Chapter 10: Farewells
Danny met the next morning whilst sitting on a chair, and the events of the last night rushed to him in a single torrent seconds after his awakening. The teen put a palm over his face, rubbing it in circular motions. From the gap between his fingers he saw that his bed was empty. Even when unconscious the maids woke up earlier than him. The conclusion made Phantom chuckle just a bit, but the amusement died off quickly. He lifted his shirt and, apart from the usual scars, there was nothing new. So nobody had stabbed him that night. Speaking of which, Phantom glanced over his shoulder and saw Meili sleeping on another chair, her head on the table and her hands tied behind her back. Of course, trying to kill him on the first night was stupid. Danny tried to recollect the memories of yesterday, after the threat was dealt with.
Upon returning to the village, he was inevitably praised and heralded as a hero. Meili posed a problem for the teen, for her outfit was strange and suspicious to a degree. So, before coming to the settlement openly, he sneakily left her at his house, and only then did he emerge from the forest path, greeted by a crowd of relieved villagers. It made the teen feel truly proud about what he did, but that was pride tamed and with reigns on it. Mostly, he was just relieved himself and concerned about what was going to come. The kids were unable to say thanks to him back then, for obvious reasons, but Danny made sure to check up on them and, once he saw that the curse was gone, he reassured the locals that they were going to be alright. It was the same face he made when he led them into the forest, the one that covered his own concerns, but it sufficed when calming those who now trusted him completely. He wasn't that fearful, just naturally worried. Eventually the amount of mana would get restored as long as they were alive, and that they were. When looking at their sleeping forms he got angry at Meili and his refusal to punish her in any way, but as long as she viewed the company of her sister's murderer as a punishment, he didn't see the need to complain. They would remain oblivious as to who their 'friend' really was. And until they left, she would have to play the part.
Emilia didn't know either. It was going to be his own secret about the serpent he was keeping on his stomach and carrying on his back. He still let the worried half-elf see the maids he had unceremoniously knocked out and politely carried to a better place. Rem and Ram were alright as far as he was concerned, but something was obviously weighing down on the girl. When asked, she responded simply:
"I'm so sorry for what happened."
"The suspicions you mean? It wasn't your fault, princess," Danny shrugged. "I don't really hold it against you or them."
"You don't?" She asked in surprise before seeing him rise from his chair.
"Well, to be honest, I am still sore about the whole thing. They broke my ribs."
"That's horrible," Emilia mumbled.
"I'm actually surprised that you didn't know about everyone's suspicions. All your reactions are too genuine, if you wonder why I believe you."
Silence settled down in the room for good ten seconds, all of which were spent by Emilia in attempts to come up with a proper answer.
"Nobody told me that," was her timid response, the result of all her pondering.
"I see. Emilia, you are in charge of your camp, you know that?"
"I know, but... I am not that experienced, so Roswaal does a lot of things."
"Roswaal did a stupid thing, then. You have to understand that everything that happens to those around you, what they do, is reflected on you, too. Because you are the candidate, not him. I am just an easy-going person who will punch the idiot in his grimed face and forget this whole incident. But if he happened to act this way towards someone influential and powerful, you would be done for."
"Roswaal is smarter than that, Danny, I'm certain of it. He still has the experience I lack."
"Yet you are the one apologising," Danny sighed. "Again, this will stay between us, princess. You don't need to worry about the reputation."
"It's not about reputation. I was worried that you will hate us for what happened. I'd be sad if my friend began feeling this way."
Danny only smiled.
Emilia wanted to stay overnight and return together with the maids. Phantom had no objections, seeing as Meili did not cause any questions from her. After all, Emilia didn't know the locals as much as he did. Now, when looking around, Danny guessed that the half-elf had been the voice of reason, reason that dictated a simple rule: nice people should not be killed in their sleep. Stretching his muscles, Phantom got up, he still had preparations to make before going anywhere. He wasn't worried about Meili running off, she was in a position that left her no choice. Either follow him or die, if not by his hand, than by that of another assassin. As they had been going back to the village, Phantom devised a plan of action. The assassins had a higher-up contact in the capital, one Meili could point towards, and from there Danny would begin searching for people higher and higher, so he could either force them to stop their hunt or just kill them off until they learned.
