Chapter 1
I own nothing. :) just another huge obsessed fan of Resident Evil games and movies. I played and beat Resident Evil 4 for like countless times and I've been playing this for six years and still never get tired of it. It's just... I just love this game so much so I decided to make one based on the game. Except that in this game, I've added and created my own character.
Anyways, happy readings.
I take a look at my surroundings and tried to decipher what was going on.
I'm in the woods, in the middle of nowhere. Dark clouds were covering the sky and the wind was sending an involuntary chill on my spine.
I walked on ahead and it seemed that I would need to walk miles to find a house or anything that could help me contact my home. I didn't even know when and how did I get into this hellhole.
I walked that seemed like hours then I saw a guide post not far away. I dashed then tried to read the letters engraved on the wood sign.
It meant village. Just up ahead is the village, I guess. I might ask the villagers to help me or some people I might run up into.
I sighed as I continue to walk on the abandoned road. I can't help but notice the feeling of being watched. But I guess I'm just a little paranoid, this place really looked creepy and all.
I came across a bridge. When I stepped on it, it made a creaking sound, informing that it was weak and it was prone to break at any moment. But I still managed to come across.
I saw a dark blue or indigo car not far away and my face brightened as I saw people from the side mirror. I was about to walk towards it when I heard a gun shot. I froze on my spot, where the hell did it come from?! My mental panic was not even finished when a truck pressed forward and by the looks of it, it will overrun the car! If I don't move for cover, I might get hit in the process!
Come on, feet! Move!
The sound of the cars crashing with each other made my body flinch and that was just in time that I ran so fast and jumped to not get hit by the vehicles. It ended up falling on the ravine and ruining the bridge completely, preventing from passing through the other side.
There's no turning back now...
I stood up slowly when the noises subsided. I slowly walked towards the crash site and looked down as the vehicles turned upside down on the side and the water pressure was strong enough to drag the cars away.
I heard noises from behind, gunshots and some yelling. I don't know what were they yelling about. And it's in different language. Is it Spanish or something. Yeah, it's Spanish.
I hid on the tall grasses for minutes and when the noises were gone, I heard footsteps coming this way.
I peeked then saw a glimpse of a tall man looking down pitifully at the crash site. Do the guys from the indigo car was somehow his companions?
He looked at my direction as if sensing my stare and I fall back to the grasses and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know why I hid from him and I assumed that he was the source of all those gunshots. I was afraid of what'll he do when he sees me.
After a few moments, I peeked again and he was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief and stood up slowly.
I walked cautiously and looked around, there was a cabin. Did he somehow kill the ones living inside it? As I walk, I saw three dead bodies lying on different areas. But there was no blood and it was clear that they died from being shot. I found a little bit of blood near their bodies and I investigated it. It was coagulated.
I don't know if going inside the cabin is a very good idea but a part of me wanted to see what was inside. I let out a breath and swallowed then opened the door slowly, creating a creaking sound. I didn't bother to ask if someone lives here because somehow I knew that the guy earlier killed them.
And to my expectation, I saw a man lay dead on the carpet just near a fireplace. There was something burning in the fireplace and I couldn't tell what. It was creating a peculiar smell and my feet itched to exit the area. But I still investigated the cabin. There was a small opening beside the stairs and I walked towards it.
I put a hand on my mouth with my eyes wide as skulls was dumped on that area. I guess I misjudged the guy from earlier and I felt a slight tint of guilt. Maybe the one who lived here was the one killed many.
That means, there are still people out there who kills. And that man was going alone.
I felt a slight tremble on my chest as I process what situation I'm in. I should have revealed myself moments ago. I don't want to die here alone.
Not wanting to see another surprise, I got out of the house and turned to another passage. The guy must have gone this way. I have to go and catch up with him!
I jogged and I watched every step I take. I saw bear traps on the way and I thanked myself for being cautious and careful.
I passed by a couple of bodies then a bridge again. This time, it was a little narrow and I quickly ran to the other side. I stopped to catch my breath, there was no sign of the guy from earlier and I assumed that he came through that metal double doors.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door slowly and thought of what awaited me there...
I heard gunshots as I walked and hid on the big tree. There were many very pale people that resembled the dead bodies I saw a while back and they were pressing on to the guy from earlier!
