Kiana 💖
Heyaa everyone. I am back with the chat session of my one of the favourite writer on INKITT.
Her stories are amazing. Thnxx again for this SeaOfGlass. Stay blessed, happy and healthy ❤️.
________ Let's get started ☕ __________
1. Introduce yourself??
--> I m Kiana Rose (pen name :)
I grew up in a big family but would call myself an introvert. Im more than happy spending all day to myself in peace and quiet, reading and writing to my hearts content. I live on the coast and love the great outdoors-- beach, mountains, rivers, and bushland. Nature is my friend and I love doing adventurous activities with my close family (sister, brothers, and mum <3)
I m in my mid-twenties and still have no idea what I really want to do with my life!
( I don't know either)
2. Tell us about your stories??
--> My main stories are in the werewolf genre, with a little romance, action, and suspense to keep things interesting! If you've read my stories, you know the characters love to keep you hanging with cliffhangers at every turn!
I've written lots of other stuff previously before my first werewolf story The Alphas Shatter Zone, but thats on other accounts and also unpublished.
( Suspense is very much in her stories 🧐)
3. Your hobbies??
--> Reading and writing (obviously ;), dabbling in drawing and painting, baking and eating, singing/writing songs (when Im in the right headspace), online shopping (my family might say Im a little addicted. Theres just this rush that comes from receiving parcels in the mail :) and painting my nails bright colours (helps with typing ;).
( Multi talented)
4. Your passion and career??
--> I currently teach English to migrants and refugees, but my background is in science and Id love a cool job in something like horticulture or marine biology. Either that or become a famous singer/songwriter (yes, that was my dream for as long as I can remember, but its funny how priorities shift the older we get.)
But at the end of the day I'd love to be a wife to an incredible husband (still sceptical they actually exist) and mother to five darling children (definitely dont exist).
Oh, and I'd love to keep WRITING as a side hobby (and get paid for it ;)
5. Which color represents your personality?
--> My fave colour is ocean blue. What that says about me, I have no idea!
6. What is your favourite food combo??
--> Chocolate and hazelnuts. Nutella, Ferrero rochers, you name it, Ill eat it.
7. Any allergy and phobia??
--> No allergies thankfully, though I have a terrible phobia of spiders! Especially the big hairy Huntsman (that are totally non-venomous btw) but hide in the worst places (inside shoes, behind curtains, above doorways, on trees Im climbing) ready to jump out and give you a heart attack! So yeah, maybe I'm allergic to them? lol
( 😃😃)
8. What inspires you to write??
--> Real world events, stories I hear, my crazy imagination, and the faith that drives me to share Jesus love (yes, I'm a Christian :) Im not ashamed to say you'll find Biblical themes in all my stories, as well as names/characters inspired by historical figures who have really impacted my life.
9. Your favourite novels??
--> I love reading powerful stories that really stay with me! My list is topped by Nightmare Academy by Frank Peretti, The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker, and The Truth Teller by Angela Hunt. Other favourite authors are Bill Myers, Harry Kraus, and Connilyn Cossette.
10. What would you do if you knew you could not fail??
--> Produce lots of songs Ive written. Id need a good band to back me up, a producer, a record deal, the works. But you know a girl can dream :)
( May your dream come true 💯)
11. If there was a solution to your anxiety, how would it look like??
--> Well, I dont have anxiety.
( Thats good)
12. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> A killer whale. I have an affinity for the ocean, and would love to explore it! What better way than as a killer whale? They are apex predators, wolves of the sea who travel in packs, and just look so cool.
13. What do you do when you are angry??
--> Try not to yell at my family, first and foremost! lol I also find losing myself in calming music helps, and getting some exercise to blow off steam. Oh and hugging my sisters kitten. He beats therapy, I tell you!
( Aww. Cute 😍)
14. Whats the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> Earrings. I love making jewellery like bracelets and earrings with pretty beads. I also do little beach scenery paintings and frame it with driftwood or other things.
( Crafty)
15. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> Playing in my yard with my brothers and sisters. Wed climb trees, play cops and robbers, ride bikes over the humps made by our older brother, and have campfires together on beautiful cold winter mornings. Mulberry fights were also super fun (stained t-shirts, anyone? ;)
( 🙌)
16. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is my favourite show. Oliver Queen and Chloe Sullivan from Smallville are my favourite couple (played by Justin Hartley and Allison Mack). They are seriously cute together!
