Mikayla 💖
Heyaa everyone. I am back with another chat session 😁.
Another amazing writer I stumbled upon here while I read her amazing stories on Inkitt. Her stories are too good and she is very jolly person greyfarrell .
------------ Let's get started ☕ --------------
1. Introduce yourself??
--> 1. My name is Mikayla, I’m 22 years old, and I just love books!
2. If anyone reads your stories, they will know you are ___?
--> They would know I’m a hopeless romantic.
( Yes, I know that ♥️)
3. Your birthday??
--> April 1st (yes, April fools day is my birthday) .
( Thats cool)
4. Your hobbies??
--> I like to write, read, draw, play musical instruments, I just love art stuff and anything creative!
5. Your passion and career??
--> My passion is writing and I’d love to make it my career!
6. If there is addition to crayon box, which color you wanna be and why??
--> I’d want to be rose gold, I just really like that colour.
7. Tell us about your super prank?
--> I don’t think I’m much of a prankster I usually just jump out and scare my boyfriend all the time and that’s the extent of my pranks haha.
( Cute 😄)
8. Any allergy and phobia??
--> I have a phobia of throwing up, and I’m super allergic to dogs which sucks!
9. What inspires you to write??
--> Everything inspires me to write, I can look at a flower and come up with a story idea haha I find a story in everything .
( That's nice )
10. Your favourite story novels??
--> My favourite books are anything by V.C Andrews! But especially her Cutler series.
11. Which Disney princess are you?
--> Probably rapunzel because I have long blonde hair
12. If there is a solution for your anxiety, how would it look like??
--> I have no idea what it would look like haha there is no solution!
13. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> Some kind of bird, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fly.
14. What do you do when you are angry??
--> I have no idea how to handle myself when I get angry haha I just want to break something but I can’t do that so I just kinda sit there and hope the anger goes away.
15. Whats the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> Probably a card to my boyfriend or mom.
16. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> My favourite childhood game is hide and seek! I’ve always been really good at it because I’m super small! I don’t think I have a favourite childhood memory though, I don’t remember much of my childhood at all.
17. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> I can’t pick just one! I love criminal minds, greys anatomy, supernatural, and recently I started new girl and I’m obsessed! I don’t think I have a favourite tv couple though.
18. What do you think about the classic – bad boy and nerd ??
--> I think it’s a good idea! It’s been done a lot but that’s because it’s a good cliche that people love!
( Yes, that's right)
19. If you are having a bad day, what would you do to make yourself feel better ?
--> If I’m having a bad day I tell by boyfriend and then get cuddles haha.
( ♥️♥️)
20. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you??
--> I treat everyone nice until they give me a reason not to, if someone can’t bring anything positive to my life, there’s no reason for them to be in it.
21. If you are invisible for a day, what would you do?
--> I'd probably try to go somewhere cool that would usually cost a lot of money.
22. If you have given power to change the world into fairy tales or supernaturals, which would you choose?
--> Fairy tales, supernaturals would be a disaster in the real world.
23. List cartoons from your childhood.
--> I feel like I did watch many cartoons, but I loved Danny phantom and spongebob!
24. While writing, what do you think changed in you most??
--> I feel like my whole style of writing has changed in a way, when I was younger I’d switch perspectives between the main characters a lot and now I don’t normally do that, my chapters have gotten longer, my writing has improved.
25.Qualities you wanna change in yourself??
--> I want to have more motivation to do things like edit and write!
26. Any quote that describe your life motives??
--> No quote that I can think of right now haha I’m not much of a quote person unless I’m quoting vines.
27. Arrange - bunjy jumping, river rafting,mountain climbing and para gliding :-
--> If I’m arranging them from what I’d like to do most to least, I’d say mountain climbing, para gliding, bunjy jumping, river rafting.
28. What or who lights you up??
--> My boyfriend! And a good book or tv show!
29. Any school teacher you dont like?
--> I had tons I didn't like !
30. From your own writings, Which is your favourite story??
--> My favourite book of mine is Three Kisses.
( Three kisses is amazing 😍)
31. What you cooked special last time?
--> Lately I’ve been cooking stir fries and smoothies bowls haha I’m on a health kick!
32. If you have to confess something now, what it will be??
--> I confess that I love a good cliche! People bash them but I think they can be used in creative ways and I love them!
33. What will you choose - singing or dancing?
--> Singing! I’m always singing and I can’t dance at all.
34. How will you describe friendship?
--> Friendship is beautiful, connecting with someone and becoming like family is very special.
35. What are you most proud of?
--> I’m most proud of graduating high school! Neither of my parents did so I broke the cycle.
36. One word for yourself??
--> Creative! Or small haha.
37. Name your 3 fav actors, nd then choose whom to - kill, hug and marry.
--> Tom Ellis - Kill , Matthew Gray Gubler - Marry, Amybeth McNulty - Hug.
38. Any tips for new writers??
--> My biggest tips for new writers is to write for yourself! And write what you would want to read!
39. Would you rather :-
1. Be a morning person or do night walks ?
--> Night walks, I go on a night walk every night!
2. Ice cream as dinner whole life or pizza as dinner whole life ??
--> Ice cream as dinner.
3. Lick bathroom tiles or lick dumpster?
--> Lick bathroom tiles.
4. Create new vacation destination or new chocolate ??
--> Create new chocolate.
5. House near beach or house near mountains.
--> House near mountains !
40. Message for friends and readers.
--> My message to friends or readers is that I hope they enjoyed reading my opinion on things! And to keep writing or reading because books are the best!
Thank you so much for giving your precious time ♥️. I wish you all the success and happiness in the world ♥️. Keep writing coz your books are amazing 👌.
Tag your favourite writers and friends here to know them better ❤️. For any special questions, DM me please.
Till next time,
Stay blessed happy and healthy ❤️ everyone.
Stay safe ❤️.
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