My eyes landed on the center where a body was impaled then underneath his feet was a burning inferno. I put a hand on my mouth in disbelief and shock. These villagers are brutal and they are trying to kill the man.
Wait, I can't let him get killed!
But what am I going to do? As I was thinking, I saw a woman in a red dress came inside a metal door with a symbol. The guy has a partner?
Pushing that thought away, I saw that the coast was clear and I made a run towards the biggest house on the left. Gunshots was nearby and I made a run towards the stairs, I saw a shotgun mounted on the wall and my face brightened but instantly fell. I've only fired a handgun and the last time I held a shotgun, I almost got killed. But I had to take the risk.
Grabbing the shotgun, I noticed that it was not that heavy than the last time I held one. I gripped on the shotgun and ran back outside to kick some villager ass. Even though a part of me thought that risking my life to make the guy knew I existed was a guaranteed way to get me killed. But there's no turning back now.
As I track down the guy and followed the gunshots, I heard a strange sound and I couldn't determine what it was. It was like the sound of chainsaw or something similar. The sound was hungry and eager to cut something and that sound didn't sounded good to my ears. I saw the man ran towards the hill to another metal doubledoors and followed by a horde of villagers and a man with a sack on his head and held a chainsaw. The man fired his gun again, six or seven shots and nothing. He had a grim expression on his face as he lowered his gun, he was out of ammo.
And that was my cue to make my debut.
"Hey!" I shouted at the villagers and their heads turned to look at me. The man also looked at me with a shocked and confused expression. The villagers charged at me, including the chainsaw guy. "Yeah, that's right. Come to me." I mutter almost to myself as I gripped on my shotgun and pumped it. Memories of my bitter past started to refresh in my mind as I pointed the gun. After six long years... "I hope I won't screw this up." I whispered to myself and took a deep nervous breath as I waited for a villager to come at me. And I noticed that the one who held an axe made a stance that he was going to throw it to me. And before he could perform his action, I pulled the trigger and a group splashed away to the ground. I almost lost my balance as I pulled out my first shot. There were more coming closer and I pumped my shotgun again, aiming at the group who was going to kill me.
I fired again and this time, I fell to the ground with my butt. It hurt so much, I rubbed on to my butt as I fish out for my gun. I pumped the shotgun again and quickly stood up as I aim for the chainsaw guy who was the only last man standing.
"Bring it on," I mutter as I aimed the red laser at his head. He screamed bloody murder as he ran to me. I once again, fired and he fell to the ground and he melted away. I groaned in disgust. "Gross." I mumbled.
"Hey!" the man spoke, switching my attention to him as he ran towards me.
I froze on my spot as he pointed his gun at me. Is this the end of me? He fired and I flinched. I felt strange that I didn't feel any pain and I looked at my figure and found no blood on myself. I looked back, I saw another villager melting away. He returned the favor really fast.
Now the man was right in front of me and my heart skipped a beat.
"Here they come." He declared and we instantly faced each other's backs as we aimed our guns at the villagers cornering us. I was ready to kick more asses when we heard a loud noise of a bell ringing.
The villagers stopped, and looked at the metal door with the symbol. They dropped their weapons and walked towards the metal door. They kept on mumbling something in Spanish and of course, I didn't understood it.
More and more villagers entered the door until it was dead silent. We were alone.
"Where's everyone going? Bingo?" I cracked out a smile as he joked. I never thought that he could use his sense of humor in a situation like this.
My shoulders relaxed and we turned to face each other. Suspicion was clear on his face as he looked at me from head to toe as if memorizing me. "Who--"
His speech was interrupted with a noise of a radio of some sort and he took one last glance at me before pulling the radio out of his belt.
"Hunnigan, I've got some bad news. I'd confirmed the body of an officer." I looked at the guy who was impaled and roasted in the middle like he was some sort of sacrifice. He was his companion after all? "Something's happened to the people here." That final sentence made my attention turn to him. What did he meant by that?
I just assumed that the person on the other line was giving instructions to the guy. He was just nodding and he looked at me. "Before that, Hunnigan, I found a girl." I gasped quietly as he continued to stare at me intently. "No, she doesn't look like a threat at all." What are they planning to do to me? "Got it." And with that said, he pulled the radio back to his belt and stared at me again. I smell interrogation coming...
