TRIGGER WARNING: panic attack, references to torture/abuse, kidnapping.
"you daggered my elijah and you suck for hurting jenna"
"My name is Eden Sommers," Eden rocked back and forth on against the wall, repeating the words endlessly. She didn't want to forget if she triggered herself. Draco said she had to be careful. Elijah was helping her be careful. And then he died.
Everything hurt.
"I live in Mystic Falls. My name is Eden Sommers, I live in Mystic Falls. My name is Eden Sommers, I live in —"
A green light flashed in front of her, and she winced, whimpering to herself.
It was dark in here, there was only a fraction of light from the ceiling bulb in the hallway, streaming into the room through the small window of the door.
"My name is Eden Sommers," she repeated. "I live in Mystic Falls."
Cringing into herself, another whimper left when she heard the laugh.
"Not real," Eden squeezed her eyes shut. "Not real, not real," she whispered. "My name is-my name is Eden-Eden Sommers. I live in Mystic Falls."
"Do you, pet?"
Eden pressed her fists against her eyelids. "Not real. You're not real. You're not real."
"Or is this all a trick, my pretty?"
"My name is Eden Sommers." That was true. "I live in Mystic Falls."
"Do you?"
"Of course I do," Eden managed. "I live in Mystic Falls. I live in-in my own-my own flat."
"Or did I make you think you did?"
"I live in Mystic Falls."
"But if you live there, why are you still in the cellar, pet?"
Eden shook her head, whimpering again. "Not real. Not real."
"Open your eyes, pretty mudblood, let's see who's right."
"I live in Mystic Falls."
"Open them, Eden."
"I live in Mystic Falls."
"Eden, open your eyes."
Eden paused. When had Dolohov used her name? Trembling, she shook her head. Another ploy.
"Dammit, witch," hands were on her wrists and Eden sobbed to herself. He was going to hurt her again. Of course it had all been fake, none of this was real, it was only ever Dolohov. "Eden, it's Katherine. Open your eyes."
Elena's doppelganger.
But...she was in the tomb.
Eden froze. Dolohov didn't know about her. Eden didn't even know of her existence until a few months prior.
Slowly, Eden opened her eyes.
The door was wide open and Katherine was kneeling in front of her, squeezing her wrists. "Promise me you will vouch for me when he comes."
Eden frowned, still disoriented. "What?" She asked the vampire.
"Eden, I can't explain it all, I literally can't, but when he comes — promise me I will be safe."
"O-okay?" Eden looked over Katherine's desperate face with furrowed eyebrows. "I promise?"
"Good enough for me."
A second later, Eden was in the sun, blinking up at the sky. They were on the same road as the Boarding House, but far enough away that she couldn't see it.
"What're you...what's going on?"
Katherine sighed. "You were having an episode," Katherine shrugged. "I couldn't listen to it any longer. And Damon was wrong putting you down there."
Eden watched Katherine for a moment, crossing her arms. "You saved me out of the kindness of your heart?"
"No," Katherine rolled her eyes. "Keep up, kitten, I was saving myself. When Elijah does get undaggered, he'll pardon me for saving you." She shrugged. "Besides, I'm sure Damon has about ten minutes before Harry Potter storms in and ruins his life. I want to be on your good side."
Eden's face softened. "Thank you," she said softly. "You could have just run. Thank you."
"No one deserves what they put you through," Katherine replied, her voice as soft as when she spoke of Bellatrix previously. "And you should never have to relive it."
"Just because you saved me doesn't mean I like you now," Eden said with a small pout. That was a lie. She did. Katherine wasn't terrible if she got over the killing Elena bit. But everyone made mistakes, right?
"You don't have to," Katherine sighed. "I'd be stupid to mess with you. They don't understand what you're capable of. I do." She looked over Eden's face for a moment. "But I'd be even more stupid not to befriend you."
"We're not friends."
Katherine shrugged. "Sure."
A beat.
