Chapter 3
Now I remember how I ended up in this place.
We were having a tour here in Spain when suddenly we were attacked by some crazy people. I was studying tourism, the reason why I'm here in Spain. But I guess things won't be the same anymore once things come to an end.
I don't know why I ended up in the middle of the road. And I don't know where the hell are my companions. But none of that matters now. What matters now is I'm still alive.
I sat on the floor, just beside the door and watched Leon as he took a breath. I noticed that my clothes are still soaked. It was raining hard outside. I took off my blazer and wring it. I didn't bother to take off my clothes, I just wring my ruffled skirt and the water dripped.
I think I should rest too. After all, we had and will have a long journey up ahead. I'm not that stupid to not notice his objective. He had his own priority and definitely I'm out of his priorities. He had a mission, he had his own errands to run.
But what is it...? I wanna know.
"Don't you mean lonely?" I heard Leon's voice from the background. "Anyway, I started to feel dizzy then I guess I must have lost consciousness." I opened my eyes to face Leon's back and radio on his hand. Must have been talking to the person assisting him. "Can't say. But I'm alright now. I'm gonna continue my mission." Then he put his radio back on his belt then turned to look at me.
"Leon?" I called out in a slightly sleepy voice. I stood up and stretch. I felt bones cracked. "How are you feeling?" I asked him as I yawned. I didn't notice that I fell asleep.
"Good as new." he said as he take a look at the surroundings.
"It's not easy to drag your body in here." I complained as I place my hands on my hips. "And you scared me half to death." I ran a hand in the air, half frustrated.
"Sorry about that. But I'm alright now so let's get moving." He said as he switched his flashlight on. It looked like it was not a big deal to him. Well, to me, it was.
"We've struggled together, almost got killed many times but had each other's back every time and I still don't know why you're here."
"Same here." He stated nonchalantly as he pulled his handgun out from his holster.
I rolled my eyes. "We were in a tour and some crazy people attacked us. I just woke up in the middle of the road in the woods. Your turn." I stared at him suspiciously.
He relaxed his shoulders and sighed. "I was sent here for a rescue mission."
I raised an eyebrow. "Rescue mission?"
Leon pulled out the picture of the girl and showed it to me. "Her name's Ashley Graham; daughter of the new president. She was abducted and they sent me in here to search for her." He explained.
After a moment of registering his statements to me, my forehead creased. "If she's the daughter of the president, he would've sent the whole army to search for her but instead he only sent you?" I clarified then pointed him and he nodded. "I don't quite understand that." I said as I open the door and it was still raining hard.
"What about you?" He asked me as we walk towards a metal double doors.
"What about me?" I asked sternly.
"You said that your hometown was destroyed by B.O.Ws. How did you managed to survive?" He asked out of curiosity.
My bitter past was reawakening in my memory as he asked that. I closed my eyes and I felt like everything is going back to me, like a flashback.
I sighed. "It was in September, 1998. My friends and fellow survivors; Kevin, Anthony, Jennifer and Cheryl. We fought for our lives as the monsters had overtaken our city. It was a twenty five kilometer city away from Raccoon City. I never got the chance to even save my family. Mom, dad and my little sister, Steffany." I took a deep breath as I fought the urge of my tears coming. I didn't want to continue my story-telling because somehow a part of me says that Leon doesn't care. I looked at him, who was looking right back at me with a sympathetic look. He was waiting patiently for me to continue with my story.
I sighed. "October 2nd, that was when the government passed judgment over the two zombie infested cities and literally wiped them off the map. But we still managed to survive with a broken heart. We decided to leave all of the past behind our backs and start a new life but I guess that was easier said than done." I felt tears escaped my eyes but Leon seem not to notice because of the pouring rain. "Six years of not opening my thoughts to this horrendous experience I've had at a young age and I only said it today." I offered him a smile. "It's funny and ironic that I'd opened up to a man that I barely know and in a situation like this."
1998. I'll never forget it.
Leon was silent as we opened the double doors. "Sorry," he just said.