He was tired of going back and forth instead of seeing a new place, but what would you do Phantom sighed at being forced away from his dreams of a quiet life once more. Honestly, all he had to do was to avoid Emilia back on that day, but... that's not who he was. She would have inevitably died on that day. This world was a cruel place, and hardly the one where he should seek solace. But he would try, for he, just like the girl tied to him by an iron chain, had no choice.
When Danny stepped outside, he was greeted by a chilly, but pleasant morning wind, the bright sun that had climbed from behind the mountains immediately blinded him, and made him loathe the world for several seconds. A small shudder ran through his spine, and the first to greet him was Skulker.
"Welcome to the world of the living, boss."
"What was that squeaking noise?" Danny mumbled and absentmindedly looked around.
"Alright, alright, the joke got stale ages ago, Phantom."
Phantom smirked and turned to face the floating glob of ectoplasm. "I am your tyrannical king Skulker," he poked a finger at his small green body, "I decide when it is stale. How is your suit?"
"Almost finished now. We still need to put the imitated core in... Phantom..."
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Skulker began to metaphorically sweat.
"I am making devious schemes to take over this world, what else?" Danny tilted his head.
"You are joking, but I'm not really sure. What are you actually planning to do?"
"I'm going to the capital again. There are assassins after me now, as it turns out, and I would like to... sort that matter out."
"Wait, really? I don't envy them."
"Got that part right," Danny leaned against the wall, with silence soon settling between them.
Skulker just floated in his spot, uncertain about what to say next. His week with a teen had been a dubious one, filled with him trying to not be reduced to ashes shall he look at the guy funnily. But none of it had happened, but his dignity had kept taking blow after blow each time Danny had opened his mouth. Still, it had gone... far better than one would expect. His entire group of friends, and him included, had thought that the ghost child had lost his mind after his obsession was twisted inside out after he had been forced to kill his own parents. But Danny seemed alright now when Skulker was giving it another thought. Certainly not like an unleashed beast that rampaged the land. Perhaps that's why the whelp had chosen to come here. The ghost looked at the kids who were gathering near the central well of the village. Yes, of course, Phantom was merely seeking to satiate his obsession in a different way. And now Skulker realised — he was not going to be able to bring him back.
"Now you are the one staring, Skulker."
"Oh, look who is talking. Got anything to say, whelp?"
This time, at the mention of a nickname Danny only chuckled, "Nothing really. I just hope that you have enough brains to leave me alone after this. Skulker, you are among the ghosts who have known me for longer than anyone else. If I am anything, it is stubborn."
"I would know," the ghost muttered, "Say, Phantom. Why do you want to stay here?"
Danny gave him a once-over, and, for some reason, decided to give a different answer this time, "I want peace. Ever since I became like this, you people never left me alone. On mornings, at noon, in the dead of night you attacked people I swore to protect. You took it as a sport to try and beat me. My life was nothing but a chain of battles. I didn't have time for school, I didn't have time for sleep, I didn't have time for my friends. Then I show up to save you people from the threats humans and you yourself pose to your kind. Only for you to try and kill me the next day."
Phantom sighed and leaned against the wall again, "I'm so tired of it, Skulker. Think whatever you may out there. It will be better off if you and me stay where we are at the moment, not bothering each other at all ever again. Just... leave me alone for once," he muttered.
"Nobody is going to forgive and forget out there."
"You think I care? I'm telling this to you, Skulker, not them. Them thinking about the white devil works just as fine as what I told you."
"Then why me?"
