Chapter 10
Sorry I haven't updated for a while. It's just school is so busy. I have an upcoming exam this week and prom next month. Yeah, my very first prom. Isn't it exciting? Hihihi. I wanted Leon to be my first dance but too bad.
The next chapter, Leon's old friend will be introduced but I still have no details.
So that's it for the Author's note! :)
Don't forget to vote or comment. It'll be very appreciated. :)
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Ashley recited as she was standing on the balcony above us to where Salazar once stood.
"Leon, did she just quote Juliet?" I mutter so only he could hear.
Leon nodded.
"Alright Ash, you really rock at playing as Juliet but where's Romeo?" I asked with a laugh.
Ashley looked at us from above, a smile forming on her lips as she glanced at Leon. "Okay, that's enough for now." She said. "Let's get a move on."
I looked at Leon who was looking right back at me with a confused expression. Ashley exit the balcony and we waited for her to emerge from the staircase on the corner.
"You ready?" Leon asked us.
"I was born ready." I informed with a smirk, which Leon rolled his eyes on.
Ashley smiled as we open the doors which had yet another caterpillar ride.
Gee, Salazar sure loves caterpillar rides.
Leon let us go on the ride first then he followed. It was another solid moment of peace and quiet. But that peace and quiet had to end.
There was another door right after we got off the ride. I shrugged as Leon opened the door slowly and cautiously.
Behind that door was a hallway. Doors were on both opposite sides of the hallways and another succeeding way led in front of us.
We checked first the nearest door to the right which the merchant was there beside a door with a gun symbol.
Leon dealt business with the merchant while I examine my guns. It's pretty heavy by the way. My skirt was ripped off vertically on the right leg for some reason and I bought a holster from the merchant to place my Punisher and TMP there. My Mine Thrower and Semi Auto Rifle hanging on my back. To put simply, this capacity could slow me down.
I pulled out my TMP and Mine Thrower and head to the merchant.
Leon looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Tiffa?"
"I'm going to sell these." I stated with a sigh.
"It's heavy, it'll just slow me down."
Leon nodded in agreement. "But can I have the Mine Thrower though?" He asked.
"Sure," I agreed and gave him the gun he needed and I sold the TMP to the merchant.
"Thanks," he said as he examine the Mine Thrower. "What did you upgrade in this?" He inquired.
"Capacity," I informed.
"Okay," he mumbled as he face the merchant again.
I shrugged and turned to look at Ashley who was typing something in the typewriter.
"What are you typing?" I asked as I sat on the table just beside the typewriter and take a look at the paper.
But what took my attention is the letter next to the typewriter entitled "Sample Retrieved". Underneath the letter was a crumpled picture of Luis.
"As you may have heard, Luis Sera has been disposed of by Lord Saddler. The "sample" is back where it belongs. I had hoped that the whole matter could be resolved without troubling the Lord. However, as long as the "sample" is safe we can all rejoice, for our time is nearly at hand.
Now that the "sample" is back in our safe hands, it'll be a bit more difficult for that troublesome woman to get it. In light of all this, it's unfortunate that Sera had to go. Like us, he would have had a bright future if only he had shown more faith in our beliefs.
As for the other three Americans, the Lord has left the matter in our hands.
We must not disappoint the Lord. We shall capture Ashley and the female agent and take them to the Lord and dispose of the American agent."
"Leon," I called.
"We don't have much time," I mutter. "We have to hurry."
"Right," he agreed as we prepare to leave the area.
We took in the succeeding way in front and there revealed a wide hallway with the windows opened, letting cold wind through. It sent an involuntary chill on my spine as we make a walk through the shuttered gate. On both opposite sides, there was a cared king on the other side, his palms had a circular indentation that something fitted there. Some goes for the queen on the right.
We took the door with the Los Illuminados symbol on the left end of the hallway.
Behind the door was four protruded floors and some square statues of some sort that can be pushed around.
"Ashley, step on that one." Leon commanded as he point to the protruded floor. "Tiffa, you take on that one."
Ashley and I nodded without hesitation and got on our position as Leon pushed one statue to the protruded floor while Leon stepped on the other one.
A shutter door swung open in front of us. And Salazar was there.
I pulled out my Punisher and we proceeded to the door to negotiate with Salazar.
He was facing a goddess like figure on the wall, his back facing us.
"I think you lived long enough," he started that tensed us up. "Let's see if you can survive, this time." He waved his hand and the door behind us shuttered down, making Ashley gasp. The ceilings were starting to descend and blades protruded.
"No!" Ashley screamed.
Salazar's amused laugh echoed as he make his escape through the back way.
There were four red dots on the ceiling, flicking on and off and I looked at Leon who was looking back at me. He nodded at me and I understood what he meant.
I shot the two red dots while Leon shot the other two, making the ceiling come to a halt.
"Let's catch up with him!" I beckoned and Leon nodded.