I shook my head. "No, don't be sorry. You've experienced a lot of horrible things too and I think I know you understand my feelings."
"That's not it." He also shook his head and looked at me. "I--"
We heard a noise from the distance. A villager's head was trembling until it's head blew to pieces and a parasitic skin came out of his head. Small tentacles also came out and we readied our gun.
"It mutated!" I exclaimed in horror as I shoot the mutated head of the villager. The tentacles swing back and fort to us and we backed out. The tentacles have pointed tips, like a blade. I bet that'll gonna hurt when I get hit by that.
"Just shoot it." Leon said calmly as the villager let out an inhuman shriek and it melted away.
I lowered my gun and we continued to walk forward. "Now, you were saying?" I said as I remember that Leon didn't finished his sentence earlier.
Leon shrugged then sighed. "I was full of suspicion towards you right from the start." He explained, his eyes focused on the way.
I chuckled. "I know." I said as we prepared to go down on the lower platform, we could climb down using the rope. "So, will you trust me from now on?" I stared at him with a smile.
"Even if I suspected you, I trusted you right after you saved my life." Leon informed me. "And I still do."
I smiled. "You did the same for me though."
Leon returned the smile. "Partners trust each other." He stated as he grasp on the rope and started climbing down.
"Who told you that I'm your partner?" I asked him as he was busy climbing down. Don't get me wrong, I liked the idea of being his partner.
"I did. You got a problem with that?" He said in a bossy but playful tone. I smiled as he landed on his feet. "Your turn!"
"Catch me, partner!" I exclaimed and Leon's forehead creased.
Before that statement could register his mind, I jumped off and he caught me, bridal style. He looked at me like I was a ghost. I patted his shoulder and grinned at him. "Nice catch, partner." I said as he let me be on my feet.
"You should never do that again." Leon said frustrated and I giggled like a little girl.
"But it's fun." I whined like a child.
Leon just rolled his eyes and an axe was threw at our direction but missed. We looked up to see a villager glaring back at us.
Leon shot the villager in the head, instantly killing him. He climbed up the ladder to investigate it. "Found anything?" I asked him.
"Just a box of bullets." He said and jumped down.
We walked forward until we reached a dead end. "Now what?"
Leon aimed his red laser at a wooden box hanging. He fired and the box fell on the water, the water current from the water falls were creating a strong pressure, following to its passage. He shot the remaining two, creating an access through the other side.
Leon had gone first and jumped to the other side. I just jumped halfway, checking the waterfall like strong water pressure that's been blocking the access to the other side.
Leon climbed up a ladder to operate the lever, moving the machines to stop the water current. But what awaited inside the tunnel was a horde of villagers.
My eyes widened in shock and climbed up quickly as I could to the ladder behind me. Villagers started throwing whatever their holding at me but they either missed or I dodged successfully.
I pulled out my gun to shoot the villagers. I made a glance at Leon who was shooting villagers of his own. I reloaded my gun. Now I only have one clip left.
Four or five shots and the area was swept clean. I climbed down the ladder and took shelter inside the tunnel and waited for us to regroup.
As Leon came running towards me, I walked forward, him trailing behind me. I saw a dark brown wall and a circular emblem hanged there. I took the emblem and examined it. The wall turned out to be a shutter, it lifted slowly, making the ground shake and revealed a door.
"What's that?" Leon asked from behind.
I faced him and gave the emblem then shrugged. "Looks like a key or something."
Leon stared at the emblem and pulled out his radio. "I've obtained an object that resembles the cult group's insignia." Leon paused, must be getting instructions. "Got it." He put his radio back to his belt and took the lead. "Come on, let's get back to the church."
Without hesitation, I nodded. "Roger."
We took a boat and pulled out from where I got my gun. I saw the fishes again and I can't help but feel a little hungry. But there was no time to eat, we have to hurry.
Leon climbed up the ladder and I followed. We came back to the mini battlefield from earlier but this time when we passed by the center, the exits were sealed off by the villagers. What caught our attention is the opening of the huge double doors and revealed a horde of villagers pulling down a rope and yelling. They kept pulling forcefully but then their iron grip on the rope got cut off by the sound of a deafening growl.