"You've been around me for a week. Do you think I so masterfully kept my pretence for one unclear goal? You are smart enough, tin can."
They did not continue this conversation. Partially because Phantom himself was done, in part due to the kids that ran up to them, giving a very good reason to cut the discussion short.
"Cabbage mage!" They all shouted happily.
"I'd have thought they would change the nickname," Danny mumbled to himself, but still smiled. "Hey, kiddos. Feeling better?"
"Yeah! Adults told us that you charged into the forest with them to save us!"
"Well, I wasn't alone," Danny began humbly, "But I still did most of the work. Don't tell them, would you?"
At this the eager children began to laugh.
"Hey, Danny, where is Meili?"
Phantom would have been caught off guard, had he not prepared a story the girl had to memorise as well. "She was really scared and tired, so I just let her sleep overnight at my house. Don't worry, she will be fine when she wakes up."
"Thank goodness! We were so worried!"
She didn't deserve the kindness those kids were giving her. Danny was distracted from that grim thought by a stare from one redheaded girl.
"Petra, you alright?" Danny asked.
"What? Oh, yes, I am alright, absolutely!"
Her blush went completely unnoticed by the teen, whose middle-school nickname used to be 'clueless one'. Phantom, still oblivious, smiled and patter her head, making the matters even worse. Now the girl's face was redder than a tomato.
"I'm glad. Well, kids. I guess we will be saying goodbye soon."
"What?" Petra squeaked.
"Are you actually leaving?"
"But we thought..."
"That I would stay?" Danny chuckled, "Sorry, buddies, I didn't want to disappoint you. I have some things to do in the capital and then some, I don't really have time to spare."
They were attacked because of him. That thought had tortured him ever since the revelation. This dilemma was often natural to heroes and other people on the wanted list of twisted individuals. The trope is called 'It's Not You, It's My Enemies'. Not necessarily applied to a bunch of kids and thankful villagers, it meant that he should keep them at a distance to keep them safe. Phantom's response to that trope often was 'To hell with it'. Danny's enemies always knew about his attachments. There was no point in leaving, for said enemies could hurt them no matter the distance. On the contrary, if he was near he stood a chance at protecting them. But there would be no end to it if he let the murderers roam around. Thus, he would complete his new goal.
"I will be back before you know it!" He said and flashed a smile, giving them all a confident thumbs-up.
"This place looks even bigger when I come close."
Meili's comment about the mansion did not go unnoticed by her new companion. As a response, he poked the girl on the top of her head.
"When it comes to height, you are seriously handicapped, kiddo. You would have loved to get in while I slept, wouldn't you?"
"What are you, a pedophile?"
"I am not an adult, your argument is invalid. And I meant you trying to off me. In any case, you stay here until I get my stuff."
Phantom straightened his back and went through the metal gate, and Meili thought how useful his set of skills was for murders. Then again, she had never met any cultists. And only now it hit her just how deep in trouble she was. Even among the assassins they were known as deranged maniacs, the scum of the earth even by their standards, and that said a lot. There were many kinds of insanity, and Meili dreaded to find out to what sort Danny belonged. He didn't seem to mind her trying to kill him on the first night under the same roof. Perhaps it was megalomania, not that the girl knew that word. He viewed her so little of a threat that he comfortably fell asleep after tying her up.
The teen, in the meantime, strolled towards the main entrance of the mansion and opened the doors. Nobody was there to greet him, but Danny reasoned that it was okay, too. He only needed to get his things and break the piggybank that was Roswaal. Easier said than done, but Phantom was confident in what he was doing. He wasn't apprehended at the entrance, so he could only guess that he wasn't viewed as a spy anymore. That was reassuring. While passing one of the doors on his way to his own room, his sense reacted. Well, it would just be rude not to say his goodbyes.
"Morning, Betty!" Danny called with a smile as he entered the library.