I saw a box of handgun ammo on the ground. I snatched it on the ground with on quick swing of my hand as I catch up to Leon who was coming towards the way that Salazar passed.
We ran to the long corridor, Ashley right behind us. Just as I stepped on the end of the corridor, a shutter swung down, separating us from Ashley.
Ashley screamed and ducked. Then the wall from the other end of the corridor crashed, revealing two Zealots charging towards Ashley with a drill machine.
"You've got to be shitting me." I groaned as I pull out my Rifle from my back at peeping through the scope to aim at the driver Zealots.
Leon already shot the one I'm aiming and I frowned. I aimed at the other one and it was a coincidence that we fired simultaneously at its head.
It triggered the gate to open and letting Ashley through. Even though the drivers were dead, the drill machine didn't stop charging towards this way.
We hurried to break the wooden boxes, barrels and opening the cases with an Elegant Chessboard. There was a chest in the middle. Leon opened it and revealed a red grail. The Queen's Grail.
Leon opened the locked door and we were back to the protruded floors before our encounter with Salazar.
Even though we step on the floors, the shutter wouldn't open but it didn't matter.
We returned to the door and tried on the other double doors on the right end of the hallways.
It appeared to be a knight room, which tensed Ashley up.
"Ash, you can stay here if you want." I said to her then turned to Leon.
Leon nodded in agreement. Ashley sighed in relief and we proceeded further into the knight room.
"Be careful guys," Ashley reminded.
Two knights on the hallway were in a stance that's going to attack and just as Leon hovered it, it immediately swung it's weapon to the ground and Leon dodged.
It's a good thing I was right behind him because I don't have a very quick reaction.
The knight broke to pieces. Another was the expected so Leon dodged without effort.
And we were on a room, with the King's Grail resting on the middle.
Leon took the grail and it triggered, yet again, the shutter door, trapping us.
The walls started to rotate and there revealed standing knights. Then moved towards our direction.
Is this what Ashley was talking about?
Leon pulled out his Riot Gun while I point my red laser on the head of the seven feet knight. Just as it was about to swing its weapon at me, I dashed to the side.
I scattered away from Leon as he dealt knights of his own. I fired several times on the knight's head but it seem that it wouldn't inflict any damage at all.
I pulled out my Rifle and shot it on the head, making its armored head drop and was replaced with a parasite.
It swung its long, fat mouth at me and I made a run to the other corner. Another knight coming to me. I also fired at its head, ending up the same as the other one.
"Oh God..." I mumbled to myself as I turn to gaze at Leon who was ready to throw a flash grenade at the horde.
I jumped to the side as the knights disintegrate.
I thought for a moment that we survived that, but the walls started to rotate again, another batch of knights coming.
I quickly stood up as knights were coming to our direction with their deadly weapons at us.
Leon threw a hand grenade at the horde. It ended others kneeling down and others protruded parasites again.
I shot the kneeling knights on the head, its heads dropping and a parasite coming out.
Leon, once again, threw a flash grenade at the horde.
I half expected that the walls would rotate again but to my relief, the door swung open.
Ashley was right there, examining the broken knights on the floor.
"You okay guys?" She asked us as she stood up.
I nodded and gave her an exhausted smile. Leon just gave her a single nod and we proceeded to come back to the shuttered gate.
Except that a horde of elite Zealots were against the gate. It seems that they were guarding the gate with their life. They had those flails, scythes and wooden shields.
Leon sighed. I pulled out my Rifle and reloaded it and hid against the wall, protruded the base of my Rifle and took a peek on the scope.
"Tiffa wait," Leon called but it was too late.
I shot the Zealots against their shields, creating a solid headshot and the Zealots started to charge towards us.
Leon finally used the Mine Thrower I gave him and fired at the body of Zealot and after a few seconds, it detonated and blasting away a horde.
The others disintegrated but the others were standing on their feet.
I fired the remaining others with my Punisher while Leon with his Blacktail.
Leon gave me the Queen's Grail and he pulled out the King's Grail. We positioned ourselves on both opposite sides.
As we put the grails to where it belonged, the gate shuttered open and I sighed. The things we do for freedom.
Behind that gate was a messed hallway, debris were scattered. The windows were either open or shattered. But either, wind just won't stop coming in.
I ignored the goosebumps on my skin as we open the door succeeding on the end.
Behind that door was like an underground hideout of insects. There was a huge cocoon like house of the Novistadors.
As we walk pass the cocoon, I heard a familiar flapping sound behind us. I stopped but the two continued walking. I looked back to see a Novistador flying to Ashley.
Without thinking, I ran to the direction of the Novistador to block Ashley from being caught.
"Ashley!" I screamed and they turned their heads at me as the Novistador grabbed me on my torso.
I screamed and struggled but stopped as I saw what's underneath my feet. An abyss.
"Tiffany!" Leon called out from below.
I struggled again as the Novistador flew to God knows where. I pass through a clock tower and the other side was another tower. Salazar and his bodyguards were on the entrance, waiting for us. Waiting for me.