"Identify yourself." He demanded.
Those words made my stomach churn. I guess he was commanded to interrogate me, make sure that I was not a threat. I held the gun with one hand. "I came from the woods and I saw you on the way back on the cabin just near the bridge and then I followed your trail and..." I trailed off, noticing that I've been talking nonsense. He just continued to stare at me, his face held no emotion but suspicion as he nodded at my sentence.
"Why did you hid from me?" He asked me and I froze. Why in the hell did I hid from him?
"I don't know." I mutter with my head down. "It's just... instincts, I guess." I shrugged.
I know he didn't buy those words and I felt stupid. I've known better. I realized I hid from him because I was scared of him, thinking that he might pull the trigger on me.
"My name's Leon S. Kennedy." I nodded then he pulled out something from his pocket. It was a picture of a beautiful girl. "Do you somehow recognize or seen this girl?" He asked as he show me the picture of the girl.
I squinted my eyes at it, trying to remember if I have seen this girl or not. Then after a few moments, I shook my head. "No, I don't recognize her." I said and I saw frustration in his eyes as he pulled the photograph back to his pocket. "I'm really sorry,"
"No, it's okay." He said as he fish out his gun from his holster. "I need to find that girl as soon as possible." He said nonchalantly but had a glint of being desperate as he walked towards another way.
I reached my hand out to him but stopped myself. Is he gonna leave me just like that? I can't blame him, I was not his priority and even if he finds my dead body lying somewhere, it would be probably not his loss. I know that handling this situation on my own is not a good idea... but I don't know what'll also happen--
"Aren't you coming with me?" He asked as he sensed my pool of thoughts and not following. He's gonna take me with him?
Looking at him, I nodded. "Be there with you."
I ran and catch up with him and we walked together to find another doubledoors but this time, it's not metal, it was made of wood.
As we passed by another unfamiliar place, he turned to face me. "You didn't tell me your name yet." Well, it was about damn time.
I offered him a half smile. "Tiffa," I mutter awkwardly. "Tiffany Marie Wilton."
He nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tiffa. Now, I want you to stay close and follow everything I say, understand?"
I nodded. "Yes," it's not that I have a choice, right? I wanted to keep my butt alive. And if following this mysterious drop dead guy like a lost puppy is going to save me, then I'll follow him to the end of the world.
"Can you manage with that?" Leon asked me, gesturing towards the shotgun I was holding. He must have noticed that I was not comfortable using this gun.
I wanted to say no but nothing will change even if I say anything. "I got this."
"You sure?" He asked again to make sure.
"How many more shots do you have?" He asked as we stopped when we entered the wooden double doors.
"Three." I stated.
"You need to be careful with your shots from now on then." He said as he cocked his gun at a villager doing his work. He was in a barn a few feet away.
I rolled my eyes. "I know what I'm doing, Leon. Don't worry about me."
He shrugged. "Just makin' sure."
I can't blame him. I was wearing a sleeveless green dress with three layers of ruffles on the skirt and it came about mid-thigh and a white see through blazer and blue sandals. My long auburn hair was up in a high ponytail. Yup, this is certainly not the appropriate attire for a place like this.
He fired and it was a clean, solid head shot. I stared at him with awe. This guy was a major badass.
"Nice shot." I complimented him, with a grin.
He took a breath. "Let's move."
I admit that I fired various guns before, not because I wanted to but because I needed it do it to save the skin of my friends, family and myself. A few people too, if it was possible...
But this guy was like thrice better than my friend when it comes to shooting accurately. His concentration level was inhumanely amazing and he never loses his cool. I kind of... admire him for that.
He had gone inside a white barn after he killed another villager doing the same work. I noticed a blue paper on a tree and I took it.
"About the Blue Medallions..." I read the title slowly. It was said that seven blue medallions lied somewhere here in this area and eight in the church. And the one who shoots ten or more will be rewarded. This is an interesting task. I was curious about the prize as well.
And just as I finished reading, I saw a blue medallion hanging on a tree branch. I snatched it and went to find some more.
"Oh God! What the hell is that stench?!" I exclaimed in disgust as I investigate the well. I covered my nose and tried to find what was making the well rot. The water looked like it came from the sewers and a bunch of worms and insects were feasting on it. And I'm not joining.
