Heer 💞
Heyaa everyone. I am back with another chat session.
A multi talented person with kind personality. She is a very good writer, Baker and she paints too. I am glad I asked you ❤️ and got to know you. You are a beautiful soul StarsAndFireflies_ 💖
--------------- Let's get started ☕-------------
1. Introduce yourself??
--> Hi, I'm Heer. I'm 18 years old, and I'm from Mumbai :)
2. Tell us about your stories??
--> My first stories on Wattpad were the 'His' series, and although my writing style was very amateur, they really blew up more than I deserved, and made me the writer I am today. It was followed by Humesha, which was the most loved one. At the moment, I'm writing 'Stars' and the number of readers it has hooked is insane! All I can say is, I don't deserve all of this, but these books made me the writer I am today <3
3. Your birthday??
--> It's on 28th January, 2002. Again, I'm a new adult. ;)
( And a talented one 😍)
4. Your hobbies??
--> I don't have a lot of hobbies. My only hobby was to write and edit and I've done enough for it to be a passion now 🙈 I do enjoy baking and learning hairstyles when I'm free, and sometimes I draw and paint. Oh, and I LOVE reading books. That's about it I guess... I'm pretty boring.
5. Your passion and career??
--> Writing has been my passion for a long time now, but I don't want a career in it. I'm studying science at the moment, and may give medical exams.. so let's see where this takes me 💓
6. If there is addition to crayon box, which color you wanna be and why??
--> Ah... I don't know! Maybe I'd like to be grey.
I think colours can be too demanding sometimes, always depicting something. But grey... it's neutral. It blends in, but at the same time, it's speaks out. And I believe to be able to have your own voice while blending in is beautiful. Also, I don't think anyone can be all white or all black, but everyone does have a little bit of both in them. So, I think... grey. :))
( Yes, very true. Grey perfectly describes our personalities)
7. Your biggest fear??
--> I don't fear anything a lot. But I do have a very low self-esteem. I'm not proud of this, but my anxiety makes me self criticise a lot. It's people here and out there and their kind words that have always kept me going. So I think my big fear would be that one day, I'd get up and the world will see me the way I see myself, and I wouldn't know what else to do with myself then.
( Believe in yourself 💖)
8. Any allergy and phobia??
--> I'm not allergic to anything, atleast I don't know any allergy until now :P
But I do have trypophobia. It's the phobia of clusters or a lot of small holes, specially if they're engraved in a symmetrical pattern 🙊
9. What inspires you to write??
--> I don't know what actually inspires me to write, but I think I'm obsessed with the power that a writer has. We, as writers, use different combinations of 26 letters in black and white to create a whole world in someone's mind. And I think that's crazily beautiful, the kind of rainbows and thunderstorms that you can make someone believe with that power. I think I really want to write something that affects others, that gives them a hope for a better tomorrow while being realistic, and not completely drowning into a fairytale, you know? If someday, my words make enough difference to even make someone smile, I think it'll continue to inspire me to keep writing all the time. <3
( Pen is the most powerful weapon)
10. Your favourite novels??
--> I think I'm the kind of person to keep getting obsessed with every new novel they read :P But my all time favourite would be 'The Fault In Our Stars' or any work by John Green, actually. He's amazing! :)
11. What would you do if you knew you could not fail??
--> I don't know, lol. Maybe establish world peace? I really don't know, but what I do believe is that everytime two countries fight, innocent people die. So I'd probably want to establish world peace. Or eradicate poverty. Or end hunger. Or fly. Or be invisible. Or get away with pranks. Infinite possibilities. ;)
( 😄😄)
12. If there was a solution to your anxiety , how would it look like??
--> At this point, I'm almost convinced that there is no solution to my anxiety 👀.
( There is solution to every problem)
13. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> Koala. Definitely a baby Koala bear. I mean, they spend 99% of their life eating and sleeping, and the other 1%, they spend with (and finding) their soulmate.. if they don't find one, they give up and go back to sleep. Bonus points because they're cute.
( Cuties 😍)
14. What do you do when you are angry??
--> Honestly, depends. Sometimes, I become snappy. But mostly, I just give the person my silent treatment until they apologise ;)
15. Whats the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> I'm not very crafty, but if food is made a handmade gift, then I made meals for the whole day on my parents anniversary, from pancakes in breakfast to caramel pudding for dessert. Is that counted? 🙊
( Definitely)
16. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> Honestly, I don't remember much of my childhood memories but I do remember when my Dad used to sneak in icecream and food from restaurants for me without my mom knowing. And my favourite game would be Chicolo, that I used to play with my siblings late night on weekends. :))) Damn, I miss those days.
17. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> Without saying, Manik and Nandini from Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan. But others I also love are Jessica and Justin from 13 Reasons Why, and Lucifer and Chloe from Lucifer. Also, Hayat and Murat. These will always be my OTP 💕
18. What do you think is the classic – bad boy and nerd or bad boy with Sarcastic girl ??
--> Bad boy and nerd, isn't that how the cliches goes?? ;)
( Cliche needs to be changed)
19. If you have doremon with you, which gadget will you ask for??
--> Anywhere Door. Travelling is one thing I can't live without and after being quarantined for months... I wish I had anywhere door.
( Me too)
20. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you??
--> I think it depends upon how much I like them. I have a tendency to go above and beyond for the people I love despite knowing they won't do the same for me. I always regret that in the end, but can never stop myself from doing so the next time. But if it were in my hands, I would love to treat those people the same way they treat me so they for once know how it feels.