"If it isn't the incompetent Archbishop," greeted the girl collectedly. "You should know that I am most certainly not giving you any books after that revelation, in fact."
Phantom shrugged, "I already dealt with it. You are still taking it in stride, aren't you?"
"Your idiocy is genuine, I suppose. That much I am certain of."
"Intellect and danger do not correlate in this context," Danny pointed out, the casual insults passing his ears. "How was your day?"
"I see no point in going there. How else can the day go? I live here and read. That is all there is to my schedule, I suppose."
"Puck wouldn't like to be left out."
At this the girl pouted and looked away from him. She really had a soft spot for that spirit. Danny chuckled and leaned against the wall, so she wouldn't blow him away before he was finished.
"That gotta be boring, though. Did you try going outside? Gee, I sound like a nagging mother."
"I've seen enough of it, Phantom. If lectures are everything you came here for..."
"Nope. I just came to say goodbye. At least for a while, we won't be able to hold any chats."
"Not that I had any need for those. Now you are free to go, aren't you?"
"Technically yes, but... this farewell does feel somewhat empty."
"Spare me the sentiments, would you?"
"You are harsh, Betty. I'm not doing anything wrong, and I do have an experience with people who, like you, didn't like to talk much. I accidentally destroyed a library once. The owner was so pissed he put me inside his sick Christmas fanfiction."
"What is that even?"
"A horrible thing, dear Betty. And their authors often have nothing to do in their spare time. Point is, no matter how many times you kick me out, I'll bother you each day I am present here."
"Now he is threatening me. Get out already, before I make you."
"Sheesh. Fine. One thing I wanted to ask, though. Tell me, my senses pick up spirits, ghosts and, apparently, demon beasts. You and Puck, however... you make me feel kinda funny. What can be so special about you two, if you don't mind me asking?"
Beatrice closed the book with a very loud thud, and the displeasure was clearly written all over her youthful face.
"We are done talking."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
Surprised at the anger in her voice, Danny did not put enough resistance to not be tossed enough to be thrown out and into the corridor. Looking up from the red carpet, Phantom sighed and began getting up. He had touched a very sensitive topic, it seemed. Oh well, everyone was free to kick the people who were too noisy for their own good. Danny straightened his clothes and huffed under his nose. His question was left unanswered, but he wasn't going to bother. It was, after all, an attempt to merely satisfy his curiosity. And, even if he was rather greedy for knowledge, he could acknowledge his defeat. There would be a chance in the future to learn that. Danny did feel somewhat bad for making Beatrice angrier than usual, but he had no way to know if her anger had more substance to it this time.
His quest continued.
In his room Danny changed into the clothes that were his own. And, fixing the green collar, he was about to move out, for it was basically everything he had of his own in this world. The final point on his checklist would be to find Roswaal and then say his goodbyes to everyone. To achieve the first part of his plan Danny quickly managed to find the man's study. And, upon finding nobody there he recalled the fact about him having to leave soon. He couldn't do that whilst there was a suspected spy and maybe an assassin nearby, right? If Danny had been both, everyone here would be dead, even the one he was giving his patronage. That man was insane if it was like that. But, his questions were soon dismissed when he heard a familiar voice.
"If you are looking for Master, he is downstairs."
Danny turned around and saw Rem standing in the doorway. His first reaction was concern for his own safety, but the maid was not showing him any hostility. Contrary to that, she was giving him the expression of a person burdened by consciousness.
"Oh, Rem, hello there," said Danny nervously. "You are not angry about the whole thing yesterday, are you?"
"I think we both have something to apologise for."
"Well, you did break my ribs... and probably punctured some of my organs... and harmed my feelings. And..."
"I understand where you are coming from," interrupted Rem and bowed her head lightly. "And I wanted to say that I am sorry for what me and my sister did. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive our misdemeanour."
Danny blinked. The apology was sudden, but not unwanted. "I wouldn't call it misdemeanour, Rem. You just did what you were told."
