Zainee ♥️
Heyaa I am back with another chat session.. I hope you all enjoy knowing her.
She is fun loving and sweet too ❣️ . Stay blessed ❣️. Wish you more and more success and happiness dear zainee72 😊
-------------------- Let's get started ☕ -------
1. Introduce yourself ??
--> I am Zainee ( nickname). I am a house wife and mother of two children. My life revolves just around my family. I am not very social person to attend kitty parties or here and there gossips type. I will always perfer to have Cup of tea at roof with my partner, silently seeing moon and stars playing hide and seek behind clouds instead of having adventure into woods and walk on beaches.
2. If anyone reads your stories, they will know you are ___?
--> Whoever reads my story, they will know that I'm a person who believes that after almighty God, it's just our emotions, passion and willpower that can make or destroy anything in this world.
( True 👍)
3. Your birthday??
--> My birthday is 23rd of March.
4. Your hobbies??
--> Writing, reading, music and cooking.
5. Your passion and career??
--> Writing is the only passion I want to live till my last breath. About career, I m MCS degree holder so trying to have hold on computer and software field.
6. If there is addition to crayon box, which color you wanna be and why??
--> Black, according to me it's not only has power to cover unpleasant things under its darkness, but also gives you sense of authority and power.
( Black is classy)
7. Tell us about your super prank?
--> I don't believe in ghosts. So while living in hostel, many other girls always felt afraid of going at the roof at night time because according to them there is something ghostly. So our warden strictly ordered that no one is allowed to go at top floor at night.
But I didn't digest this thing. So one night when warden went to visit her family, me and my one best friend had a tea party at top roof while playing all games, including jogging and dance. So whoever had belief that our hostel is captured by some dark souls, that night couldn't sleep while thinking that any evil soul was at top roof don't know doing what. Next morning me and my best friend listened all the rumours about ghost from previous night with so much interest.
( Awesome 😂)
8. Any allergy and phobia??
--> I am allergic to few dry nuts. Nctophobia. In darkness I can't breath. This is the worst feeling of my life.
( 🥺😣)
9. What inspires you to write??
--> Mostly I feel afraid of expressing my emotions so when you feel something suffocating and you want to let it out, then there is nothing more good than letting your pen to do it for you, without any fear that what others will think about you. Because your pen and paper are most loyal secret savers. This feeling push me to write.
10. Your favourite story here??
--> Engaged to the heartless heartbreaker by
And fatal alliance .
Both are the master pieces of Wattpad.
11. What genre you prefer to read and write??
--> I have read every of book. It's just style and words of writer that attracts me. But werewolf books really fascinate me. And about writing till now I just wrote Manan related stories with a touch of cute romance. Out of Wattpad I write poetry and in future looking for writing the books other than Manan fiction.
( Writers creativity and style are things that attracts)
( And I love werewolf books too)
12. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books??
--> As I just wrote Manan fiction related books, so Manan fans are literally crazy. If they liking your work, they will make you feel out of the world but if they don't like then they can go to any limit to show their disapproval. This thing surprises me and sometimes I feel bound as well.
13. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> Horse. Because he's most beautiful, fierce, loyal and care free animal.
( Something different 🙌)
14. What do you do when you are angry??
--> Hahaha, I start doing house chores to divert my attention and when I'm alone I celebrate my pity- party with flood of tears.
15. What's the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> Easter bonnet had to my daughter.
( Adorable)
16. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> Around 7 families of my aunt's and uncle's lived in same street and we were a naughty gang of cousins and friends. So my entire childhood around them is memorable. Now when they have all gone in different corners of world I really miss them. Our most exciting game was outdoor hide and seek and that too at night time.
No doubt those days were innocent and safe because today I can't even imagine my daughter playing outside at night.
( You really had fun filled childhood)
17. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> Damon and Elena from vampire diaries. Of course Manan from kyy. Both serials have amazing and cutest character.
( Damon and Elena 💖)
18. If you have Doraemon with you, which gadget will you ask from him??
--> iRobot Roomba. Ah isn't it amazing specially when you have two kids to make everything messy.
19. What do you think about the classic - bad boy and nerd??
--> An innocent nerd girl learning to answer back and trying to adopt new things and bad boy becoming way too cute - romantic types, such stories really amazing but I don't have any experience about such stuff not in reading nor writing so can't comment about it.
20. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you??
--> I try to do lots of things for them so that they can realise that there is no harm for being useful.
21. Tell us your nicknames?
--> Just Zainee.
22. If you are invisible for a day, what would you do??
--> I won't love to wish for one day, I need more and I desperately want to find the child abusers and child molesters and rappers and I wish I can punish them in worst way.
( They should be punished in worst way )
23. Who's your celebrity crush??
--> My first teenage crush were Hristik from Bollywood and Tom cruise from Hollywood.
24. If you can exchange your life with anyone, who will it be??
--> With no one because I am happy for what I'm and who I'm.
25. Who or what lights you up??
--> My mother and my both babies.
26. With writing, what did you feel changed in you most??
--> Boredom and depression have been wiped out of my life. In any worst time, I can distract myself by writing.
27. Any quote that describe your life motives??
--> Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.
28. According to your preference, arrange - bunjy jumping, para gliding, mountain climbing, river rafting :-
--> Haha, I can't arrange them because they all out of my list. They scare the hell of me.
29. Your favourite school teacher??
--> Mrs. Bilqees. Kind and nice.
30. Which Street food are you??
--> Gol gappe. Little bitter, little sweet.
( Missing them 😢)
31. List cartoon shows from your childhood??
--> Micky mouse. Cartoon meena k sath.
32. One person you are closest to?
--> My mom.
33. What will you choose - dancing or singing??
--> Haha, can't choose any because I'm worse at both.
34. How will you describe friendship??
--> Blessing and trust.
( Right words ❤️)
35. Quality you truly like in yourself??
--> Forgiveness. I can't be angry for long no matter how hurt I'm.
( Me too.)
36. One word for yourself??
--> Softie.
37. Any tips for new writers??
--> Don't write anything what you can't feel yourself. For example - don't write sad scenes if you can't feel the pain of your characters.
( 🙌 Right)
38. From Watty family, name the person similar to the word :- 1. Tom boy 2. Fashionable 3. Best in advice :-
--> Sorry to disappoint you, but personally I don't know anyone at Wattpad except my few readers, who so many cute cute comments, but personally even I don't know them also. So putting them in these words is difficult.
( It's totally okay dear ❤️)
39. Would you rather :-
1. Be a morning person or do night walks??
--> Morning person.
2. Ice cream as dinner whole life or chocolate as dinner whole life??
--> I hate both. :-D
( This is shocking.)
3. Lick dumpster or lick bathroom tiles?
--> Lick bathroom tiles.
4. Create new vacation destination or new language??
--> Create new language.
5. House near beach or house near mountains??
--> House near beach.
40. Message to your friends and readers.
--> Never say anything negative, because maybe your single word is destroying the next person. Always try to find positive side behind everything that makes you hurt. May God bless you all with happy and healthy life.
( True words 💯)
Thank you so much for giving your precious time ♥️. I enjoyed talking to you dear ❤️. Stay blessed, happy and healthy ❤️.
Tag your favourite writers and friends here to know them better 💜. For any special questions, please DM me.
Till next time,
Stay at home and safe ❤️
Stay blessed, happy and healthy everyone 💖
Take care of every person around you.
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