"Go home," Katherine told Eden. "I'll handle Damon. Don't come back for Elijah without backup, Damon's reckless and impulsive."
Eden's eyes watered. "He broke my wand," she whispered, the memory of the snap as clear as if it were her own limb. "He just...snapped it. Like nothing. But it's a piece of me and..."
"I said I'll handle him," Katherine brushed back Eden's hair. "You look like shit. Go home. Call your wizard friends. Rest. I don't care. But don't come back here for awhile. Elijah will be undaggered. Not by me, but if Elena is a Petrova, she'll bring him back. Use the most powerful thing in the room."
Eden pondered Katherine's words for a moment before nodding. "Thank you again," she whispered.
"I would say any time, but...we both know that's a lie."
Eden was alone a second later, feeling, if possible, even worse than before.
"Where the fuck were you?"
Eden jumped at the voice when she entered her flat, a relieved sob leaving her at Harry's worried expression.
"Your wand?" Harry continued in a low voice. She knew the yelling was coming. But she couldn't find it in herself to be scared. Harry had always been a yeller. It was scarier when he didn't yell. "Fucking...care to explain why I couldn't track you?"
That was something the group — or, rather, Hermione and Luna — had created after Eden's kidnapping during the war. In an effort to keep them all safe from future events, their wands were charmed with a spell that would alert the respective people if the wand was injured or damaged.
It was also a reason Eden was allowed to leave England in the first place, even with Dolohov on the loose. At any point in time, a witch or wizard could search for the exact wand it has the connection to, and ensure it was still intact, safe, and in the correct location.
"Damon snapped it," Eden whispered, the noise ringing her ears as she slid down the door to the floor, leaning against it. "He shoved me into a cell when I went after Elijah and snapped my wand in two. Like...like it meant nothing."
"Eden," Harry breathed out, rushing to her. He sat next to her and pulled her to him.
He was still wearing his Auror uniform. He looked very intimidating. It made Eden want to laugh and cry at the same time. The thought of Harry rushing out of work to see what happened to her...
"I'm sorry, " Eden whimpered, "I'm sorry I'm such a fucking mess. And I ruined your day and I'm the reason Elijah's dead and why he's —"
"—Hey, hey, no, we're not doing that, bon," Harry pressed a kiss to her head. "Ginny's packing as we speak. She's going to bring Teddy to Andy's and we're going to stay here with you."
"But the baby?" Eden asked in a whisper.
"Don't worry about him," Harry ran his hand up and down Eden's arm gently. "He'll come out when he's ready and where else should he be if not with his godmother, hm?"
Eden sniffled. "I don't have any food."
"Ginny will bring some," Harry replied with a small laugh. "I think she's turning into her mother."
Eden laughed at the remark, pressing her face into Harry's shoulder. "Don't tell her that, she'll kill you."
"She will do exactly that, yes."
Still laughing, Eden squeezed Harry. "I'm sorry you have to stay with me."
"I'm not," Harry shrugged. "Kingsley's been suggesting I take time off. Besides, I can keep a closer eye on Dolohov around here, and I can kill a vampire. Would it fracture my soul if the person's already dead?"
"Yes," Eden smiled softly. "He's a good person, Harry."
Harry scoffed. "Yeah, that's complete and utter tosh, love. He's selfish and I will be writing to Malfoy that there needs to be a potion created as soon as possible that destroys vampires."
"You're terrible."
"You need it," Harry told her gently, pausing. "I'm really sorry about your wand, Eden. It's...I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," Eden whispered. "I just...feel like I'm broken now. I mean, I already was, but my magic...I could've tried to be better at it. Now, if I get a new wand, it'll be shiny and new and won't understand me the way mine did and..."
"You can talk to Luna," Harry suggested. "She owns Olivander's now. When she and Pansy aren't out looking for...whatever creatures she can see, they're there. She's very attuned to the wands, or so she says. I think she'll help you better than anyone else can."
