Chapter 2
"Feeble humans... Have let us give you our power."
I saw a robed man, looking down at Leon. Dug the needle of the syringe onto Leon's neck and injected whatever was inside through him.
"Soon, you will become unable to resist this intoxicating power..."
I woke up feeling myself in a soft cushion. I blinked several times, trying to adjust my eyes to the blinding brightness. And I realized that I was in a white bed.
Leon was nowhere in sight.
I take a look at my surrondings and I figured out that I was in a room. And it pretty looked normal. I sat up as a pounding headache struck me and I held my head. "Where the hell am I?" I whispered to myself.
I saw a shelf of books that was written in English. But I'm not a fan of reading, especially if it's about history. Beside the shelf was a metal box on a table. Inside it was a key with a symbol and I think I've seen that symbol before. It was the same as the symbol carved on the metal door in the village! I took the key and investigated more to find clues. There was nothing in the cabinet. There's a box of handgun ammo inside the drawers and a letter. The paper was red and white ink was used.
"As instructed by Lord Saddler, I have the agents in confinement, alive. Why keep them alive? I do not fully understand what the Lord's intentions are.
I would, however, think he'd keep them separate; not confine them together as has been ordered. The Lord ordered to separated the two agents, leaving the girl here because she was chosen to be a sacrifice.
I don't expect Luis would trust a stranger but if by chance they did cooperate, the situation could get a bit more complicated.
If for some reason, an unknown third party is involved, I don't think they'd let a chance like this slip by.
But maybe it's all Lord Saddler's ploy - leaving us vulnerable so that this third party will surface, if they even exist that is...
It's an unlikely possibility, but if a prowler is already amongst us, then our plans could be ruined.
I guess the Lord thinks it's worth the risk, if we're not able to stop whatever conspiracy is at work.
At any rate, it's the Lord's call. We will trust his judgment as always."
So they're going to use me as a sacrifice? They purposely separated me from Leon. And they also think I'm an agent? In this stupid girly dress?
I groaned in annoyance, and crumpled the paper and threw it somewhere. I needed to find Leon but where? And my shotgun was gone. Great.
I saw a portrait of a man with a hood. He was the man from my dream. He was wearing violet, and the look on his face made him look cruel. Well, the only person that was normal in this place was the guy from earlier and Leon.
My only hope was this key. And I needed to make a move for the village. I'm sure I'll find Leon along the way.
Taking a deep breath, I held the door knob and twisted it. It's locked.
I hate my life.
I run my fingers through my auburn hair, completely frustrated. I felt something touch my finger and a light bulb shined through my head.
I retrieved the hairpin that kept my hair together, causing a part of my bangs to fall on my forehead. I'm not good at picking locks but this is worth a try.
After a few minutes of picking the lock, I heard a click and the door knob turned.
I smiled in triumph as I open the door and peeked my head out, seeing if the coast was clear and it was, yet.
There was a picture of "The Big Cheese" at the end of the hallway, just the right was a descending stairs. There was no one in the dining area but the table was set in formal. For the first time, a tidy table. Maybe there's a knife in the kitchen?
I went to find the kitchen and it was not that far away. I found a kitchen knife with a little bit of blood on the tip. By the looks of the knife, it was pretty sharp.
Walking around without a weapon in a village full of bloodthirsty villagers? A pretty great idea... to get killed.
I peeked at the small opening of a window. The window was pretty much covered because wooden planks nailed it. I saw a man with a sack on his head holding a chainsaw.
"Give me a freaking break." I mumbled to myself and groaned softly. I ran a hand on my sweaty hair as I walk towards the door to the exit. I took a deep breath as I readied the knife and after a few moments... I kicked the door open for surprise.
The chainsaw roared to life and a few villagers charged towards me. I ignored the fear that was building up inside me as I make a run right pass them, dodging whatever they threw at me. They are pretty slow by the way.
There were like five villagers blocking the metal double doors and I ran fast, knife in hand. I stabbed the first villager nearest to me, in the heart, but it seemed that it was ineffective. The sound of the chainsaw was coming close and the villager wouldn't let go of the knife. And the last thing I did is what everyone less expected.
I kneed him, hard, on the crotch. And as expected, the villager fell to the ground... and melted away. I fished out for my knife and ran away like a mad cheetah towards the double doors that was blocked by a long plank, preventing it from opening. I removed it with a quick swing and opened the door then slammed it behind me.
I survived that? God, Leon's 'badassness' was contagious, I guess. And all that's left is to make a run to the corner and insert the key to the keyhole in that door and I'll see whatever mystery lies ahead.
