""I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But cheer up! I have won the battle over the world.""
John 16:33 NIRV
With Christ we have peace. Without Him, we can't have it. It's true, He is the only way. When we know who He is, we have faith in Him, and let me something, God does not take that lightly. In this way, He treasures us, and listens to us.
Stepping out into unknown territory,
How do I follow if I can't see?
Wait, that flicker.
That flash.
The promise of light, hope for something brighter.
However, worry disrupts peace. When we focus on the wrong, and are anxious about tomorrow. And what about our concerns? But think of this, worry is problem oriented, but concern is solution oriented.* When we worry, our perspective is on what happened, but with concerns, that perspective is on what can happen (in a positive view). Also, God works through concerns, He leads us.
Isn't peace the something that everyone know peace of mind? Peace, or even assurance...being sure. Life is busy, so many things happen in each day, everyone wants assurance that in the end, everything is going to work out. We worry about ourselves, our mistakes. We worry about others as well. And we worry about life, and the many questions that come with it.
What could I say that would give you guys (and myself) peace? What could I say that everyone would be like "ok, no matter what state my life is in, I can lean on this." Think about it guys, if there was no Bible, what would our lives be? How in the world would we survive? Of course people try and make up a theory of some sort, but that is just somebody on Earth, honestly no better than you or me. For something so profound, everlasting peace can only be from a supernatural form. Something higher than our own human perspectives.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:7 KJV
"...which passeth all understanding..."
It's so beautiful and so "deep" in a way, we cannot even understand it! Ohhh God, He never ceases to amaze me.
This is my encouragement to you. That you all may find peace in whatever situation or circumstance you may find yourself in. Also, in this world that faces many problems of its own. Let's also keep Paris in our prayers, what a terrible event. Let's pray for the affected and the ones who caused the tragedies as well.
~May God be with you~
-From my Heart to yours,
*From my pastor's sermon this Sunday.
QUESTION: Dogs vs. Cats (Honestly, I don't even know, I have no pets. But what about you guys?)
Hi guys!!! What's up? I hope all you have a wonderful week!! (Yah, I don't really have much to say other than "hi"
Oh my goodness, I have to say this. Okay, I finally watched the new Cinderella movie (it got on Netflix like two weeks ago), anyways...awwww it was soooo good! I don't know why, I love the whole princess feel. Plus it had a really good message "have courage and be kind." Beautiful!
Yah, so I just wanted to share that with you guys! Lol. Okay, okay, okay, I'm going now! ;) Bye bye!!
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