Harry sighed. "Come on, bon," he gently nudged her. "Come show me my guest room and then when Gin gets here, we can see Jenna, yeah?"
"Jenna." Eden's eyes went wide. "Shit, I'd forgotten. She was staying here. I don't know if she still is. I should call her and see."
"Hang on," Harry grabbed her hand softly. "Take a breath, bon. We'll go slow. Figure it out."
"Thank you for coming, Harry."
"Nowhere else I'd rather be."
Eden stood in front of the Salvatore Boarding House in a haze, holding Harry's hand tightly.
Four days had passed since Harry and Ginny had settled in with Eden, and Harry had told her that if she didn't come with him, he would find Elijah himself and set the building on fire.
She didn't want to chance Elena or Caroline being in there when he did it. Or Katherine, honestly, since she owed the vampire.
Harry glanced at her; eyes worried. She nodded in confirmation, squeezing his hand. She wasn't exactly ready to step foot in it again so soon after being locked in the basement, but with Harry at her side, she felt safer.
And with Stefan there, Damon wouldn't attack her, and even less so if Elena were there.
Lots of if's and and's, but she was hoping.
Harry opened the door following a sharp rap and smile coldly at the occupants in the room. Eden trailed a little behind him, feeling small, hesitant. Childlike. She hated that she couldn't defend herself. That she was so scared.
Immediately, Eden spotted Damon, Stefan, Elena, Rose, Bonnie and Alaric and knew something had happened. She didn't have time to ask before Harry spoke.
"Knock knock, ding dong, which one's Damon?"
Damon raised his eyebrows. "How'd you get out?" He asked Eden curiously.
Harry's face darkened and Stefan's filled with confusion.
"Get out of where?" Stefan asked his brother. "Damon, what did you do?"
"What I had to," Damon shrugged.
Eden noticed Alaric shift in his seat and she eyed him for a moment. He looked different, somehow. Was it...why did he...
She shook it off, focusing on Harry, who was chuckling to himself.
Uh oh.
"Harry, it's—"
"—Don't, bon," Harry cut her off gently, his eyes not leaving Damon. "So you're Damon, just to clarify."
Damon rolled his eyes. "Look, buddy, we don't really have time for this, we're kind of—"
"—No," Harry shook his head, grabbing his wand. "You're going to make time. Eden, sit down."
Eden obliged, sitting on the floor with wide eyes. He snorted with in amusement.
"I didn't mean the floor, sweetheart, but if it's comfortable, fine with me." He walked towards Damon, waving his wand in Stefan's direction. Frozen, Stefan looked between the pair with wide eyes.
Damon looked to his brother in worry and Harry held his wand up.
"Levicorpus," he waved his wand and Damon flew up in the air by his ankle. "Oh, isn't this fun, Salvatore? You enjoy being flipped on your head, everything you know upside down? Isn't this thrilling?"
"Who are you?" Elena asked loudly. "Put him down."
"I'm Eden's best friend, Elena," he smiled at her kindly. "Pleasure to meet you. I've heard great things. Shouldn't trust this bloke, though," he looked back to Damon, smile dropped from his face. "He likes to betray people. Use their trauma against them."
"What did he do?" Rose asked softly, eyes flickering to Eden. "Are you alright, Eden?"
"He broke my wand," Eden replied quietly. Rose's eyes — and Alaric's, Eden noted in mild confusion — widened drastically. Eden and Bonnie's faces filled with confusion. "He trapped me in the basement when I came to ask about Elijah."
"It was for Elena," Damon sighed. "Can you put me down?"
Harry shook his head. "No. And I'm not done. I want to experiment, see how this'll work on your vampire healing."
"See how what will work?" Elena asked hesitantly.
Eden's head tilted a fraction and then she smiled softly when Harry let Damon fall to the ground, and hit him with an Immobulus, Diffindo, and Incendio in succession.
Damon screamed in pain and Eden was reminded of the time she'd saved his life from Bonnie.
