the pencil list
Hello everybody, it's been awhile hasn't it? Weeellllll, it is good to be back!
Now, for my A-Z list...soooo the topic that was randomly chosen was......duh,duh,DUH!!..... PENCIL!!! Whooo!! Shout out to Kaceybltzr !
Okay, just letting you know that it was randomly selected. My steps were as follows->
1. Cut out three pieces of paper.
2. Write each of the suggestions on each piece.
3. Fold each piece well...into a small square.
4. With the folded papers in your hand go to a random person* and ask them to pick on paper.
5. Which ever one they pick, that is the selected!!
*okay so nooooo, I didn't go to a random person. Well, I kinda did, because they were just standing there, not doing much. But I knew the person, so it wasn't that random. Next time (yes there will a next time!), I'll actually go to someone I don't know!
Now, the time you have been so patiently waiting for your entire lives!!!
Sooo here it is...The Pencil List.
A- There are pencils in Alabama(wow...that was random ;)
B- Pencils can be big and small
C- Canned pencils!!! Like they would be already to go and stuff!! (Oh, wait they already invented this...)
D- Pencils only die when you sharpen them all the way, and the pencil is so small, it is unusable.
E- Everyone lovvvveeesss pencils right?? (Yah, I thought so too) :)
F- Finding a lost pencil can be especially hard sometimes. You know, your like "I just need one pencil!!" And your house has none, though you saw one the other day but it has disappeared mysteriously. Lol (me all the time)
G- Going to places where you need a pencil, without a pencil.
H- "Hi!" Yup, those super cool special edition glittery pencils that had words on hi. Yah, you know it! When your in grade 2 and your pencil is glittery red!!!
I- I know, that you know, that I know I am enjoying this right now. And you know, that I know, that you know this is weirdly entertaining yet informative at the same time! Lol ;)
J- Just because you don't have the glittery pencil, doesn't mean you aren't special! (Because I only had like four my entire primary school career, they were not as strong as the normal ones for some reason.)
K- Kids LOVE pencils, well at least I thought they were pretty cool at school. (Did you see the little rhyme I had at the end there? I promise you, I did not plan that out!)
L- My love for pencils* is still strong today.
M- At least my love for *mechanical pencils. Yes mechanical only people! (Or until I have no more lead).
N- No! I must not quit! I must let the legacy of pencils live on!!!!
O- Oh pencils, what in the world would we do without you guys?
Q- You can find some pretty quaint pencils at Staples (I think this is an only Canadian-wide store, so for my international friends the store is like a copy center store, with school and office supplies as well...maybe similar to Office Depot?)
R- Finding the right pencil can be tricky, but I promise you, it can be done!
S- Though a pencil is such a simple object, it was proved to be much greater. A vast majority of the globe's population has a goodness, what an invention!
T- Do you think there will ever be a time, when the pencil gets upgraded? Can it ever be upgraded?
U- An umbrella with pencils would be so cute! I can totally imagine a four year old with one.
V- Violet-coloured pencils are nice to look at.
W- Why the noun pencil Kaceybltzr ?
X- When you hold pencils like chopsticks, they make a "X" shape.
Y- Yellow. The colour of the pencil.
Z- Zebra-print pencils.
~~From my heart to yours,presh1115
A/N: Hey guys!! How's the week goin'? Well, mine has been as bit busy, and that is why I haven't updated in like FOREVER!!! But I will try and go back to my regular schedule. Thank you guys sooooo much!
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