Lost and Found
It wasn't too long before Christina found herself lost in the forest. As the sky grew darker fear slowly crept into her and she hugged herself and rubbed her arms to try and stay warm
Maybe she should stay put. The others must be worried sick and must be trying to find her right now.
Oh she wished she had a Bakugan to talk to and help comfort her.
Something small landed on her shoulder and Christina almost screamed - thinking it was a bug
" Shh !! Hide !! They're looking for me " a female voice hissed in her ear and Christina climbed up a tree and hid in the branches.
" Where did that wretched Bakugan run off to ?! " Christina remembered that that was Mylene's voice
" It can run, but it can't hide " taunted Shadow and Lync snickered
" We have to keep searching !! Master Spectra put me in charge of the search and I'm not letting you imbeciles ruin this !! " Gus snapped
" Quit your whining already. We're not going to to find that Bakugan if it's dark out. " Volt said calmly
Christina then realized what's going on.
That could only mean ...
' Yes !! I found a Bakugan - or rather it found me ... ' Christina thought, dancing happily in her head.
Unfortunately, now was not the time for victory dances, she had to leave with her new companion now - and fast !!
Christina jumped down silently and began tiptoeing her way from the tree and group without being seen or heard.
Snap !!
Christina accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped, alerting the five Vexos attention, making them turn around to see her
" ... Oops ... " Christina mumbled and she did the only logical thing that could cross her mind
Run !!
And that's exactly what she did.
Putting the mysterious Bakugan safely in her pocket she bolted away from the Vexos as they chased her.
Only when she thought she was safe did she stop running and took the mystery Bakugan out of her pocket
" I think we're safe now ... " Christina said in a hushed tone
The Bakugan opened up and sapphire blue eyes examined Christina in the moonlight " Who are you ? " the Bakugan asked, her voice regal, yet kind.
" I'm - "
But before she could say another word she heard footsteps and turned around to see that the five Vexos have caught up to them
" Hand over the Bakugan and we'll let you go free " Gus ordered
Christina scowled and held the Bakugan protectively against her chest " I'm not letting you have her !! " she said
Shadow cackled " If you won't give that Bakugan to us we'll take it by force !! "
Christina growled " I said I'm not letting you have her !! "
Gus smirked, " You're even more foolish than I thought. Thinking you can win against us, hm ? "
Christina examined her surroundings and realized that she was on the edge of a cliff
" You're surrounded and outnumbered. Surrender now and give us the bak - "
Gus started and Christina threw some loose pebbles at his face
" Never "
Murmuring a quick prayer to the heavens, eyes closed, she stepped backwards and fell down the large cliff, clutching the Bakugan close to her chest and a multicolored light enveloped her.
To her relief she had a safe landing and found her way back to the Resistance base and told the others about her encounter - reassuring them that they didn't know that she was part of the Resistance.
When the Vexos returned to the palace they were met with Spectra
" How was the mission ? Did you obtain the powerful Bakugan ? " Spectra asked
Gus knelt before Spectra " We had the Bakugan in our sights Master Spectra but that little brat - " he started and clenched his fists and teeth.
" You encountered someone ? " Spectra asked, " Do go on. I'm curious "
Gus scowled at the ground " Earlier during the mission Volt and I were encountered by a girl saying that she was out for a stroll. Aurora Lionheart she called herself - but later on we met her again and she had the Bakugan with her " He explained
" We all chased her down till we surrounded her at a cliff. She refused to surrender and stepped off the cliff "
Spectra smirked a bit " And you assume that she was a spy for the Resistance ? "
Gus nodded " Though we shouldn't stop looking for the bakugan. There's no possible way that the girl survived the drop "
Volt stayed silent. Unlike the others he looked over the cliff as the girl fell. Multicolored light had surrounded her and she managed to land safely
The girl was alive, but he wasn't going to tell them that. He'd let the girl go. If she was indeed part of the Resistance she would need to train quickly.
Lucky for her she wore a hood to conceal her identity ...
(( Guh sorry for the very late update :( But I'm back and I will continue this story :) ))
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