How different things were now.
Harry stopped after a moment, conjuring an Aguementi to wash the remaining flames.
"Brilliant," he nodded, taking a seat next to Alaric and sending the counter-charm to Stefan, just as Damon lunged for Harry. Stefan stopped him, pushing him back.
Eden took satisfaction in the scars on face and arms, slowly healing, and the singe to his clothing.
"You deserve it," she told him quietly when he met her eyes. "I wish we were strong enough to kill you."
Everyone watched the pair with wide eyes and Harry gestured for Eden to come sit next to him. She stood quickly and walked over, tucking herself in between Alaric and Harry.
"I'm still mad at you," she whispered to Alaric. "You daggered my Elijah and you suck for hurting Jenna. I hate you, too."
Alaric said nothing, watching her with a blank expression. She leaned closer to Harry, who clapped his hands.
"Sorry about that, just a bit of clean-up," he smiled brightly at them all. Rose was the only one who looked mildly amused, and Bonnie was watching Harry with a scowl. "Now, is Elijah still in the basement?"
"It's where he should remain," Alaric spoke up. "He's just going to ruin things."
"That's no way to talk about my best friend's boyfriend," Harry shook his head. "Try again."
"Technically, we didn't establish labels," Eden murmured to Harry. He gave her a look of exasperation and she shrugged. "We didn't," she mumbled.
"We have to keep him there," Elena spoke up finally, sighing. "Eden, I swear, as soon as we get Klaus out of here, I will take the dagger out myself. But Klaus is in town. He threatened me."
Eden and Harry spoke at the same time.
"I bet it was at school."
Elena nodded, looking at Harry curiously. "How did you...?"
"He's Harry Potter," Rose pitched in. "He's been around the block a few times."
"The psychopath hunting me down also preferred to torment me subtly when I was at school," Harry informed Elena, eyes flickering to Damon when Damon leaned against a chair, glaring at him. "But at the end of the year, I'd always have a brilliant show-down. May's coming up, bet you're out of school soon. Klaus'll come after you then. I don't know why."
"Maybe they value education," Eden suggested with a small shrug.
"I'm sure it's just a coincidence," Alaric shifted, his leg brushing Eden's. She glared at it, pushing him away. He eyed her for a moment, focusing on Elena again.
"Why are you here?" Bonnie asked Harry harshly.
"To protect my best friend from further physical or mental torture," Harry answered immediately. "I would've punched Damon in the face, but I figured it would hurt me more than him."
"No, why are either of you here?" Bonnie asked. "Neither of you are involved in this. We want to protect Elena, not bring back Elijah. And not offer her up to Klaus."
"I want to protect Elena too," Eden frowned. "It's always been about protecting Elena. Harry's just here to make sure Damon doesn't lock me in any more cells."
"And to hex him if he makes a joke," Harry added. "I really don't want to see him happy."
"Can we...table this, for now?" Stefan asked cautiously, glancing to Harry. "I'm Stefan, by the way. Stefan Salvatore."
Harry eyed him for a moment before smiling. "Harry Potter," he reached a hand to shake Stefan's. "Pleasure."
"I don't think we should table Damon locking Eden in a cell," Elena cut in, her face flooded with anger. "How could you do that?" She asked him furiously.
"My point exactly," Harry pointed to Elena. "I like her."
"I'm sure he had his reasons," Bonnie spoke up, resting a hand on Elena's arm.
Elena scowled at her friend. "No, no," she gaped at Damon, tears flooding her eyes. "Damon, Eden trusted you. You were her friend. You know what she's been through and you just..."
"I'm not apologizing for protecting you," Damon spoke up, avoiding Harry's gaze, matching Elena's. "I won't."
"Hurting my aunt? That is not...that's messed up, Damon. I don't need or want your protection if it means hurting the people I love."
"I wish I had some crisps," Harry muttered to Eden. "You were right, everything is dramatic."
