Chapter 29
I was seated at the docks as I watched some students rowing boats as they laughed.
Today was the last day in camp and everyone was either packing up or making sure they had the beat fun ever.
I heard footsteps approach me as I groan inwardly as I raise my head to see a girl who looks like she is in my class smiling brightly holding a stack of papers.
"Hi Head girl! I mean Ashley!!sorry I'm just hyper " she said giggled as she cleared her throat returning to her normal self.
"I'm sorry what's your name again? " I asked as she looked at me shocked.
"I've been in the same class as you since jss1, anyway I'm Laura Nkwocha" she said chuckling as she stretched her hand as i shook it.
"oh! Ive heard of you! You're the head of the editorial ,literary and media club" I said as she nodded in affirmation.
"So I was told to write an article based on our camping trip and I've done that and I've also taken some pictures for the school yearbook" She explained as she showed me some pictures as I studied them
"So I just need the head girl and the head boys permission by signing before I meet with the principal " Laura said as I hummed softly drifting off.
"Head girl? "she called out as I snapped out of my trance staring at her.
"How about I take this from you and discuss with the head boy myself? I'll send it back to you when we're done" I said as she sighed gratefully.
"thank you... I really have other things to do, thanks so much Headg- I mean Ashley! " Laura said as she ran off leaving me to sigh as I walked towards where the boys were.
I walked towards where I heard Damilare was as I saw the guys throwing darts at a tree as Simulate hanged loosely on the branch of the tree.
His eyes darted to me as he jumped down walking towards me.
"Dams.. We-we need to talk. " I told him folding my arms.
"I know. " he said pulling me to a more secluded place as I sighed.
"About that night... "I started as he cut me off
"Will you be my girlfriend? " my breath hitched as I remembered what Kimberly said, I didn't understand but it was getting to me.
"Okay. " I murmured as he smiled.
"The.. uhm..events that took plate that night.. It should never happen again, that was a one time thing" I said, I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth.
"Yeah.. I understand and thanks for letting me take your v*rginity " she said coolly as I shuddered.
I remembered what happened to my cousin Tejumola, how her mum beat her mercilessly .what have I changed to? When did I become this type of girl? My mum would be so sad if she found out what I had done.
"I'll be off" I said as my voice cracked as damilare pulled me into a kiss.
"Damilare... " I warned as he shrugged.
"You're my girlfriend.. I should be allowed to kiss you na" he said as I sighed walking away as I bumped into Ashley.
To be truthful, She intimidated me. Every aura that emitted from her body made me shudder, she wasn't the type of person to be lied to.
She stared sternly at me with a raised brow clearly asking what was wrong.
"I.. Ashley.. Can I speak with you? " I asked as she shrugged nodding , gesturing me to continue.
"Alone? " I muttered as I felt tears threatening to pour out as I saw her stare at my back with a frown on her face as I glanced to the ground.
"just wait for me here, I'll be back" she said as I nodded quickly watching as she made her way towards the boys.
I watched as Ashley made her way towards me as Emi sighed.
"look at her, a beauty beyond comparison, not just outside but inside, always looking hot even when shes serious " He said as I gave him a slight punch.
"That's my girlfriend you know. " I replied as he chuckled sticking a tongue out.
"go get yourself a girlfriend " I advised as he smirked getting up from the ground.
"Already have one, and besides, Ashley is just a sister to me she loves me and I love her too" Emi said as I rolled my eyes as he walked towards her.
"Hey sista!" he called out to her as he pulled her into a hug kissing her on the cheek.
"Emi.. What's up? " she asked curiously as he turned to look at me as she also stared towards me as I waved slightly.
"I'm cool Ash, cool as Ice" he slurred like a drunk person as he walked out.
"I would have love to stay but I can't, girly stuff, I've already signed just go through it and give me when u see me" she rushed pushing the papers to my chest as i groaned.
"I can just sign it right now " I suggested as she glared at me walking away.
"READ IT!! " she deadpanned making the rest of the boys stare at our direction as she cat walked away.
Happy New year guys!!!!
Happy new year y'all✨✨🥂🥂🥂🫂🫂🥳🥳🤍🤍😘😘
I wish you a year full of happiness and success in Jesus name 😊
More doors will be opened in Jesus name😌
This year is for greater heights in Jesus name🤯
Stay safe y'all🤭
Don't forget to VOTE
TreKonSi ❄
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