It was quiet for a while and I didn't like it. I saw a villager's back, in front of a cow. What the hell is he doing there? But whatever, I need to be sneaky as possible. I looked around, there were no more villagers patrolling which was a good sign. I walked slowly, my eyes focused on the villager in front of me and an axe was thrown beside me.
"Shit!" I cursed as I glance at a villager standing on the roof of the cabin where I took the shotgun, which I was sure who threw that axe at me.
I ran for the metal door and panic sank in as I insert the key to the keyhole. And because I was in a panic, it took a long time for the door to unlock than it needed to be.
I can feel a horde of villagers coming towards my way and hell, a knife won't kill them all. I heard a click on the door, signaling that it was unlocked. I forgot to get the key that was still hanging in the keyhole because I was in a hurry. But I hoped that I wouldn't need it again.
I sat on the cold wooden floor, my back leaning against the door as I was listening to the footsteps subsiding. I rubbed my face with both of my hands and shut my eyes, frustrated and depressed.
I can't do this without him. I don't want to die on him or have him discover my corpse lying on an altar because I was chosen to be a freaking human sacrifice.
I will die if I do this alone. That's why I can't just sit here and let myself get devoured in fear. I needed to find Leon. I desperately need him.
I stood up and dusted myself off. I saw an old typewriter resting peacefully on a table. I can type a message to Leon in case he pass by this way. I walk towards the typewriter, positioned my fingers on the letters and took a deep breath as I thought of words to type.
"I passed by this way, maybe earlier than you. If you read this, please Leon, please find me...
- Tiffa"
After typing that letter, I felt a slight glint of hope that I'll survive in this village. In this hell. After all, I've been through hell six years ago, like literally. So this is not new for me.
I opened the wooden door, which was the only door that succeeded in the small room. I opened the small door on the floor and it turned out to be an underground passage. I jumped down and stairs descended was ahead. Candles were lit, enough light for me to see the way.
I walked slowly while turning my head at different directions. This is an underground passage but I somehow find this place peaceful. This place calms me down and I wanted to stay longer but I know that I couldn't.
I saw a man standing with a poor posture, must be because of the things that was inside his backpack. He was wearing a robe like clothes, torn at the ends and his mouth and nose were covered with a piece of cloth, his eyes were bloodshot that tensed me up but he just stared at me.
"Stranger," he spoke. "Got somethin' that might interest ya." He opened his robe and exposed an incredible amount of bullets and various guns. This guy can take down the whole village if he wants to.
"I don't have money," I shrugged awkwardly. His eyebrows raised as if he just remembered something.
"I don't know if ya noticed stranger but have ya seen the blue medallions lying around in the village?" He asked me and that took me by surprise. I walked closer to him but kept a safe distance as I search my pockets for the medallions I found.
"You mean these?" I asked as I hang a medallion around my finger.
He gave me a single nod. "Come back with at least ten or more and I've got a specialized gun I want ya to try out!"
The word 'gun' woke my senses up. Now my chance for survival is rising. All I need to do is to find the remaining eight of the medallions and I can kick some villager ass again.
"Okay," I let out a breath as I walk towards a door only to find a ladder going up.
"Come back anytime." The merchant beckoned.
I swallowed as I climb up the ladder as the thoughts of what awaited me there remained a mystery.
"I passed by this way, maybe earlier than you. If you read this, please Leon, please find me...
- Tiffa"
She passed by this way? I can only imagine her when she says this to me. She was desperate and afraid. I need to find her, fast.
I hurried and kicked the door open only to see an opened door on the floor. I bent down to look at the underground passage.
I jumped down and made a jog until I reached the guy from before who sold guns. How the hell did he come earlier than me?
I made a little chat with the guy in the cabinet earlier before the situation turns back to hell. According to him, Ashley's in a church somewhere and that's where Tiffa's heading too.
"Got somethin' that might interest ya." He opened his robe like clothes and revealed various kinds of bullets and guns. I upgraded my handgun and shotgun. This shotgun must have been Tiffa's. That only means she's unarmed and she still managed to survive. I can't help but feel a slight glint of suspicion towards her but I know she trusts me. And I kinda feel bad.
"Have you seen a girl in a green dress pass by?" I asked the merchant, my eyes focusing on upgrading my guns.
"Yeah," I stopped working on my gun and turned my eyes at the merchant. "She was just here minutes ago."
"Where did she go?" I asked as I prepared to leave.
He pointed at a metal door just at the side and I cocked my gun and walked away.
"Come back anytime." The merchant called out as I close the door behind me.
I ignored every villager that threw dynamites and axes at me. All I cared about was getting the blue medallions to get a nice gun to make me feel safe. I didn't succeeded in obtaining fifteen medallions though. I only got eleven out of fifteen because I was really in a hurry. But at least I can get that specialized gun that the merchant was talking about.
