What a night, an awful, horrific night.
Leon was called to a scene of a multi-car pile up, all containing families, singles, and elderly. He had to help take everyone out of their vehicles, even taking a few to jail for multiple DUI's. As he came back to the scene tending to the injured he had to help get small children out of the crushed cars, some he couldn't bear to see. Some of the children were deceased, some not even able to recover from the wreck. It layed heavy on him. Ever since Liam was born two years ago, he couldn't take the mental image of those lifeless bodies of children. He even had to go to his car and recuperate before going back to help the paramedics and fire men. He knew fully well that the whole thing will be broadcasting on the news station as he was interviewed a few times by news reporters and newspaper reporters. Some he couldn't even answer because he would start tearing up when they asked how many children had died.
The true answer to that was almost impossible to hear. 18 children, 1 adult, and 4 elderly.
The sun was starting to rise as they started cleaning up, and the deceased were transported to the morgue. As the pile up was finishing being taken care of, the glass and parts of cars were left, Leon had went on his way back home, the color in his face and eyes drained from him. As he walked into the house, their new pup Rinkah greeted him, but quickly noticed how distraught he was. Leon gently scratched behind her ear before going upstairs. Kaye saw the color from him absolutely drained.
"Leon, baby, what's wrong?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder after he took the uniform vest off.
"I.....I'd rather not talk about it." He said, tears forming in his eyes again. Kaye held him, doing her best to comfort her lover. He broke, sobbing as he held her close, crying into her shoulder. Kaye had him sit on the edge of the bed, gently taking his hand in hers.
"Leon it's okay, I'm here. Liam's here." She lightly put his hand onto her stomach. "Belle's here." Yes, Kaye is pregnant again, this time knowing the gender. A baby girl is on her way into the world. Within minutes Leon took a deep breath, calming down as Kaye wiped the remaining tears away.
Later on in the day, Leon was asleep as he was up all night, Liam and Kaye were making a special dessert for him. But as they were doing that, the news report that day was about the pile up. Releasing how many have died and all in categories as well, children, adult, and elderly. The news had even made the reporters sad. When they had cut to Leon's interviews that was pre-recorded, he explained that this kind of accident is hard on everyone, and even mentioned how he has a little boy and a baby girl on the way, explaining that he would be absolutely devastated if it were his kids and lover in there.
"You know, you have to take things like this into consideration, the children that have passed could have been amazing people." Leon said in the interview they were showing. "Never know what day will be your last, I do hope the citizens will take a lesson from this. Drive safe, if you don't think you're well enough to drive, call a cab or a family member to drive you back home."
By the end of the news report, the news casters were in tears. They had even agreed on Leon's advice, and said that it is very hard to lose a loved one, especially a child.
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