( Always be good 😁)
21. Tell us your nicknames??
--> Mia. That's the only nickname I have :)
22. If you are invisible for a day, what would you do?
--> Ah, tough question. But mostly, I think I'll travel. See the world, be a silent spectator. Or break into the Marvel office and read the scripts of all unreleased movies. Or raid Area-51. Or check the most secretive files of NASA. I mean, I'm dangerous ;)
( Someone warm NASA 😅)
23. Who’s your celebrity crush??
--> Most Marvel actors, but if I have to say one, Tom Hiddleston. He's kind and he's cute and he's hot and he's beautiful. In short, I'm crazy for him.
24. If you can exchange your life with anyone, whom will you choose??
--> I think Zendaya. I mean, she's gorgeous. But Kendall Jenner seems good too. I think it'll be great to be a part of the Kardashian family. They're crazy fun. Amusement for the rest of my life will be covered ;)
( Sounds like fun 😁)
25. What or who lights you up??
--> Ice-cream. Music. My Wattpad fam. 💓💓
26. With writing, what did you feel changed in you most??
--> I think writing has made me a better person. I have given parts of myself into every character I write, and I feel the more I understand my characters, the more I understand myself. It's made me maturer, a better person and most definitely saved me on the darkest days. Don't know what I would do without writing 💕
27. Any quote that describe your life motives??
--> I don't think any can describe my life motives, but I read a quote sometime ago that goes like:
'We fall. We break. We fail. But then, we rise. We heal. And we overcome'
And I think it's beautiful, to think about this and pull yourself up everytime you fall <3
28. Arrange - bunji jumping, river rafting, mountain climbing and para gliding :-
--> Para Gliding– has been on my bucket list for long!
Mountain climbing
River Rafting
Bunji Jumping.
29. Your favourite school teacher ??
--> I hated my school teachers for the most part of it :P but I did have an English teacher in ninth and tenth grade.. she encouraged me in a way I can't explain and I can easily credit a lot of my writing to her. I don't think I see myself even half as confident with my writing without her. I think she's unforgettable <3
( My English teacher was good too. She inspired me a lot)
30. Which Street food are you??
--> I LOVE street food. Any and every street food. I can be anything you love, but I'd love to be a chaat. Perhaps... dahi puri? (I miss eating street food in quarantine 😭)
31. On the scale 1-10, how lucky do you think you are?
--> Can't say, honestly. But I like to believe 11. You know they say you attract what you believe, so... 😏🙈
( Yes 👍)
32. One person you are closest to?
--> My bestfriend. She's been with me since the past ten years.. we've had our ups and lows but it's safe to say we'll be best friends for the rest of our lives.. atleast I hope ;)
33. What will you choose - singing or dancing?
--> Dancing. I love singing, but I sound like a dead cat. So definitely dancing.
34. How will you describe friendship?
--> I think my friends are my unpaid therapists, my human diaries, my everything. Friendship means everything to me. Especially when you don't have the best relation with your real family, I think friends become family.
35. Where you wanna see yourself in future??
--> A published writer, I hope. A lot of places, but mostly, happy. For as confused I am right now, I hope I find my path in life, I hope I travel abroad, and I hope I find a place where I think I belong. I think I'd love to see myself happy, doing what I love, where I think I belong in the next five years time. <3
( You will find the happiest path for yourself 😊)
36. One word for yourself??
--> One word for myself... I don't know lol. Ive been confused with what to answer for days and I asked a few of my friends to describe me in word. Here's a few replies I received:
Crazy? Funny? Talented? Introvert? Writer? Gorgeous? Queen? Mess?
I think I'll settle with mess. I'm a mess. Proudly lol.
( Beautiful mess)
37. Whats your escape place from the daily life chaos??
--> The terrace of my building. I think one thing I've grown used to, especially in quarantine, is to sit on the terrace top, and watch the city as the sun goes down with music in my ears. I get a chance to evaluate my past, present and future. Definitely the most awaited part of my everyday life now. <3
38. Would you rather :-
1. Be a morning person or do night walks ??
--> Morning person 🙌
2. Ice cream as dinner whole life or chocolate as dinner whole life ??
--> That's such a tough fight, but I think Ice cream wins.
3. Lick bathroom tiles or lick dumpster??
--> Dumpster, definitely dumpster.
4. Create new vacation destination or new species ??
--> New vacation destination. WOW. But.... If I create a new species, would I be their God? 🙈
5. House near beach or house near mountains ??
--> Mountains; but I love beaches.. :(
39. Message for friends and readers.
--> Firstly, if you're reading this and you've made it to the end, thank you for bearing with my long ass answers.
And, my readers and my fam here on Wattpad is my everything! Literally. I don't see myself anywhere as a writer without your constant love and support, and I'd like to believe I've always been lucky with that. So thank you. I owe everything that I am as a writer today to you guys. I love y'all. 🥺💓💕
( We love you too ❤️)
Thank you so much for your precious time ♥️. Always believe in yourself. You are a beautiful person. I wish you all success and happiness ❣️. Stay blessed.
Tag your favourite writers and friends here to know them better ❤️.
Special questions request accepted in DM. Feel free to ask me anything ❤️.
Till next time,
Stay safe and home.
Stay blessed, happy and healthy ❤️.
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