Yup, today is that day. You know it, song day! Today's song is It's Not Over Yet by For King And Country.
I just found this song two days ago, and I was like "this is it, this is the next song!" Tell me what you guys thought of it!
What does the phrase "it's not over yet" mean to you?
For me, it pushes me to keep on fighting, to never give up. To "keep on keeping on". To hold on so tight to the faith I have, repeating the truths over and over again. Assuring myself of His faithfulness, using my hope to fight against the Dark.
What the Devil may have wanted for bad, the Lord meant it for good (paraphrased from Genesis 50:20). It's not over yet, God is NOT finished with you! He has an amazing plan set for You. He is GOD, trust Him.
The name of the ablum is RUN WILD. LIVE FREE. LOVE STRONG. I honestly love it! What freedom it shows, freedom we have in Christ! I just imagine an image of a lion roaring in the wild. There is this type of "aggression" I feel, this arousion of this power I posses. And that you posses too! It's the power of Christ!
a raw soul for Christ
complete in Christ
because of Christ.
This song just...makes me smile. :) It brings joy to me, that "it's not over". I hope you guys smile too :)
Oh my goodness, my thoughts are really I don't know... "raw" right know, what I think I type without much deep thought, but I guess that is what makes this book my book. A bit of randomness mixed in with God's direction. Yup that is practically the definition of my life ;), but with God's direction mixed with my human randomness :) :)
Sometimes when I think about what I believe and how I my actions are, I think "I wonder what non-believers think of this?" I mean do they think that this is just another religion? What do they think about the prayers and giving your all for God? (I don't know, I may have talked about this before, but let's go with it ;) But that's the problem of this perspective. I am thinking of my relationship as a religion. That is what makes Christianity different that any other thing in the world. OUR GOD IS REAL. Yup, 'tis true. Why? He has changed my life! Comment here if y'all know what I'm talking about! Spread the truth my friends. God's not gonna change, He is the same "yesterday, today, and forever"!
That is what was on my heart today guys :), I hope you enjoyed it.
Lol, I ended up listening to like the entire album from For King And For Country on YouTube while typing this out! :) :)
From my heart to yours,
QUESTION: Exotic Food? Or like a time you had food that was different than the usually PB & J's? ;)
(Mine is when my family and I went to Hawaii and my mother bought a fresh coconut from this hut store. If you have read my bio, you understand I don't like coconuts. Welllllll, since this was a "young coconut", after we drank some of the water (which wasn't so bad...I guess....), the white stuff inside was like this mushy texture. It did look kinda weird. But I ate some, and surprisingly it was not the intense coconut flavour, but something that had practically no taste. So, a interesting experience to wrap it up!)
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