Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) says this: "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
I've found that the last days of any year is usually a time of reflection...on the past and future. And I ask myself, "did I accomplish what I wanted?" or "how can I make next year better?" I believe these questions are inevitable, they help us make conscious decisions. But if we are always looking back and forward, we forget about the now. We don't have to change ourselves to fix the consequences of the past or prepare for the future. The past is somethings we can never change and the future is something we will never know...we are called to trust God in the now.
What does that look like?
Well first of all, it's gonna be hard. As humans we like to plan and have something tangible to trust...but God calls us to something totally different. He calls us to be completely satisfied with the now, no matter what it looks like to us. No matter what we look like to us.
From the day we were born He equipped us with everything we need to fulfill His purpose He already planned. Isn't that amazing? For me it just gives me this hope that no matter where I find myself in life, God has His hand over me and He knows exactly where I'm going and what I was meant to do.
For some of you, you may already know exactly your purpose, others may not be quite sure, and some may have no idea at all. And it's ok to be different from others! But remember this, your main purpose in life, that overrides all is to give Glory to God. But where you do that differs from person to person.
So think of it like this...since God has created us perfectly and has fully equipped us to do His purpose...I believe that we can only truly find who we are through God. John 15:4 says this: "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." We need to remain in God to bear fruit and fulfill our purpose.
Yes, a new year is coming which can mean new changes, but I want to encourage you to remember...
1. Don't think you have to change something about yourself or find something to fulfill God's purpose...He has already equipped you FULLY, YOU ARE HIS MASTERPIECE
2. Live your life to give glory to God...that's what really counts :)
3. REMAIN with God...I can assure you, He will not let you will find what you need
From my heart to yours,
QUESTION: What is your favourite drink? (I LOVE hot chocolate, fruit juice, and iced tea :)
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