1. Cavalier
Heyaa everyone. I am here with the first one. Thank you for all the patience and support.
I hope you guys enjoyed it ❤️
She is the writer of Silent Luna - an amazing person. Young and very talented. Cavalier_Spaniel
1. Introduce yourself ??
--> Well, I am sixteen and a girl. I've loved reading since before I was in preschool and I started writing in eighth grade when my friend and I were given a short story writing assignment and I ended up making it around twenty pages long when it only needed to be three.
2. Tell us about your stories??
--> In eighth grade, my friend and I started writing Warrior Cat Fanfictions. We wrote the first one together and started the second one together and then I finished the second one and wrote the third one all by myself. That's when I realized how much fun writing is and how cool it was to put the stories from my head onto paper and letting other people see and enjoy them. Then I started reading a lot of werewolf books on Wattpad and those gave me inspiration to start my SILENT LUNA series.
3. When did you start using watty??
--> I joined 6 years ago.
4. Your hobbies??
--> My hobbies include reading, writing, drawing, playing the Ukulele and trampoline Gymnastics.
5. Your birthday ??
--> I am not going to answer this. I'm not giving my birthday over social media, sorry.
6. If there is an addition in a crayon box, which color you wanna be and why??
--> I don't really know how to answer that. But my favorite color is like Lavender/ Violet so maybe that.
7. Your biggest fear??
--> My biggest fear is probably getting kidnapped for sex trafficking or that in the future my kids might be. I think it's because that's my mom's biggest fear so it kind of transferred to me lol.
8. Your passion and career ??
--> I have had a passion for animals since I was about 4 years old when I decided I wanted to be a Veterinarian.
9. First person with whom you talked on watty??
--> I actually never really talked to anyone on here before recently. I just stayed quiet and read warrior fanfics and werewolf books. I never voted or commented or messaged anyone. If someone messaged me I'd only answer once in a while. I didn't really start talking to people until I published the original version of Silent Luna and people started messaging me about that. But I found out my (now) best friend had wattpad about two years ago when we first started getting close and so sometimes we would text through wattpad for some reason. This is FanGirlNerd_03 btw and if you've read Lost Princess (book five in my War of the wolves series) our characters and werewolf universe actually cross over.
10. Any phobia or allergy?
--> I have a phobia of Scorpions and poisonous spiders which is strange I don't live in a place that has either of them lmao. Growing up, I was allergic to cats but recently I've found that I'm growing out of the allergy and I only have a reaction once in a while and it's not as big as it was even three years ago.
11. Your favorite story here??
--> I think my favorite story here is the arrogant overprotective mate and it's two sequel by katnisslerman16.
12. If you are given a chance to be an animal, which one you wanna be and why??
--> I would like to be something that could fly probably. I don't really know. Definitely a predator though.
13. What do you do when you are angry??
--> I usually cry when I am angry or stressed.
14. Whats the last handmade gift you gifted someone??
--> The last handmade gift I gave anyone would have to be this candle I gave to my mom for mother's day last year. I didn't make the candle, but I melted on a layer of wax that had my handwriting on it that spelled out a special quote I'd think she'd like. She liked btw :)
15. Your favourite childhood memory and game??
--> I have too many favourite childhood memories to pick but my favorites games were anything that was playing pretend. I used toys sure, but I really liked pretending to be something. Usually some kind of animal or imagining myself in my favorite movie or show lol. When I grew out of playing, I put that active imagination towards writing stories.
16. You call your best friend as?
-> I don't call my best friend anything except her name.
17. What inspires you to write??
--> Honestly other stories. I read a story and then I take the tiniest part of the basic plot line as an idea and create my own characters and then start writing. Don't worry, I never copy or plagiarize, because once I got few chapters in my mind takes the plot for a while new twist and I create the rest of it from my imagination.
18. Qualities you seek in your life partner??
--> Kindness towards everyone, and Ik this might sound strange but their voice. I'm attracted to certain guy's voices. I also prefer guys with blonde hair and blue eyes. Specially blue eyes though.
19. Your favourite TV series and couple??
--> I have a lot of favorite TV series but I will always love love FRIENDS and my favorite couple is Chandler and Monica. I also love Grey anatomy and my favorite couple is Meredith and Derek. And I am obsessed with Disney channel shows right now with my all time favorite from the time I was seven being Hannah Montana with my favorite couple being Miley and Jake.
20. Arrange your gift prefernce :- roses, chocolates, jewellery, dresses.
--> Jewellery, chocolates, roses and dresses. I love love dresses but not as gifts.
21. If you are invisible for a day, what would you do?
--> This probably sounds bad, but I'd probably spy on someone.
22. If you have any supernatural power, what will it be?
--> The ability to fly or the ability to shift into an animal.
23. If you are given a chance to combine two animals, animals will be??
--> I guess whatever makes a pegasus real.
24. Qualities you wanna change in yourself??
--> I don't really know. I love most of my qualities and I feel like I have good values and I don't feel the need to change anything.
25. Any quote that describe your life motives??
--> " It's okay that everything isn't okay all the time." And " Life isn't how to survive the storm, it's about how to dance in the rain." Both by Taylor Swift.
26. Arrange - bunji jumping, river rafting,mountain climbing and para gliding :-
--> Para gliding, River rafting, Bunji jumping and mountain climbing.
27. Any school teacher you don't like?
--> Actually yeah, my science teacher. I love science and I want to be a Vet but this teacher is really hard to communicate with and he doesn't let me retake stuff. So my grade isn't great in it because he is not a good teacher.
28. What are you most proud of??
--> Probably either my first place win at Nationals last year for gymnastics or the fact that my rewrite of silent Luna has been so successful.
( Congratulations 👍)
29. One person you are closest to?
--> I think out of my parents, I am closest to my dad. But out of my friends, I am closest to FanGirlNerd_03 .
30. What will you choose - singing or dancing?
--> Singing. I don't think I can dance.
31. How will you describe friendship?
--> Friendship is being there for someone when they need you. To be a person to lean on, a person to lift you up and encourage you throughout life.
31. Where you wanna see yourself in future??
--> I honestly don't know. I want to be working with animals, even it's not a vet. I just want to be doing something with animals.
32. One word for yourself??
--> I am not sure how to answer this.
33. Message for friends and readers.
--> I don't really have anything to say honestly.
Thank you so much for giving your precious time for this chat session. May you get all happiness and success. Stay blessed, happy and healthy ❤️.
Tag your favorite writers and friends here to know them more.
Till next time, stay blessed, happy and healthy ❤️😊.
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