Chapter 7-Got the Hennessy in my hand
later that night
Rhetts POV
"Here's to another successful episode of GMM!" we all clinked our glasses and sipped in celebration. Phil looked around and smiled at the fancy décor on the walls and the mirrors that were on the ceiling.
"This place is so much more fancier than any place we have eaten at. I feel like I should've dressed up a little more!" He glanced down at his outfit. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a deep blue shirt and black tie. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Phil honestly you look absolutely fine! You guys can pick anything on the menu and we will pay for it! Its our treat for you!" Dan took another sip of his beer.
"Are you sure? I mean we have more than enough money to pay..." I shook my head.
"No no! Please let us get it."
As the night went on we ordered more food and more drinks. Dan kept ordering the biggest drinks on the menu and downing them each time
"Dan please be careful. You don't want to drink too much!" Dan rolled his eyes at Phil. Phil shook his head and turned to me.
"Last time he drunk this much he tried to kiss our friend PJ and I found him the next morning asleep in the bathtub wearing a dress. Goodness knows where he got the dress from..." I snickered quietly. We waited until the final group of people had gone before we finally left to go home. Dan almost fell off his seat when he tried to get up. He started to laugh but it was high pitched and strangled laughter.
"Dan are you ok? You've had a little too much to drink haven't you?" Link and I helped pick Dan up.
"Yesss...I'm....I'm fine....." he grinned and caressed my face. Phil held the door open as we dragged Dan to the car and put him in the front seat. Dan leant against the window, peering at everyone walking by. When we finally arrived at Links house Link got out of the car and managed to drag Dan out of the car and leant him against a lamppost.
"Hey look....look at this....Phil....PHIL!!!!" he pointed at the lamppost. Link shook his head. Dan stumbled and almost fell to the ground but Link caught him.
"Phil I don't think its safe if you stay here. I think I can handle Dan on my own." Link tightened his grip on Dan.
"Rhett is it ok if Phil stays with you?" I nodded. Phil smiled.
"Don't worry I'll be fine!" he dragged Dan inside and closed the door.
Phils POV
I clambered out of the back seat and sat in the front. It was an awkward drive back as we didn't say anything at all. When we pulled up in the drive he walked round and opened my door.
"Well thank you Rhett! Woah your house is so nice!" he put the key in the lock and opened the door with a flourish. I walked in and took my shoes off at the fancy shoe rack that was resting on the polished wooden floor.
"Here give me your jacket..." I pulled off my suit jacket and handed it to him. He disappeared a few minutes later and reappeared a few minutes later with a large grey tshirt and black shorts.
"I realised when we were driving here that you left all of your clothes at Links house so here...borrow some of mine." he directed me to a large bathroom and I stripped out of my suit and into the borrowed clothing. The shorts fit but the tshirt completely covered them and rested on my knees. I folded my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. I wandered into the living room to find Rhett sitting with the TV on and a large blanket draped over him. He turned and looked at me.
"Woah I knew the clothes would've been a little big but they look positively ginormous on you!" he patted the seat next to him. I sat down next to him. He pulled the blanket over me and looked back at the TV.
"I wonder how Link is handling Dan...." Rhett looked at me. I just shrugged.
Links POV
"Dan come on buddy!" I dragged Dan through the house and into the living room. I flopped him down on the sofa. I removed his shoes and his socks and tried to get him to stand again. He gripped onto me tightly, pulling half of the buttons off of my shirt, exposing my chest.
"Dan remind me to never let you drink again..." he laughed as we stumbled upstairs. I sat him down on his bed and raked in his suitcase for pyjamas. I could only find a top. I threw the top on the bed and attempted to take his suit off.
"Link, Link, Link...." he stood up and caressed my face. I felt my face flush a deep shade of red. He moved closer to me so my back was against the wall. He grabbed both of my hands and held them up above my head. His face became dangerously close to mine.
"Dan....please...." his face became so close that his nose was touching mine.
"Shhhhhhh......don't spoil this moment..." with a quick flick of his wrists I felt myself land on his bed. He turned at me and looked at me seductively. He pulled off his shirt and I began to panic. He walked over and straddled himself over my lap. He rested his head on my shoulder. Suddenly I heard his soft snores on my shoulder. I managed to push himself onto the bed. He started to drool on the pillow. I managed to remove his trousers and left him in his shirt. I pulled a blanket over him and patted his shoulder.
"Night Dan...." and with that I closed the door on him.
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