My tone picked up anger fast and I could barely control myself.
My canines throbbed, screaming to be let out but I held myself at bay, not wanting Cora to run off to the hill.
I still haven't told her. I wanted to, but I haven't, afraid that the only one I care for, the only one I truly have in this world would run away from me if I ever told her what I've truly become.
"It was just another day at being the victim of father's brutal anger. He didn't care what was in front of him. He just wanted to release his anger pent up inside of him and unfortunately, I was the first thing he saw." Core shuddered at the bare thought of it.
"I won't let him live another day!" My words shook the whole room.
"Hey, hey," Cora rubbed her hand up and down my chest, "calm down." Her warm brown eyes looked into mine. Such simple gesture from her calmed my nerves.
"Tell me everything." My soft but commanding tone made her lead me to her bed where we both sat down and she told me everything. From where it began, to where it ended.
Time flew by in a fast pace and before we knew it, Fredrick knocked, "sir, your parents are expecting both of you to the dining room. We have guests over would would join us for dinner." He left after delivering his message.
"Now let's go downstairs and finish this," I stood up, fumed up from hearing Cora's side of the story, "I'll take you away." Taking Cora's hand in mine in a tight grasp, we walked to dinner.
We made our way to the dining room. Mother and father were already seated in their professional attire.
The dinning room took up a great space of the enormous house. A golden chandelier hung from the ceiling over the table. A single mahogany wood table took its place in the middle of the room and six chairs surrounded it. Two chairs at the head of the table and two two on either sides.
The brown walls reflected off the golden lights that illuminated the entire room. Different decorations and Christmas ornaments were spilled throughout the room.
My eyes found the people situated in the room. Father's suit was neatly pressed and mother's dress was over the top. The other two guests, one male and one female, were formal but simple.
"I'm so happy you are here to join us." Mother's words were sugary. Anyone who barely knew her would've thought she was actually a sweet woman, but I knew better.
"Meet Ava and Percy," he motioned towards the two. Percy was in a light blue button up tucked into navy dress trousers as he stood up to shake hands with me, "pleasure, Mikael." His lips slightly curved up in a smirk.
Ava, who was in a white sundress, stood afterwards and with the same aura as Percy, shook mine and Cora's hand. I couldn't help but smirk myself as I took a seat opposite to Percy and Ava with Cora sitting beside me. Father and mother were sitting at the head of the table.
"Lovely people," mother uttered as the butlers brought in the food and everyone started.
It went like any other of our year end dinners. Quite, with only the clanking of the cutlery against the plates. The only difference was the small talks which went on between the parents, Percy and Ava.
When done with the dinner, the maids came in and took away everything, leaving the dining table empty.
Two butlers walked in. One placed wine glasses in front of us all whilst the other filled the all our glasses with mother's festive champagne.
"Cheers, to another end of year." Father raised his glass over his head and every followed, muttering lights 'cheers'.
"I heard you were a man of anger, Micheal." Percy took a gulp from his glass. His statement was quickly denied.
"Oh that's hardly true." He laughed it off.
"Is that so, Cora?" Ava's question made Cora tense up. I caught her hand quickly reaching under the table, away from prying eyes, vigorously wiping her hand on her pale red dress. Her hands tend to sweat when nervous. She looked down with trembling lips, contemplating weather to lie or not.
Father's hard stare towards her shaped her answer, "N-no."
"Well, I think you're all lying." Percy smiled.
"What's makes you say that?" Mother hurriedly asked.
"I've been told." Percy looked at me.
"Mikael?!" Father already picked up anger, "What did you say?"
"Only the truth." I rolled my eyes.
"How dare you?" Mother squealed out, banging her fists on the table.
"Mikael I'm going to kill-" his voice was cut off followed by loud screams of Cora.
"I was starting to think you guys were never going to do that." I looked up and saw my mother's throat in Ava's hand and father's in Percy's hand.
"Believe me, it felt real good." Percy said, tossing the piece of flesh aside.
"Yeah, but now I have blood on my new white dress." Ava moaned.
I ignore them and moved towards Cora, who had left her seat and crawled back into a corner with trembling lips and ready eyes.
"Hey, hey, love look at me." I calmly approached her. The strong smell of blood made the monster inside me stir. My canines started throbbing and soon after, the sharp tips poked my inner lips. I felt my vision changing, indicating the colour change from my normal grey to blood red throughout the whole eye.
Hearing my voice, Cora looked up but a horrified screaming escaped her lips. She tried sliding away from me but the walls were a barrier in her way.
"It's gonna be all right, love," I kneeling down to her level and took a hold of her shoulder, shaking it gently but she only screamed and covered her face with her hands.
"Mikael, the best option right now is to turn her." Percy's words made me turn my head to him.
"Yeah, I think she's suffered enough in this wretched place." Ava agreed with Percy.
I nodded my head and tore Cora's hand away from her face.
"Don't hurt me, please." Her soft voice begged me.
"No no, I would never." I kissed the back of both her hands. Tears were continuously streaming down her cheeks, her red hair sticking to her face as she breathed heavily.
"What are you, your eyes, your face, your teeth."
"You'll be one of us soon." Percy cheered from the back.
"What? No." Fear gripped her by the throat.
"Cora, do you trust me?"
She stared at me with offence, her petrified state at the back of her mind, "How could you even ask me that? You already know."
"I want to hear it coming straight out of your mouth."
She looked me right in the eyes, not an ounce of fear in her as she did so, her warm hands held mine back as she whispered, "yes, I always have, and always will."
That was the only thing I needed to hear. The only consent from her. The only thing that was stopping me.
And now that she said it, I couldn't hold back. I placed my hand on the side of her head and tilted it to the side, and with no resistance from her end, it was easy to do so.
Cora was still shaking slightly from the event. Her eyes wide and pupils dilated. She looked around at all of us with weary eyes and a fast heartbeat.
Her neck was exposed and I, for once, couldn't wait long. My sharp canines painfully pierced the skin on her neck, ending her old life full of sorrows and gifting her a new, but cursed one.
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