Now, where was I? Oh, I'm in a huge opening and a really huge wooden double doors was in front. This is like a mini battlefield though. I scared away a group of crows as I investigated the area further and entered the three small huts that only contained two boxes of handgun ammo.
I became curious at what was behind that huge wooden double doors so I lent my ear against it. I heard a soft growl from the other side and my instincts told me to stay away from that door. And I did.
I saw another wooden double doors. It is just me or mostly of the doors in this village are double doors? I looked to my right, was another double doors, except that it was made of metal and it was dark blue green or dark indigo in color.
Where the hell should I go? Should I do the eenie menie minie moe? Based from my earlier experiences, many screwed up events happen behind a wooden double doors, I think. So I'm going with the metal doors. I descended, which was three or four steps though and I opened the door without hesitation.
There's a ladder going down but that was not that deep. I jumped down and walked cautiously, I lost my kitchen knife while I was trying to get the medallions. I must have dropped it, which made me feel stupid for not noticing so soon.
To my left was water, fishes were jumping up and down. I felt my stomach whine in hunger. I noticed that I haven't eaten in a while. But really? Am I really gonna eat raw fish? I don't think so.
I walked to the other way and I saw the merchant. "Is this bastard relatives with a mushroom?" I mumbled to myself as I scratch my head in a confused way.
"Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger!" I pulled out all of my medallions and placed it on the counter. "I see you've retrieved more than ten medallions! Here's your specialized gun, like I promised!" He said as he gave me a handgun but it was different from Leon's. "It's a Punisher, stranger," he informed me as I examine the gun with awe. I don't care about what this baby was called. I can finally go and get revenge on those villagers!
Grinning, I turned to the merchant. "Thank you!" I said as I run back and go for the other double doors. Now that I've got a weapon, I can finally defense myself, no more running away.
I went to the other double doors and walked towards the small hut on the right. There was a barrel and some box of handgun ammo. I heard a noise coming from the double doors. Someone's coming. I bent down and heard footsteps coming this way and I prepared my gun.
And it was not long enough when we alertly pointed our guns at each other's faces.
"Leon!" I exclaimed and lowered my gun.
His expression softened and relief drew his face. "Tiffa, you made it." He also lowered his gun.
"I thought that I'll never see you again!" I was so happy to see him that I almost pulled him into a tight bear hug. Almost.
"Are you alright?" he asked with a half smile. I nodded happily then his gaze shifted at the gun I was holding. "Where did you get that?" He pointed with his eyes.
I looked at my gun. "Oh, this? I got this reward from the merchant. It's for retrieving more than ten medallions. Pretty cool, huh?" I gave him a smile but it seemed that he was not interested to how I got the gun.
"Anyway, let's get moving." He just said.
I nodded and I let him take the lead again.
"Where's the guy from the cabinet?" I asked as I remember the guy from earlier.
"We woke up together in a strange room and some random villager attacked us but he managed to escape."
I just nodded. Somehow, I felt relieved that the guy from the cabinet was safe. "What's his name?" I asked out of curiousity.
"Luis," He took a deep breath. "Luis Sera."
I heard another loud noise that made me flinch and another boulder came from hell. "Not again!" I whined as I run for my life.
There's no freaking opening and I caught up with Leon who was running as the speed of light. He pushed us out of the way and I watched as the boulder crashed and fall to pieces. He was right on top of me and boy, was he heavy.
He turned to look at me. "You okay?" He asked as he stood up and offered a hand.
I accepted his hand as he helped me up. "Yeah, thank you," I dusted myself off.
"Don't mention it." He smiled as he examine the area.
We were like in a swamp and many villagers were patrolling but didn't seem to notice the crashing sound of the boulder.
When I turned my gaze at Leon, he was already holding a long, brown rifle. I stared at it with awe. "Where did that come from?" I asked wide eyed.
"From my attaché case?" He made it more like a question, not a statement. He smirked as he saw the confusion in my face.
In our entire long journey, he was definitely not carrying an attaché case.
I rolled my eyes and just watched him look at his scope to aim at the villagers. After a few moments, he fired and the villager's head blew to bits. He pumped the rifle for his next shot.
Villagers came running behind us and I aimed my red laser at them. "I'll cover you!" I informed him as I fire my Punisher for the first time and God, the bullet blasted a hole for two villagers! The gun mesmerized me for a while and I fired my succeeding shots and then I'm out. I fished out for a handgun clip. Six or seven shots and the villagers lay dead and melted away.
"Let's move!" Leon said as he cleaned out the area with traps and villagers. We ran through the swamp and half of my dress was soaked. The water was dirty and had an unpleasant odor. I groaned in disgust as we continue to run pass the villagers.
