As you can see from the title, today's entry is about prayer. It's funny because, I was just looking at the news, thinking "wow, our world needs prayer", then the topic of this entry just "popped up"! But what makes this really cool is that our pastor spoke on prayer last Sunday, so I feel that this is what God wants me to say, and I gotta say, it is definitely super cool when one can see the hand of God, watching everything fall into place, it opens eyes for sure.
When we pray, we thank God, praise God, and worship God. Do not forget those words, many times we just dive into what we need, instead of looking to the God that gives us life, remember. So when we pray, we tell Him everything, we pour out our hearts in communicating with our Creator.
However, it is hard work. Countless things call our attention throughout the day, plus the Devil wants us to forget God. As Christians we fight against these things, and with God's help we achieve! There is no doubt, prayer works. Even non-believers have some type of hope in prayer, especially in times of great distress.
Prayer goes a long way, even if our prayer isn't answered the way we hoped, we must trust in God and who He says He is, no matter what we feel, we must have faith. Prayer and faith go hand in hand, one cannot have one without the other. If we do not have the faith to believe in what God can do, our prayers are honestly useless.
Communication with God is essential in our Christian walk, it helps us, having Him walk right beside us in every situation.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (comment here if you have one)
-Syrian refugees
-Paris attacks
-California shootings
-Our world leaders
-The sick among us
-Our own people around us, one who we may not see are hurting
-People who do not know God yet
Yes, no, or wait.
No matter what the outcome, we pray with God's will in mind. We have faith, knowing His way is the best. The Bible even tells us that even when we do not have the words to say, God still hears the prayer of our heart!(Romans 8:26) Stay strong my friends, for "a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.*"
From my heart to yours,
*from my pastor
the picture I added is from Romans 12:12
QUESTION: Favourite animal? (I don't remember if I have already asked this before...sorry if I have! But I favourite animal is the snow leopard! Search up a pic of a baby snow leopard...they're so cute!!)
A/N: Thank you everyone for being so patient with me and my weird updating schedule, you guys are awesome!!! Have a beautiful week!!
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