"What's wrong?" Leon came up running and asked as he finished clearing up the area. "What's that smell?" His nose crinkled.
I pointed up the well. "I can't stand another minute near that stench. It reeks really badly." I scoffed as I walk away from the well.
"Sure does." He chuckled.
"What a disturbing signpost." Leon commented as we ran up with a sign post again. I could agree more. It was pretty creepy and disturbing and all. It was a red post and two skulls was hanged that was tilted upwards. "Heads up."
We looked up to see a big rock right above us and a quick push might do the trick to get us squashed to death. "We better stay sharp."
He nodded and we walked slowly but full of caution. And after a few moments, we heard rocks falling and the ground shook.
"Oh, my God!" I exclaimed as we ran together but I couldn't catch up. He was also a runner. I feel the huge rock getting closer to me as I tried to run faster. "Faster! Damn it!" I whisper shouted to myself as I feel myself accelerate. I saw an opening, like a tunnel and I ran even faster for it. Leon already jumped to the side and I jumped as far as I could to get inside the tunnel then I heard a loud crashing sound. The rock broke to smaller pieces and I let out a sigh of relief. "That was close." I mumbled as I stood up and dusting myself off.
"You okay?" Leon came running towards me and checking my figure for any injuries.
"Barely." I breathed out.
His expression softened, relief plastered on his face. He patted my shoulder. "That was a nice jump." He said with a smile and once again took the lead.
"Gee, thanks." I said with a glint of sarcasm in my voice.
We walked to the end of the long tunnel and only the squeaking of bats were deafening my ears. Leon pulled his gun out as we saw a villager standing holding a dynamite.
"Shoot the dynamite." I suggested. He gave me a look but still obeyed me. After a few moments of silence and concentration, he fired and there was an explosion. "Yeah, that's it!" I cheered for him as I saw the flesh of the villager blew to bits and I clapped my hands. "You're so amazing." I blurted out.
He turned to face me, a smirk playing on his lips. "I get that a lot."
I rolled my eyes. "Well, not from me because I'm taking it back." I said playfully. Being arrogant, Mr. Kennedy, I see that.
He shook his head as he aim the red laser at another villager who was also holding a dynamite. He fired again and the villager blew to bits.
"Go!" He demanded as we ran forward and we heard another explosion. We took the locked abandoned cabin for shelter.
As we secure the place, we heard a continuous banging noise. We looked at each other and he gave me a nod. I pumped my shotgun as we find the source of the noise and we stopped at a dead end, with a cabinet on the corner.
Leon gave me some hand signs, commanding me to get to the right side of the cabinet and him on the left. I readied my gun as he unlock the cabinet and opening it quickly, causing a human figure to fall towards the ground.
We pointed our gun at a man tied up and his mouth was covered in tape. He shook his head in horror and I lowered my gun and Leon bent down to remove the tape on his mouth.
He yelped. "A little rough, don't ya think?"
Leon rolled him to his back to remove the rope that bind his hands. I leaned back on the cabinet and crossed my arms as I watched them.
"You two... are not like them?" The guy asked us, peering his head to get a glance at us.
Leon looked at me and I shrugged. "No. You?"
The man rolled again to rub on his wrists, as if he was tied up for a long time. "Okay. I only have one, very important question." The man said as he glanced at me then back at Leon. "You got a smoke?"
"Got gum." Leon and I said in unison.
Two villagers came and a loud noise of footsteps coming this way.
"Perfect." The man said sarcastically and I stood properly as we waited for the person who was making those loud footsteps to emerge. "The Big Cheese."
"What?" Leon asked, confused.
That was not long enough before a tall huge guy appeared and stood in front of the two villagers. His left eye was red and his right was gray. He was bald and he had a Santa Claus beard. But that didn't make him less scary.
Leon dashed to kick the huge guy and he stopped his foot with his huge hand. I tensed up as I pumped my shotgun to point it to the the man and he took notice. He threw Leon and that ended up the three of us crashing into the cabinet, breaking it in the process.
I struggled to keep my consciousness. My vision was blurry as I look up at the man who was looking back at us with a grim expression. "Take them to Lord Saddler." That was the last words I've heard before everything went black.
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