We didn't bother to kill the remaining villagers and just quickly gone through the exit. I just noticed that our lower body is dripping wet. Especially my skirt. It was making my skirt see-through, almost putting my black panties in display. I turned my gaze at Leon who was practically checking me out.
I blushed crimson red and punched his shoulder making his gaze switch into my face. He had a confused expression on. "What are you looking at?" I gave him a killer look.
He looked away. "Nothing."
I glared at him as I wring my skirt and Leon checked his gun out. "I'm almost out." He sighed in frustration.
I found six boxes of handgun ammo on the way back and I used the other one. I pulled out three clips of handgun bullets and handed it to him. "Here."
He gave me a smile and gratefully accepted the ammo. "Thanks," He said as he reloaded his handgun.
We walked forward, guns in hand and we reached the end which had a clear view of the lake. Leon bent down and pulled out his fancy binoculars to check the lake. "Shit!" He cursed under his breath as he continue to look at the lake.
"What's wrong?" I asked curiously and something moved in the lake, causing a large splash. I stared at the huge aquatic monster in disbelief and horror as it jumped out of the water.
"I guess that answers your question." Leon mutter as he stood up.
"What are we going to do?" I asked nervously. Please don't tell me we need to pass through the other side of the lake. There's no way I'm going down there. Never ever eve--
"We need to pass through the other side of the lake." Leon stated and that tensed me up.
"Oh, no..." I face-palmed myself.
"Oh, yes." Leon said as he walked right pass me.
"Leon, where did you got that courage and bravery? What market did you buy that because I need one right now." I said as we walk together to find a speed boat.
"I was a survivor of Raccoon City," that made me stop on my tracks. The city that was sanitized by the government? "I guess I'm just used to this kinds of situations."
"The city that was sanitized because of a viral outbreak? That Raccoon City?" I asked to make sure.
He just nodded. So... we're...
"Here we go." My thoughts were cut short when we reached a wooden speed boat. I let out a groan. "Ladies' first."
"This day could get any worse." I hopped on the boat, making the boat shake. "I think I'm gonna throw out." I said as I cover my mouth.
Leon rolled his eyes and joined me. "Stay sharp." He reminded as he started the engine of the boat.
"Right back at ya." I turned my head at different directions, hoping that I won't see that sea monster again. "So, how did you got involved in the Raccoon City incident?" I asked as I peered over my shoulder to glance at him.
"It was in my first and last day as a police officer." he started. "Let's just not talk about this."
"Me too," He turned his gaze at me. "When Raccoon City was destroyed, my hometown was, too."
"By what?" He pressed.
"By Bio Organic Weapons. Also known as B.O.Ws." His eyes widened and the boat flew to the sky with the sound of an inhuman shriek.
"Drive the boat. I'll deal with this thing!" Leon shouted as he let go of the handle and fishing out for harpoons. The anchor fell on the water and it got attached to the monster, keeping us trailing behind it.
"What?!" I demanded, panic building up inside me. "I don't know how to drive this thing!"
"Just do it!" Leon shouted again and threw a harpoon at the sea monster. "Watch out!" He exclaimed as an obstacle was about to hit the boat. I moved the handle to the right to avoid being hit and Leon breathed a sigh of relief. "Wow, you're good." Leon complimented as he fished out for another harpoon.
"Are you nuts?!" I exclaimed and glanced at him wide eyed who was slightly smirking. I rolled my eyes as I drive the boat to the side, giving Leon a good angle of the monster. Leon had four consecutive hits to the monster and then it was silent. "Did we do it?"
"Not yet." Leon said as he pointed at the monster swimming at the distance, I rolled the boat to face the monster now charging at us. He threw three harpoons and it let out a deafening shriek.
Leon groaned in pain as he fell on the boat as the rope from the anchor was tangled on his knee. He will be pulled and drown along with the monster if the rope is not cut out. I rose from my seat and snatched his knife and started repeatedly cutting the rope.
As I successfully cut the rope, Leon fell to the boat and groaned. "Did we do it?" I asked again.
His lips curved into a weak smile. "Yeah," he said as he was gasping for air.
"We did it." I exclaimed in triumph as I walk back to the engine of the boat. I saw the other side and we pulled out there.
Leon's been walking like a drunk man lately. "Are you okay?" I asked him as I help him balance on his feet.
"Yeah," he coughed and to my horror, he coughed blood.
"Leon..." I turned my gaze at his face worryingly who was looking at the blood on his palm. And all of a sudden, he collapsed to the ground, falling on top of me. "Leon!" I called out, his eyes were shut. "Wake up!" I slapped his cheek. "Wake up! Leon!"
I dragged Leon's almost lifeless body inside a nearby cabin and I sighed in relief. He still has a pulse. God, I don't know what'll happen if I lose him...
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