"Sir, how are you not angry?" The maid's confusion left an imprint on her face. "I nearly killed you, are you aware?"
"Are you telling me to get mad?" Danny smirked. "Don't worry about it. I know that you didn't have anything malicious in mind."
Rem shook her blue-haired head, "Has anybody told you that you are a strange person, sir?" She said and gave a small smile.
"I get that every day, mind you," Danny sat on a chair, "I'm not as forgiving as people think. Sometimes second chances are wasted on people who cannot change. I just don't want to be that person, is all. So I guess I am rather selfish."
" I don't see how your forgiveness would mean this of all things."
"I guess it is just easier to forgive sometimes. I know it sounds strange, but it is often harder to bring yourself to kill someone. And hating on them for all your existence, too, is hard. Have you ever hated someone?"
"I still do."
Danny raised an eyebrow, "And that would be..."
"The Witch Cult."
Phantom felt a lump in his throat. He was not by any means involved with whatever those people did, but he was what he was, so he could only figure that Rem was not going to like the fact of who she was talking with. But he couldn't tell her that. Nobody needed to know, he had only told Meili because at the moment he had intended to kill her. Yes, in his pursuit of looking cool Phantom had put the shovel in the ground where his future grave would be. Luckily for him, Rem didn't seem to notice his discomfort.
"You have a history with them, don't you?"
Rem grimly nodded. She sat near him, quietly, and only then decided to continue. The discussion was not to her liking, but something still compelled her to share that knowledge.
"When I was little, the Witch Cult attacked my village. They burned it to the ground and began to slaughter everyone they saw. Our parents were killed that day, and I didn't see what happened before it was too late. I woke up in the middle of it all, and had I slept for a couple of minutes more, I would not have woken up anymore. I managed to find Ram, and she tried to protect me, but..."
Only now Danny noticed how her palms shook, from anger or sorrow he he had no way of knowing. Neither did he know if what he would do would help her in any way, but he still chose to put a hand on her lap and give her the best smile he could muster and which would show his sympathy without any extra words.
"You don't have to talk if it hurts. I'll understand."
"Thank you, sir. But it is better if I finish."
At his slow nod, Rem delved further into her tale, "Because she was so distracted with me, one cultist sneaked up to her. And then. Ram's horn was cut off."
"I'm sorry to interrupt so soon... but what do you mean by 'horn'?"
It suddenly struck Rem that they had unconsciously kept him in the dark about this, "Me and Ram are not humans, sir. Do your people know of oni?"
"I'm not sure. Never heard of those."
"I haven't seen any of them after Master found and took us in... He said that our race might as well be extinct."
Once again, it seemed that the fate decided to make a joke at his expense. Unique as his problems were, this world presented him with people who shared them. The people with whom he could sympathise and, possibly, receive understanding in return. It was selfish of him to invalidate the struggling of others, think of them through the prism of his own issues and troubled past. The way it was now presented a form of self-pity, he could only guess. His own problems had been swept under the rug, so he had no way of addressing them without doing a metaphorical cleanup of his own consciousness. So, in a way, by feeling sympathy for others he patted himself on the back. For once, he should sympathise with people themselves, but it was hard to differentiate.
"What happened then?"
"Master saved us at the last moment, as he happened to be not so far away."
"I guess that's why you are so loyal to him."
Rem nodded, "We owe him our lives."
The maid soon felt a hand on her shoulder.
"He sure is lucky to have you two around."
"It is nice of you to say this... But after all this I can only say that I don't share your sentiment, sir. I hate the monsters that are the cultists. Those are abominations that I have abhorred for years to no end and which I will never forgive. So I still...cannot understand what makes you think the way you do."