Eden smiled a bit, grabbing Harry's hand.
Alaric tensed next to her, eyes finding Damon. "Damon, uh...why did you break her wand? He did that, right?" He looked to Eden and Harry for confirmation.
The pair nodded.
"It..." Guilt flooded Damon's face. "I didn't...I'm sorry, Eden. I'm not sorry for protecting Elena because I don't trust you, but I am sorry for snapping it."
"Well, that's a terrible explanation," Harry pointed out. "I say we all set him on fire and make s'mores, who's with me?"
Alaric's eyes flickered to Harry's and Eden frowned seeing — was that amusement? — in his eyes.
"No," Elena cut in. "No one is hurting anyone. We're done with that." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Okay, since Eden...and Harry, I guess, are here, we can talk through everything. You guys do not have to help." She paused. "I'm sorry to involve you in this," she said to Eden, her face filled with guilt. "It isn't your fight. But I swear, once we take down Klaus, we'll set Elijah free, and you can go and be happy with him."
"I could just go and free him now," Harry raised his and Eden's connected hands. "If we're making suggestions."
"No," Alaric cut in, eyes darting between Eden and Elena. "He wanted to kill Klaus, but...come on, we can't trust Elijah. He'll only complicate things. He'll want revenge on me and Damon and that would only make things worse. We need everyone to stop Klaus."
"Everyone would therefore include Elijah," Harry pointed out. "I'm sure Eden can talk him out of a murder. Merlin knows she's done it enough with Malfoy."
"Please," Elena pleaded, her eyes still connected with Eden. "Not yet. I know it isn't your fight, but I could really use the help. You're the only hope of stopping him." She glanced to Harry. "Both of you."
"What about our witch?" Damon spoke up. "Way less scary than four-eyes and the traitor."
"Say one more word, Damon," Harry countered in a low tone.
"Fine," Eden nodded. "You have one week," she relented in a soft voice. "Then I'm taking him back."
She needed him. May was around the corner and Eden...She couldn't do that without him.
"Great," Damon clapped his hands together sarcastically. "Now that we're done with the most pointless conversation ever, let's get back to saving Elena."
Elena rolled her eyes at Damon's words, glaring at him.
"Okay," Elena cleared her throat. "So we find him and then what?"
"Then we take him down, rah, rah," Harry held up his fist. "I've been spending too much time with Ron," he whispered to himself.
"That's what I've been saying the past eight years," Eden laughed softly.
Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "Seriously, though," he looked to everyone. "I'm not one for plans, that's more Hermione's thing and she's not here, and Eden's a wreck—"
"—All love meant, bon, uh, what is your plan?" He asked expectantly. "Because I'm not doing much. I'm expecting a howler any minute from MACUSA over my magic a moment ago with Damon, our wands are traced. Eden could've used her wand," his eyes found Damon's, "but now that's no longer an option."
"Me," Bonnie shrugged. "I'm the plan."
Eden tried not to laugh, holding her fist to her mouth. Harry looked at Bonnie in confusion.
"What, are you a witch?"
"Not like you," Bonnie snapped.
Harry looked affronted, glancing to Eden in confusion. "What'd I do to her?" He asked her softly.
"She's an ancestral," Eden explained, rolling her eyes at Harry's blank expression. "Honestly, Harry, you took History of Magic same as I did. And you've got 'Mione as a best friend, how do you not know anything?"
"I know things," Harry countered. "I know plenty of things."
"Like what?"
"I just — I'm good at — at magic."
"Yeah, okay, and?"
Harry paused. "I'm very lucky."
"That's not something you're good at, that's a trait."
"Well, it's a trait I'm good at," Harry argued.
"You can't be good at a trait—"
"—Yes, I can, because I am—"
"—Harry, just admit it, you didn't even take your NEWTS because you're an abysmal student—"
"—I take full offense, it's not exactly my fault every year I had to worry about saving the world."