17. What do you think is the classic – bad boy and nerd or bad boy with sarcastic girl ??
--> I always hate when the nerd gets with the bad boy. She deserves someone so much better.
( Yes )
18. On the scale 1-10, how lucky you think you are??
--> Don't believe in luck.
( Cool )
19. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you??
--> I treat them like how I treat everyone else, friendly and kind :) Even just a smile can brighten someones day!
( Kind you are )
20. Tell us your nicknames??
--> That would be revealing too much of my real name ;) but sometimes my younger brother calls me Princess :)
21. If you are invisible for a day, what would you do?
--> Probably freak out since no one can see me.
22. Who's your celebrity crush??
--> Adam Young aka Owl City. I feel like Id connect with him on so many levels if given the chance! (okay, I just sounded like a stereotypical fan girl)
23. list 2 bad qualities about yourself?
--> I cant help procrastinating, esp when it comes to paperwork.
24. Any quote that describe your life motives??
--> In me you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world. ~Jesus. (John 16:33)
I live knowing that no matter what happens, my God has my back. We can be surrounded by the craziest things (pandemics, anyone?) but I have hope in a future beyond this where nothing can hurt us or take away our joy :)
( That's true. Our belives in God are much stronger than this Panademic.)
25. Arrange - bungy jumping, river rafting, mountain climbing and para gliding :-
--> I love mountain climbing, but would never do the rest.
26. Have you ever stalked anyone??
--> Cyber-stalked old crushes from school. I dont even have fb or insta but theres an awful lot you can find out by just googling someone Sue me.
27. What are you most proud of??
--> Finally completing The Alphas Daydream. That was a tough story to write!
Oh and finishing my Bachelor of Science. I nearly cried when I crossed the stage to get my Testamur and reached the other side without tripping in my heels! (If you haven't already figured out, Im a country girl who is much more comfortable in jeans and converse than dresses and heels ;)
28. One person you are closest to?
--> My younger brother.
29. What will you choose - singing or dancing?
--> I'd love to learn to dance hip-hop.
30. How will you describe friendship?
--> Always being there for someone you care about, and giving each other the truth even when they dont want to hear it. Thats real love and friendship. Unfortunately, many have forgotten that these days :(
31. Where you wanna see yourself in future??
--> See #5: passion and career
32. One word for yourself??
--> Ridiculous.
( I would say amazing ❤️)
33. Whats your escape place from the daily life chaos??
--> Music, writing, reading the Bible, and my bed whenever possible (who doesn't appreciate nanna naps?)
34. Would you rather :-
1. be a vampire beloved or werewolf mate?
--> Werewolf mate, hands down. I hate vampires and you'll never find one in any of my stories. Sorry not sorry.
2. ice cream as dinner whole life or chocolate as dinner whole life.
--> I m feeling sick just imagining this...
35. Message for friends and readers.
--> I hope I didnt bore you with my answers above! Hopefully you learnt a little more about me as a person (you might even realise I've added parts of myself to my characters ;)
If you're interested, please check out my stories in The Alphas Territory series. I'm currently writing the third, The Alphas Rogue, all about a female Alpha who follows her criminal rogue mate into his dark underworld. She learns what it truly means to go rogue, and he learns just what it costs to run from everything worth living for. Can they both reach a compromise to be together, or will their hearts be torn apart in the fight between good and evil? Is there even a line between the two?
I have plans for two more books following this, titled The Alphas Sacrifice and The Alphas Inheritance. Gonna be a long journey to completion, but I am so pumped for this series!
Thank you so much for giving your precious time again ❤️. May God bless you with all success and happiness ❣️.
Let me tell you guys something - Alpha's rogue is just amazing. I wait eagerly for her to update. When surprise update comes, we all go happy. That story is superb. ❤️❤️
Tag your favourite writers and friends here to know them better ❤️. If you want to ask any special questions, DM me please.
Till next time
Stay home and safe.
Stay blessed happy and healthy humesa ❤️.
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