It was not long enough when a giant monster punched the huge door, ruining it in the process. The monster became aggressive and started kicking and killing the poor villagers. Then his attention turned to us and launched a punch at us but we successfully dodged it by tumbling. I knew a little bit of gymnastics too. My mother wanted me to learn that.
"Jesus Christ." I mumble in horror and backed away as it came charging towards us.
Leon pulled out a machine pistol. "Just stay calm and shoot it." Leon said coolly and fired at the monster at the face continuously. "We need to scatter." Leon suggested and I nodded. I ran to make a distance at Leon and fired at the monster's back five times and then I'm out.
This is my last clip.
I heard a growl from above. I looked up to see a dog looking back at us. "Hey, it's that dog!" Leon said smiling. The dog jumped down and started barking at the monster, distracting it.
Its attention switched at the little animal and charged towards it. But the monster couldn't catch the dog.
I fired again at the monster and so did Leon. The monster let out a deafening cry, parasite protruded from its back and kneeled down as pain seem to sink inside it. Leon ran while firing at the monster then climbed on to its back, knife in hand and started slicing through the parasite.
The monster seemed to lost its mind and started screaming hysterically until it fell to the ground, dead.
I looked at my surroundings and was surprised to see that the dog was nowhere in sight. I wanted to give him a good pet as a reward for helping us. Too bad.
I let out a sigh of relief as I ran to Leon for us to regroup.
"That was some sick moves back there." I complimented him, with a smirk.
He wiped the forming sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. "Yeah,"
"I'm almost out." I informed him. Leon pulled out two clips of handgun bullets and gave it to me. "Thanks," I smiled at him and reloaded my gun.
I checked the three huts and found three boxes of handgun ammo, two boxes of shotgun shells and a box machine pistol. Some herbs, various colors of grenades and treasures.
I found Leon waiting in the exit and I ran towards him. I gave him two boxes of handgun bullets and the rest of the stuff I found. I'm not into grenades, actually.
"Shall we?" I asked with a smile and he gave me a single nod.
"My pleasure."
Rain once again hit our bodies like a bullet and Leon stopped me when we reached the back of the church. "Why did we stop?" I asked him confused as he suddenly stopped moving.
He pointed the way and I squinted my eyes towards it. "Dogs." He stated.
Leon aimed the red laser on its head and fired. Three dogs came running towards us and I fired my gun on the poor dogs. Tentacles came out of its gray furs and I fired once again. The dogs let out a whine before melting away like the rest of the villagers.
"That was close." I sighed as we continue to move.
We stopped by the entrance of the church. Leon pulled out the insignia emblem and stuck it towards the indentation and it fitted perfectly. There was a click on the door, signaling that it was unlocked.
Leon opened the door and there revealed insignias everywhere. "Where could she be?" I asked him as I walk towards the altar. I looked up at the big insignia that was in the center.
Leon climbed up the ladder and I followed. We saw metal bars on both opposite sides, blocking access through the door. "There's gotta be a way to raise these bars." Leon mutter desperately.
I pointed out an operating machine that was on the other side. "Maybe if we operate that thing, the bars would open."
Leon nodded. He walked towards the chandelier. "Stay here." He commanded and I nodded.
"Be careful." I reminded as he jumped on the chandelier, making in swing back and forth. He jumped through the other side and landed on his feet successfully. I waited in front of the bars as he operate the machines.
After a few moments, the bars lifted. I looked at Leon who was walking this way. Leon pulled out his gun and carefully turned the doorknob.
"Ashley!" Leon exclaimed as we saw a girl running to the side and threw a plank at us.
"Don't come!" she pleaded. Leon successfully dodged the plank and instead, the plank solidly hit my face.
"Ow! What is wrong with you?" I complained, irritated as I rub on my face that was throbbing with pain.
Leon glanced at me, his lips twitching, suppressing a smile. "You okay?" He made it more like a whisper. It was obvious that he was amused that I didn't dodged that simple throw.