"Oh, this again?" Eden rolled her eyes, putting on a mocking voice. "'Oh, look at me, I'm the Chosen One, and I saved the Wizarding World.'"
Harry shrugged. "Ah, but I did." He grinned cheekily. "Thank you for finding exactly what I'm good at."
"Oh, Merlin," Eden sighed into her hand.
Harry chuckled next to her, looking back to Bonnie, who explained — in a far less kind tone — what the difference between their magic was.
Eden smiled softly to herself, glancing at Harry, a warm feeling settling in her chest. She didn't know how much she needed him with her. She felt normal for a moment, for the first time since Elijah died.
"Okay," Harry sighed. "I don't really see how you're going to...take down an Original Vampire?" He questioned. "I mean, I don't know much about them, but from what I remember Eden saying, it's sort of...impossible. Without the dagger."
His eyes met Eden, a knowing look there. Her eyebrows tugged together. He knew. Elijah had told him about the oak stake. He nodded marginally and she smiled gently. And he'd never say anything because even if it hurt Klaus — it could kill Elijah.
Eden's heart swelled with love for her brother.
"He has no idea how much power I can channel," Bonnie continued. Eden looked back to everyone, and a frown tugged at her lips to find Alaric watching she and Harry closely. "If you can find him, I can kill him."
"That's the spirit," Harry nodded, smiling at them all. "Good group of people, Eden, save Damon. I like these blokes."
"Alaric and Stefan helped dagger Elijah."
"I like Elena," Harry corrected.
Eden noticed the look shared between Damon, Stefan, and Elena, but Alaric spoke again before she could comment.
"It's not going to be that easy," Alaric chuckled. "I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around."
Eden's eyes narrowed at him. Something was going on with him. She looked away, shaking her head. It probably had something to do with Jenna.
"He's not wrong," Harry added. "Never underestimate someone. But," he shrugged. "I know it sounds a bit mad, but never underestimate love, either."
"That made me want to vomit," Eden's nose crinkled.
Harry pulled a face. "Please don't, Gin's been vomiting constantly. If I see vomit again, I think I'll actually become vomit."
"That's disgusting, why would you say that?" Eden commented.
"It's true," Harry objected. "I know she can't help it, but Merlin, it's awful."
"Leave her be, you knocked her up," Eden replied with a scowl.
"Guys," Stefan cut in, looking between the two. "This, um, can this wait?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry," Harry nodded. "Continue."
"Alaric has a point," Damon suggested, rolling his shoulders. "I mean, what if he—"
Eden and Harry laughed when Damon went flying back, Bonnie's hand up in the air. Everyone else shared impressive looks.
"Well," Stefan shrugged. "I was impressed."
"Brilliant," Harry grinned. "Can you do that again?"
Bonnie walked past Elena, looking at them all. "It doesn't matter if he's an Original," she declared. "I can take down anyone who comes at me."
"I concur," Harry nodded. "It's always the underdog. I mean, I've fought a noseless maniac plotting to take over the world with nothing but dumb luck and a fairy tale," he grinned at them all. "You've got supremely better odds."
"I think you're discrediting about half of what happened," Eden pointed out.
"Can you let me have a line?" Harry pouted. "That was a good one."
"Sure, sorry," Eden rolled her eyes with a fond smile.
Harry nodded. "Brilliant. Thanks, forget the last bit happened." He held up a thumbs up. "Let's go team."
heheheheheeee so we have a liiiiiiiiiittle bit of klaus mwuahhahah
also!! hope the part with damon was okay? a lot of you guys are HATING on him, which, fair and completely understandable, but really klaus & draco are gonna be the one's going ape shit on him because y'all know harry's protective but not cruel. the other two??? ehhhh idkkkk lololol
also i hope you guys like the banter with harry? i find him really hard to write so hopefully I stayed true to him. next chapter we get a bit more klaus, and elijah comes back ahhhhhh.
i'm excited for eden & harry & elijah & ginny. hehehehe okay byyeee
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