Danny's look turned thoughtful, "I told Emilia I am not that nice of a person. At least not always. To some people I'm the same thing as the cultists are to you. They went at me first, I had no choice but to kill them or their close ones. So, they wronged and hurt me in many ways, but I don't hate them for the most part. They got it much worse than I did, and by my hand, no less. Or maybe being a hypocrite is another one of my downsides. I don't really know now that I think of it. Thank you for sharing the story, Rem. I guess I will be off now. I still have to find Roswaal and talk to him."
"That reminds me, Master has acknowledged his mistake and wants to apologise, too. Please, come with me."
"He does? Well, let's listen to what he has to say, then."
Rem smiled and nodded. The girl finally reached her own conclusion about their visitor. Danny was without a doubt a kind person. Strange, inexplicably powerful, but he nonetheless held a gentle heart. However, he could work on acting more natural around people. That's partially why Rem was willing to believe Roswaal's conclusion. Many of his reactions and actions seemed really pushy, coming across as someone trying too hard to be liked. Now when she thought about it more, Rem could only conclude that his clumsy attempts were honest to heart.
As she led him towards the owner of the house, Phantom was less cheerful than he looked. To a degree he felt tremendous guilt for making his status a laughing matter. He had had the understanding that the Witch Cult was a bunch of nutcases, but it was always another story to hear a personal account of their horrid deeds. It suddenly hit him with the power of a truck that he should keep his mouth shut. He had grown lax over the week. He was ought to take that secret to his grave. Meili came to mind once more, but he decided to solve the problems as they came, not beforehand.
As they passed the main entrance, both Rem and Danny saw almost every inhabitant of the mansion, save Beatrice, there. Upon seeing him, the person most at fault for the recent misunderstanding — margrave Roswaal — opened his arms wide.
"Daniel! Theeere you are! I hope you weren't so insuuulted that you decided to leave unnoticed?"
"Quite the contrary Roz," Danny smirked and began to approach him.
"Oh, so then there are no hard feeeling, is that right?"
"Why, Roswaal, I am positively in a forgiving mood now," Phantom decided against punching him now, however his sentence still dripped sarcasm, implying that he was anything but forgiving towards him at the moment. Danny was still sore about the whole ordeal. Roswaal chose to believe that playing dumb was his best course of action.
"I am glad to heeear it. And I am sure that this wiiil mend the rift between us."
At this Ram came up to her Master, holding a medium-bag in her hands. The metallic ringing that reached Danny's ears instantly gave away what was inside.
"Here I haaave the funds you may use for the entirety of the following month. Don't deny yourself aaaanything. I have also added some extra this time. For the inconveniences you had to enduuuure."
"Huh... thanks, I suppose."
Phantom took the bag and peeped inside. If he was in a cartoon, his irises would have gained the shape of a dollar sign, for it was filled to the brim with silvers and golden coins.
"Now you will buy the best telescope you can get," Emilia smiled at him jovially, getting the same reaction in return.
"I'm glad you remembered," responded Danny. "Well, what can I say?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks for having me, guys. I'll come to visit when I get the chance."
"You will keep traveling, right?" The half-elf inquired.
"Yep, there is much to this world I haven't seen and what I would love to explore."
Emilia laughed quietly. His enthusiasm was contagious when it came to knowledge.
"You will come to visit, I hope?"
Danny pointed a finger at her, dramatic expression on his face, "I promised that we will find a hobby for you. I always keep my promises, Emilia, so we will! That will have to wait just a bit, though."
"That's... quite alright. Come back any time, Danny."
Phantom nodded and looked at the maids, who were giving him expecting glances. To answer said expectations, Danny patted both on their heads.
"He is harassing us, Master," complained Ram, causing Rem to chuckle.
"Oh, shush, you two have caved a way to my heart. Literally. In any case, thanks for bearing with me, you two. One more thing, guys. That barrier around the village needs to be fixed. There might still be wolgrams. See ya!"
His departure was accompanied by several pairs of friendly eyes. The minor act was pulling on his heartstrings much stronger than they could imagine, even though Roswaal's smile was not as sincere as those of others. He could see through façades.
