Hello everyone, sorry about the entry mix up three days ago. However, though it is not Christmas, I will talk about the topic I was doing for that's versatile so you can apply it for today.
Happy reading!!
As you know, I was "analyzing" some of the people in the Christmas story, talking different aspects of their lives/personalities and using them to encourage our own. Joseph was the next person on my list after Mary, and I chose to focus on his loyalty to God.
His devotion is showed by his obedience, for example when Joseph was told to take Mary as his wife, he did. Also, when told to leave Bethlehem and Egypt, he followed the directions. One could say, "of course he obeyed, he had too, for an angel came to him...who can ignore that?" But think about this, the reason Joseph could even see and hear the words from the angel was because his heart was in tune with God's will. This topic is one I also talked about when we discussed Mary's faith, the concept of having God's will above our own. He truly cares about us, and wants to use us, but we must include Him. Joseph and Mary were both ready to be used of God because of their hearts for God, and willingness to follow his will, no matter where it led.
I would like us to think about that, being ready for wherever God decides to take us. Nevertheless, it can--no it will be hard. Everyone, has the fear of the "unknown", Christians included, we are all human beings. However, it is how we deal with that fear. Do we hold on to it, or do we let it go. God wants us to let it go, and give it to Him. This is what true devotion looks like, being devoted to God, thus giving it all to Him.
Now please don't be scared and think "God can't use me...", no! God can use anyone, even unbelievers. For example, without him knowing, God used Caesar Augustus to bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem by having him order a census to be taken. Another example is Mary and Joseph themselves. They were just one ordinary couple, and God used them to raise the Saviour of the world!! Just think of what we can do for the Lord if we put Him first, having our hearts in tune to his will.
My challenge for you is to look at your heart, and ask yourself, am I truly devoted to God? This is a question I ask myself all the time, so don't think I'm trying to "shake my finger" at you...God desires to use us, and he has GREAT plans for us (Jerimiah 29:11), so let us do our part and be obedient to God's will.
-From my heart to yours,
QUESTION: Did everyone have a good Christmas? What was your favourite part? (I did! My favourite part was watching Minions at the end of the day....LOL THAT MOVIE IS SOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!! :) :) :) ....honestly I'm like laughing in my head just thinking about it. lol...."laughing in my head"...don't ask me how it works ;)
A/N: Just a quick question, who thinks I should update my cover??
Have a beautiful day and HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE
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