The Novistador let go of me when it was a ten feet drop and Salazar was right in front of me with a smirk playing on his lips.
I quickly backed away and pulled out my Punisher from my leg and pointed it at Salazar's chest.
His smirk grew bigger as his bodyguard in a black cloak took a step forward. "I expected Ashley to be brought to me but oh well, we also planned to drag you along."
My glare grew as his bodyguard came to me and Salazar turning on his heels and walking inside the entrance.
It dashed to me within a microsecond, slapped my gun away and breaking my Semi Auto Rifle with a swing of its claws on my back. But surprisingly, it didn't inflict any damage on me.
I was left defenseless as Salazar pull out a radio of his own.
The bodyguard held me bind my hands behind my back and I bowed my head down, feeling helpless.
"I wonder if you can see me, Mr. Kennedy?" Salazar asked and I whipped my head at Salazar's smirking face with a gasp.
"Leon!" I mumbled.
"First, we shall see if you can make it this far. I'll be waiting."
He cut the call then waved his hand at his bodyguard, signaling it to come inside the gate.
The bodyguard pushed his thick spear at my back, commanding me to walk forward.
With an exasperated sigh, I unwillingly followed and the gates closed behind us.
We passed by two clawed creatures that we dealt back at various areas of the castle. Except that the other one is completely armored.
We passed by another room again and there, Salazar sat at a chair, probably his throne. Then they made me kneel down on the cold tiled floor.
I was kneeling like forever then my knees start to get tired and hurt. Not until I heard soft blasts of a Shotgun which both alarmed the people in the room, especially the man who sat at the throne.
"What are you going to do to them?" I asked Salazar as he just sat there while I kneel to the side with the spears of the two bodyguards against my neck and nape.
He looked at me with his yellow eyes that seem to break my brown ones. "That depends." He smirked again.
"If you even scratch him, I'll break your bones!" I screamed so loud, it echoed the whole room. The spear touched my neck but Salazar waved it away, his smirk growing bigger.
"Funny, because Mr. Kennedy said the same."
I glared at him and the door swung open, revealing Leon and Ashley behind him.
"Tiffany!" Leon exclaimed.
"Tiffa," Ashley said that came out like a whisper.
Ashley just stayed on the doorway while Leon took a few steps in my direction.
Salazar snickered as he sat properly, facing them. "Mr. Kennedy, don't you know when it's time to throw in the towel?"
He pressed his finger to some switch on the armrest and something triggered and the floor from where Leon stood opened, making him fall.
"Leon! No!" I screamed and turned my eyes at Ashley with her eyes dilated in shock and fear. "Ashley, run!"
Ashley ran back but no one in the room came out to catch up with her.
"Hmm," Salazar started as he grasp on something and hovering his ear on it. "Where's that satisfying sound of one's impalement?" He wondered out loud.
The metal vibrated which made an deafening eerie noise that made Salazar whine and back his head away to the device. "AH! HOW DARE YOU! NO MORE GAMES! KILL HIM!" He screamed in rage as he slammed the device down. When neither of his bodyguards moved an inch, he stood up from his seat. "KILL!" He commanded harshly.
His bodyguard in the red cloak walked away and I stood up, alarmed.
Salazar began to walk away. "QUICKLY WE SHALL PREPARE FOR THE RITUAL!" He beckoned as we follow him exit the room.
He's alive.
"You have my prayer, Leon," I whispered whilst I stare at the floor from where he fell.
As we walk away to God knows where, Salazar once again pulled his radio to give Leon a call. "So maybe you have nine lives. But it doesn't matter now Mr. Kennedy! I'd sent my right hand to dispose of you." I could feel the smirk radiating off his voice.
And yet again, I knew Leon made that sassy remark which made Salazar scoff.
"Say whatever you please. DIE YOU WORM!!!"
When they said that they should prepare quickly for the ritual, I thought that I was going to be a human sacrifice.
But I was wrong.
It was something worse than facing death.
"Human sacrifice?" Salazar huffed then smirked. "There are many worthless beings that are far more suitable for that manner. But you," He paused and narrowed his eyes at every edge of my being. "You are suitable to be our weapon."
"What?" I asked, flabbergasted.
And I felt something hit me hard on the nape.
I fell to the floor solidly, my hands still bind together. My vision was blurry as I listen to Salazar's amused laugh in front of me. Then he bent down so he could see a full view of my brown eyes that was in the verge of closing.
No, don't you dare lose conscious, Tiffany! You don't know where you could wake up to!
"Tiffany!" I heard a high pitched scream from the doorway.
"Ah, finally," Salazar said, satisfied. "Ashley's finally arrived."
"Ash," I whispered to myself then did my best to whip my throbbing head to the direction of the door but failed. My neck hurt so bad I think it broke.
"Now, let us prepare our fair maidens for the ritual, shall we?"
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