Nonetheless, his life was turning for the better. To his own appreciation, he had friends, he had a place to come back to, which, sadly could not be said about his former home. And, he also had a load of money to spend as he pleased. As Phantom neared the gates, he saw that Meili hadn't moved anywhere. At this he unconsciously grabbed the bag tighter. He wouldn't put it past her to try and steal that fortune. The girl noticed him and got up from the rock she had been sitting on. Yes, that girl needed a special approach, and whilst juggling between several of his personas he needed to use the most fitting one.
"What took you so long?" She asked.
"Saying my farewells," Danny shrugged, "And I get a nice bonus. Where is my bag with belongings?"
"It's empty, though," Meili lifted the sack she had been using as a sheet. The rock itself was pretty cold.
Phantom took it and tossed the money there. From Meili's expression, Danny guessed that the girl knew what's in there.
"We won't be needing much yet. But the weight is gonna be bigger once we are in the capital."
He put the sack over his shoulder and gestured for her to follow. Meili, as usual, had no choice but follow the man.
"You are not going to make me carry it then?"
"What a wondrous idea!" Danny grinned, giving the reason for her to pale. "Your pets would be indispensable in that regard. What did you think that made you so terrified?" He teased.
"Stop it already! I'm not a toy for you to treat as you like!"
Danny turned to her, "Either that or being dead. I am your most gracious defender for the time being. If you keep being useful, I'll let you go in the end. If not, you will take the secret of my nature to your grave. You can tell I take pleasure in being unrecognised."
"What Sin do you even represent? I don't know much about the Cult."
"I would be surprised if you did," responded Danny, "The name of my... authority..." he slowly recalled the name of that ability, "is Concupiscence."
"I don't know that one."
"As far as I am aware, this word is used by the catholic church to refer to the Original Sin, the one that forced humans down from heaven," Danny shrugged. "I don't know much about it, but my useless collection of useless facts allows me to say that it basically represents the mortal ability to commit sins at all. What's with free will and whatnot."
"That... looked powerful."
"Looked? I haven't ever used it before you. Or anyone for that matter."
The pause was probably too awkward with how tense the atmosphere had been not so long ago.
"Well, I never got a chance to try it out..." Danny slowly lowered his head in shame with each word he said. His attempt to look terrifying on purpose was doomed to fail. Why did it only work when he didn't want it to? "What you saw was normal magic and the powers given by what I am. I am only half-human. Anyway, kid, we got far away from anyone's eyes. Summon a transport for us."
"Wh-what do you mean? I can't just summon them, I only control the beasts."
Danny rolled his eyes, "Would wolgram even be able to carry us on its back? Better get every question out of our way."
"They can carry me. The shaman would have been able to take both. But you killed him."
"I am not apologising. Fine. There are a couple of normal wolgrams out there, watching us, and I have a trick. Get us a couple of trusty steeds. The emphasis on trusty."
Meili sighed and snapped her fingers. Immediately from within the groove emerged two growling beasts. Unlike the last and first few times, they didn't move to attack. Instead, they slowly approached the pair of travellers, humbly lowering their heads. Now that Danny looked at them closely, he reckoned that he really would look funny riding one of those, with how smaller they were than, say, a horse or even a pony. He could, however, make it bear with its rider. By simply levitating just a bit, he could allow the animal to move freely, with almost no weight slowing it down. Shrugging, Danny sat on one, immediately testing his theory. Said theory in the end proved to be correct, for the animal didn't even bulge. Meili chose not to comment, and soon, the two of them were on their way to the capital, with promises of it all being a very strange journey.
