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"Breaking news: Midtown High School of Science and Technology was attacked last night during a spring dance. Students can be seen running from the gymnasium where the attack occurred just seconds after the explosion. The culprit of the attack has yet to be identified, as are the motives for such a horrific crime. Luckily, there were no fatalities, but there were four that were sent to the hospital and are in good condition as of this morning."
Eloise watches the news with the remote clutched tightly in her hand. Her stomach churns as the news channel replays the explosion and aftermath the security cameras caught in the gym and surrounding area. Seeing the terrified faces of the students, even though she did not know them personally, sends a pang through her chest.
Eloise barely blinks as she stares at the screen. The severity of the whole event didn't hit her until she woke up this morning with her chest tight and her breaths shallow.
Just when things were starting to get good, everything seems to crash all around her again. Eloise was healing from her experiences being controlled by Russo and wasn't getting terror-ridden nightmares every night anymore. She could actually get a restful night's sleep. Sure, she didn't have completely blissful nights every single night, but it was a lot better than when she first came home after her traumatic experience. Last night was the first night in a while Eloise has had such a terrifying nightmare.
Still in shock, Eloise doesn't hear her mother's heels clicking against the wooden floors as she walks down the hallway into the living room. Mrs. Jones is adjusting the collar of her crisp white button-up as she stops behind the chair her daughter is sitting in, and shifts her attention to the screen.
"That's too bad, Midtown is really a good school. Such a shame." Mrs. Jones checks her watch. "I'm off to work, make sure you load the dishwasher and wash the dishes before I get home. Also, your father is working in the Brooklyn branch today, so he'll be home late."
Mrs. Jones doesn't wait for Eloise's response before she turns and picks up her purse from the kitchen counter, then walks straight out the front door.
Eloise glances at her phone. Sighing at the time, she turns the TV screen off and pushes herself out of the chair. She sets the remote down and sluggishly steps into the kitchen where her backpack is. Lifting the bag and pulling it over her shoulders takes all her energy and she doesn't think she'll be able to go to school today.
Nonetheless, Eloise takes the apartment keys and walks out the front door and locks it behind her.
"Good morning."
She glances at her right. Peter, a small smile playing on his lips, is also locks his apartment door as he's about to leave for school. He tilts his head to the side and slightly narrows his eyes at Eloise.
"Hey, Peter," She replies quietly. She avoids eye-contact and turns to walk down the hall towards the elevator.
Peter frowns and follows. "Are you okay?"
"Just tired," Eloise tells him, brushing off her mood. "Last night was. . . a lot."
"Yeah." He watches her as he matches her pace. He doesn't say anything else as the two of them enter the elevator and ride it to the ground floor.
They don't talk the rest of the way to school, excluding Peter's short goodbye when they reach Park East. He continues on to his school as Eloise enters hers.
She slowly walks down the hallways with her head down so she doesn't meet anyone's eyes. She fears they're a dead giveaway to her unstable emotional state.
As soon as Eloise makes it to her locker, sifts through it, and then closes it, strong arms suddenly wrap around her body and pull her flush against someone's chest.
She lets out a gasp and starts to panic, but her panic dies as a familiar voice from behind her says, "I'm so glad you're okay, Eloise! I was so worried when I heard the news. I can't even imagine that happening to our school."
Eloise turns as the arms fall from around her body. Her eyes meet Lucy's, and she just feels herself crumbling.
Lucy's grateful smile falters when she takes in Eloise's state. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asks as she hugs Eloise again, this time more gently.
Eloise somehow manages to keep her composure. She breathes, "I'm fine. It has just been a long week."
Lucy gives her once last squeeze before letting her friend go, but keeping a hand on her arm. "I know this might not lift your spirits, but at least the lunch today is pizza?"
Eloise lets out a soft laugh. "Really?"
"Really." Lucy gives Eloise a sympathetic smile. "I should let you get to class now, nerd."
"Yeah, I guess." Eloise adjusts the folder in her hands. "See you at lunch."
"Of course, muchacha."
