chapter 21 the final fight
Everyone was ready to fight the decepticons they typed in the Coordinates to the decepticon ship and ran in they were going to stop megatron from terning earth into a second cybertron.
The autbots ran through the ship deatroying the Decepticons vehicons as they got to the omega lock.
Heck even miko raph and jacked helped out
Smokescreen ran through the walls with the sword in hands but got shot and bumblebee grabbed it as megatron and Optimus was having on hell of a fight
Hollie "bee! Give Optimus the starsaber!"
Bumblebee nodded and jumped down but megatron shot him in the spak!
Hollie "Bumblebee!"
Bumblebee fell into the omega lock as megatron tern to Optimus who was hanging off the Ledge he was about to finsh him off when bumblebee stabed megatron through the spark
Phoebe "holy shit!"
Starscream "lord megatron no!"
Bumblebee "you took my voice I womt let you Rob anyone again!"
After a while megatron was offline as he fell back to earth
Hollie ran up to bumblebee and hugged him "your voice is back!"
Bumblebee "my voice? My voice rachet I have my voice back!"
Rachet smiled "yes you do"
Arcee "so if this heal bumblebee then"
Grace "it will bring back cybertron!"
After that they say their goodbyes to everyone as they flyed to cybertron
And then they brought back cybertron
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