In retrospect, riding a wolf-like creature was coupled with problems Danny should have seen coming. First, horses had a special pattern to their movements, with how they chose to move their legs. This, in turn equalled a special sway the rider had to endure. Camels, for instance, chose to move both side legs at the same time, unlike their equine counterparts, making it more difficult for your average westerner to ride one from the start. Wolves and dogs had their patterns too. And whilst running, it made Danny feel very uncomfortable, limited the contact with the animal as it may have been. The second problem was how to remain on its back with no reigns or saddles to speak of. Wolgrams were like Dobermans, so they couldn't exactly brag about rich manes. Danny had to lightly grasp their necks. Perhaps he should have given it more thought than he had and actually get a normal transport. Meili had had some experience with riding wolgrams, this could be inferred from how steady she was compared to him. And the little brat sure derived pleasure from seeing him struggle.
Somehow, he made it till the first stop on their way. This time he regretted not just flying to the city. This could be explained with a simple notion: his own body could handle such quick flight and not fall apart from the air resistance. The body of a small child that was Meili could not. Whilst he had been with Emilia he hadn't nearly reached said speed. The alternative to that was a steady and much slower flight through the skies. Needless to say that carrying a child through miles of distance this way was both humiliating and tiresome for either party involved.
After gathering enough wood to make a campfire, Phantom began his tiresome work of trying to ignite it. Trying to blast the wood would result in a pile of ash in the middle of their makeshift camp. His own green fire being cold, it only left him with the option of using a stick. Luckily, he managed to do so at his first try, and Meili didn't care enough to notice his rather orthodox approach. However, the game he pierced with an ice shard made for an edible dinner. Danny came to appreciate salt which he did not have at the moment, because the food was much blander than he was used to.
With not one but two guard dogs Danny wasn't afraid of being caught off guard in the dead of night.
However, before he went to sleep on the grass, he still needed to make one thing clear.
"Meili. I'd appreciate not being stabbed with a branch to the neck when I am seeing some z's."
The girl huffed, "You made that point clear last time. Gee, do you actually sleep or is it just pretence?"
"If I weren't still partially human, I wouldn't have to. But I've been attacked in sleep so many times that I wake up easily."
"What are you, even?"
"Rule number one, don't tell anyone what you are. They may learn your weaknesses. Now that I know that you are sociopathic murderer, your main trick won't work on me. I already told you that I am an Archbishop. The one who cannot be killed for some bizarre reason. Your sister got a first-hand experience with that fact. But I give it to her, she grasped for life like I have never seen before."
Meili glared at the teen who was cruelly mocking her, that bastard who had killed probably the only person she had cared about to some extent. The girl felt sad, angry... and so helpless. She looked into his eyes, ice-blue and so fittingly cold and found no compassion there. He really grew disillusioned with her. But then...
"Why do you even care about them?" She whispered. "If the true you is talking to me, then why?"
"That is the true me, but the people in the village got to see the other side, also true. I just despise you, Meili. That's all. That's what makes your treatment different from theirs. I meant it when I said that our deeds aren't so different. The similarities end on whys and what comes next. After killing so many, after feeling sick for actually deriving pleasure from it, I look at that episode with disgust. I was forced to. You, however, enjoy it all. But what do people think? Do they care for our differences? No, to them we both are homicidal maniacs. So, to them it is only our deeds that matter in the end."
"Why are you saying this?"
"I am not one of them, Meili. I see the full picture. And thus you disgust me even more."
The voice in the back of his head told him that it was wrong to mentally assault the small girl, but the reason claimed that she was much more mature than one would give her credit for.
"To think that I will always be compared to the likes of you makes me vomit. That's why this feeling is transmitted onto you as well. Deal with it."
"So you are saying that you are better?"
"I am," Phantom firmly said.
"Then..." she desperately tried to be a reasonable opponent in the argument. "What about all those words you said back then?"
"Learn what sarcasm is," Danny huffed. "I'm going to sleep."
The teen rolled on the grass and put one of his hands under his head. If nobody was going to lecture the brat, then he would.
A.N. Ah, we are getting to the good stuff, third ark and all that stuff. I'm pretty excited.
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