2. Aaliya ❤️
Hey guys. I am back with another superb chat session. Her stories are lovely and she is very kind person. She is very famous Manan writer.
Aaliya ❤️ gumaank
1. Introduce yourself??
--> My name is Aaliya. I live in Mumbai. I have completed my studies and I am an introvert.
2. Tell us about your stories??
--> Basically the theme of my story is to show the real life and not exaggeration. It has love, some problems and solution to it. Though it might be very casual at times but thats how life is.......whats shown in tv serials are not completely true.
( Shows are very rude and messy sometimes)
3. Your birthday??
--> Its 18 August 1994.
4. Your hobbies??
--> Writing and cooking.
5. Your passion and career??
--> My passion is writing and my career will be an housewife.
6. If there is addition to crayon box, which color you wanna be and why??
--> Dairy milk wala purple becoz I love that colour.
7. Your biggest fear??
--> Height.
8. Any allergy and phobia??
--> Yes, I have allergy from artificial jewelry.
9. What inspires you to write??
--> There is no such inspiration. I have loved writing since my imagination started and Manan give me more ideas and Wattpad give the platform to showcase it.
10. Your favourite story here??
--> There are many, mainly from shaperai
11. What would you do if you knew you could not fail??
--> Depends on what situation I have to deal with. For exams a little and for winning any person 100% efforts.
12. If there was a solution to your anxiety , how would it look like??
--> Meditation.
( Peaceful)
13. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> Butterfly. Coz they are beautiful and dont harm anybody.
( So sweet ❤️)
14. What do you do when you are angry??
--> Scream at people.
15. Whats the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> Yesterday it was my cousin sis bday and she loves pasta made by me so I made that for her yesterday only. (26 feb)
16. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> Birthdays were the best and I love that fish game.. that one you have to pick with the help of the magnet. I have that game now too.
17. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> Kyy /Manan and another is a Turkish series kiralik ask.....omer and defne. They are my favourite. I just can stop drooling over omer.
18. What do you think is the classic - bad boy and nerd or bad boy with bad ass girl ??
--> Bad boy and the nerd.
19. Will you ever change your past??
--> Kind of yes.
20. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you??
--> Depends... I have some evil people in life who do nothing....... with strangers as an when I get a chance.
21. Tell us your nicknames??
--> Aalu.
22. If you are invisible for a day, what would you do?
--> Teach some people a good lesson.
23. Who's your celebrity crush??
--> Barış Arduç ( Omer).
24. If you are given a chance to combine two animals, animals will be??
--> No......I dont like animals.....so I dont want to change them and start hating them.
25. What or who lights you up??
--> A school friend is there to whom I talk on calls to light my mood up.
26. Qualities you wanna change in yourself??
--> There are many out of one is speaking.
27. Any quote that describe your life motives??
--> No.
28. Arrange - bunji jumping, river rafting, mountain climbing and para gliding :-
--> River rafting, Bunji jumping, Parw gliding and Mountain climbing.
29. Any school teacher you don't like?
--> There was no one that I didn't like but I was scared of a few teachers becoz they were very strict.
30. Have you ever stalked anyone??
--> No.
31. What are you most proud of??
--> My writing.
32. One person you are closest to?
--> My school friend.
33. What will you choose - singing or dancing?
--> Dancing.
34. How will you describe friendship?
--> If you got a good friend, then Friendship is a helping stone to success.
( True.)
35. Where you wanna see yourself in future??
--> In someone's heart with immense love.
( That's the best I have heard about this till now ❤️)
36. One word for yourself??
--> Hidden.
37. Whats your escape place from the daily life chaos??
--> There is no such place but yeah I write so that distracts me perfectly.
38. From watty family, name the person similar to the word :-
1. tom boy 2. flirt 3. drunken mess 4. fashionista 5. best in advice
--> Okay I am in not much contact of many readers just 5 of them are there out of which no body fits in the category except from advice and all 5 of them are good at it.
39. Would you rather :-
1. Be a vampire beloved or werewolf mate?
-->Vampire beloved.
2. Ice cream as dinner whole life or pizza as dinner whole life?
--> Pizza.
3. Lick bathroom tiles or lick dumbster ??
--> None.
4. Create new vacation destination or new language?
--> Both.
5. House near beach or house near mountains.
--> House near beach.
40. Message for friends and readers.
--> Thanks for all the support and love. Keep reading and motivating me.
Thank you so much for giving your precious time to me. I wish you all the success and happiness. Stay blessed, happy and healthy. ❣️❣️
Tag your friends and favourite writer here to know them better.❤️❤️
Till next time, stay blessed, happy and healthy.
And have a safe Holi everyone.🥳
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