Eloise's phone vibrates for the hundredth time since she's arrived home from school. She doesn't touch her phone, or even look at it, and continues drying the freshly washed dishes in silence. The moment school ended, Eloise was ready to go home to be alone. Having everyone around her made her anxious—what if one of her classmates was Zagan, the one who attacked Midtown during their spring formal and who could transform into anyone in a matter of seconds? Not wanting to face anyone, Eloise made a detour from her usual route home passing Midtown to walk with Peter and Ned and instead walked the opposite direction to the bus stop. She rode by herself with her keys clutched tightly in her grasp the whole time before coming home to wash dishes and to be alone with her thoughts.
Her phone buzzes again. Sighing, Eloise glances at the face-up device. She sees that all her notifications from when she got home were from Peter, Ned, and Mason.
Peter's texts went along the lines of Where are you? and Did you walk home without me ;(
Ned's texts were I saw this really cute dog walking with Peter after school, you're missing out and Michelle didn't believe me when I told her I met Captain America and White Wolf. . . Can you back me up pls??
Mason didn't send a text, he sent a Snapchat. Eloise opens it. It's a picture of a blurry floor with the words "streaks."
Eloise turns her phone off and turns back to the sink. As she does, her eyes catch a black dot, a spider, lurking in the corner between the wall and the cabinets. She gasps and the plate she was drying drops from her grip. It shatters against the hardwood floors.
Fear overtaking her, Eloise steps back, a shard of the plate embedding itself into the bottom of her foot. She hisses in pain.
When she looks up at the spider, she realizes that it has no legs. In fact, it has no abdomen or anything—it's just a small ball of fuzz.
Eloise slumps down in a chair at the kitchen table and sets her head down. Instead of feeling relief over the nonexistent spider, she just feels everything from the past year crash over her—getting bit by that spider, being controlled by Russo, killing an innocent person, and hurting her best friends. She actually stabbed the person whose face is in her Chemistry book.
She lets out a long breath and closes her eyes in pain, but it's not physical.
To clear some things up. . .
1. Despite Michelle and Eloise having the last name, they are not related. (Edit: she's not related to Jessica Jones either)
2. Eloise was controlled by a villain named Russo, who has nothing to do with the Russo brothers
3. I don't really have an update schedule since my junior year of high school is rapidly coming to an end, which means finals and my first two college course exams (super duper scary) are coming up and I'm busy stressing over my future and whatnot. I'm also recovering from Endgame and missing Haiti (tragic, I know). I'm also currently writing a Bucky Barnes fanfic (if any of you are reading that I apologize for barely any updates), this book, my original book Displacement, my Miles Morales fanfic Graffiti Girl, and a Marvel fanfic that I haven't posted on Wattpad yet. So yeah. I basically screwed myself over with all these works. I apologize for not having a concrete updating schedule but I'm a very disorganized person and will eventually get around to writing more chapters for everything. Thanks for your patience!
4. This might not need to be cleared up since I think it's already apparent, but I love every single one of you and appreciate you for clicking on my book and following it to it's sequel! Honestly I can't believe the support I'm receiving from you lovely people. May God bless every single one of you!
ALSO >>> Want something to read? I've just got done reading a whole bunch of marvel fics instead of writing my own or doing my homework and thought that I'd share some of my favorites.
First, there's Punching Bag by kensy_lane (honestly my favorite book right now, I just finished the sequel and I don't know what to do with my life anymore).
Another is I Know Your Secret, Peter Parker by savagesociety (this book is really original and awesome).
There's also Pleaser by -dedroses (super awesome read, and they also have an awesome Steve Harrington fic if anyone's into Stranger Things).
Cunae by bellerose12
(not finished but still super good and super super super cute and well-written).
And you should all also check out hope_sees_the_stars because she's just all around amazing at everything she does. She's got amazing books on her account and a sketchbook you all should definitely check out.
Okay, I'm done talking now. Thanks for reading my mediocre writing!
Chapter Song:
Honest | Mali-Koa
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