I'm with God
What are you thankful for? What makes you happy? It seems that much of these days, our emotions just drop to the ground. But what do we do to conquer our joy, and hold on to it?
God is the answer, His word and promises are true and unfailing. Nothing in this world can last forever, only God. That is why when our lives are dictated by the world, things get messy. The world is constantly changing, and we have to change with it, living up to ridiculous high standards.
We must understand that this world is not our home. "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog-it's here a little while, then it's gone."
(James 4:14 NLT)
I guess what I am trying to say is that when we face trouble in our lives, and things suddenly go from happiness to sadness, trust God, He lasts forever, He promises to never leave you, stand strong.
"I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God."*
Give that one a bit of thought...easier said than done right? But it's powerful, having the faith and confidence to stay with God no matter what. And do you know what surprises me? The feeling of contentment I have after giving to God. It's like "wow...this feels pretty good!" Learning to sit back and let God do His thing can be hard, but it brings amazing results!
Seek God
Trust God
Stay with God
From my heart to yours,
*A quote I heard from the new God's Not Dead 2! Yes, I did just say God's Not Dead 2! Because on the Apple TV,
one can watch new trailers coming out and apparently this movie is coming out in Spring 2016!! I'm so excited, comment here if you are too! Oh, and if you have no idea what I'm taking about, search up the movie and watch it, I'm pretty sure it's on Netflix too!
QUESTION: Does anybody else like the sound of rain, especially while you go to sleep? Ahhhh, I love it so much!
A/N: Hi guys! First off, I am so sorry for not updating sooner, who to blame, who to blame...umm school and stuff. There's I said it, you guys caught me! ;) But, I only have one more week left until Christmas break, so hang in there with me guys!
And Oh! I've been needing to tell you guys, I have recently joined a Christian community at the account Christ27Life , so that is why I added the new tag on my book (Christ27Life). If anyone else would like to join, come on over, we have cookies!! (I actually don't know, but I hope there will be some ;)
Anywayssss, that's it! Have a great week everyone! <3
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