I continue to rub on my face. "Do I look like I'm okay?" I snapped back. "Oh shit, I think this'll leave a mark!" I whined.
Leon looked back at Ashley. "Hey, take it easy."
"Get away!"
Leon lowered his gun and comforted the girl. "Calm down. Everything's gonna be just fine. My name's Leon; I'm under the President's order to rescue you."
Ashley's face brightened and looked at Leon with a smile on her face. "What? My father?"
"No, the other president. Dumb blonde." I mumbled to myself so neither of them would hear. Leon looked at me as if he was scolding me. He heard that? Damn.
He looked back at the poor, vulnerable girl. "That's right. And we have to get you outta here. Now come with us." Ashley stood up and gave me a smile.
Leon pulled out his radio. "It's Leon. I've succeeded in extricating my subject."
"I'm sorry about the plank."
I sighed. I'm not a prideful girl and she didn't do it on purpose. "It's alright." I gave her a small smile. "I'm Tiffany Wilton."
Leon's voice was still heard in the background loud and clear. "Where's the extraction point?"
"Ashley Graham." We shook hands.
"Got it. I'm on my way." Leon put his radio back to where it belonged then turned to face us who was still shaking hands. "Let's move." Leon said. He glanced at me and he smiled, must have been remembering about my outburst. I rolled my eyes as he opened the metal door to our exit. Leon jumped down the ladder. Ashley also jumped and Leon caught her. I jumped down and landed on my feet successfully.
As we ran to the exit, a man spoke. "I'll take the girl."
Leon faced him. "Who're you?"
He was the guy from the portrait. Who had a sinister looking face. "If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler. The master of this fine... "religious" community." Then his attention switched at me. "Oh, I thought that you were offered as a human sacrifice?" He had that awful smirk on his face.
"Sacrifice?" Leon asked and looked at me confused. I just shook my head and he turned his gaze back at Saddler. "What do you want?"
"To demonstrate to the whole world, our astounding power, of course. No longer will the United States think they can police the world forever. So, we kidnapped the President's daughter in order to give her our power. And then... send her back."
"No." Ashley said in horror. "Tiffa, Leon, I think they've shot something in my neck." She informed as she glance at us.
Leon once again faced the man. "What did you do to her?" Leon asked, his voice hard.
"We've just planted a little 'gift'. Oh, there's going to be one hell of a party when she returns home to her loving father." Saddler laughed the evil way. "But before that, I thought I might bargain with the President for some donation. Believe it or not, it takes quite a lot of money to keep this church up and running." He said as he gazed at the insignia in the middle of the church.
"Faith in money will lead you nowhere, Saddler." Leon retorted.
"Oh, I believe I forgot to tell you that we gave you the same gift." He informed Leon.
"When I was unconscious..." Leon mumbled.
"Did you..." I swallowed. "Did you give me one of your 'gifts' too?" I asked Saddler, hoping for an honest answer.
"Fortunately for you, no. You were merely chosen as a human sacrifice but you were gone once my Ganados had come to check on you."
That was relief to my ears but Leon and Ashley were both injected, making me worry about them.
"Oh, I hope you like our small, but special contributions. When the eggs hatch, you'll become my puppets. Involuntarily, you'll do as I say. I'll have total control over your minds. Don't you think this is a revolutionary way to... propagate one's faith?"
"Sounds more like an alien invasion if you ask me."
The church door slammed open, revealing two robed men aiming a bow gun at us.
Saddler smirked. Leon gave me a glance and nodded towards the window on the side. I gave him a slight nod and carefully pulled out my gun and quickly shot blindly at the robed men, distracting them then ran and jumped towards the window where Leon and Ashley had jumped on.
"You okay?" I heard Leon ask Ashley.
"Leon, what's gonna happen to us?" Ashley asked worryingly.
"Don't worry. When we get out of this mess, we can get outta here." He said, determined as he help Ashley up.
"We'll be alright." I added and Leon gave me a half smile before nodding.
Rain already soaked our clothes again as we unlocked the door to the exit.
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