full moon is april 9, fred and george's birthday is april 1. a week happens from the beginning of the chapter to the second half. <3
"now, if you'll excuse me, i've got a curse to break and you've a funeral to plan."
"George Weasley," Eden's lips lifted into a smile when her friend exited the floo. She pulled him into a hug, and he held her close, the pair rocking back and forth for a moment.
It had been so long since she'd seen George. She always forgot he'd lost an ear when she wasn't with him — despite it being traumatic. In her mind, George looked exactly like Fred; with a few added freckles and being half an inch shorter — so seeing him without one still threw her off-balance.
"I missed you, Eden," he pressed a kiss to her forehead as they pulled apart, resting his hands on her shoulders. "I don't want to have the party Mum's throwing. She's trying to distract everyone from today, but...it's weird."
And it was weird.
April first had always been one of the more fun times of the year. The twins looked forward to it religiously, pulling pranks and remaining unscathed because "doth it is our birthday." It was also April Fool's Day, and the pair would claim "pranks are meant to happen on this day so no trouble can be brought upon us."
And now there were no pranks. No laughs. No Fred.
"What would you like to do?"
"Get hammered and eat chips."
Eden laughed at the bluntness of his reply. "We can do that," she nodded, pulling him into another hug.
It hurt to look at him, in a way. It was George but he still had Fred's face. Guilt consumed her the past three nights and that morning. Would Fred be alright about Elijah? Would he claim she moved on too fast? Would George hate her when she told him?
Eden hadn't spoken to Elijah since the previous morning, and had avoided leaving her flat for any chance encounters with Klaus. Harry and Ginny had a Mediwitch appointment back in the Wizarding World, and they were on "distract the Weasley matriarch" duty.
Ginny was in a terrible mood, too.
It was a bad day.
"So, this is your place?" George asked as Eden pulled back and let him look around.
"Yeah," Eden nodded, glancing at the antique furniture and eclectic paintings. She'd began to collect plants, it seemed, and had a terrible time keeping them alive. (Thankfully, Elijah always remembered they existed.)
George leaned against the sofa, observing her for a moment before he spoke. "You seem better," he stated. "Lighter."
Eden fiddled with her hands, looking down. "I'm seeing someone," she admitted softly, tears prickling her gaze. She didn't want to see his disappointed or hurt look. She didn't want him to berate her for moving on from Fred. She felt guilty enough as it was.
"Good," George responded quietly, surprising her.
Eden's head snapped up and she looked at him in confusion.
"He wouldn't want you to mope, Eden," he smiled gently at her. "He'd want you happy. He was a right idiot like that."
Tears fell from Eden's eyes, and she leaned against the back of the sofa next to him. "I feel so guilty for loving Elijah. Like I haven't properly mourned Fred."
George was quiet for a beat. "I don't think anyone will ever properly mourn Fred," he told her softly. "I haven't. Ginny hasn't. Mum...definitely hasn't. Fred's the sort of person you don't get over. You can't dismiss the feelings; you can't work through them. He was loud and obnoxious and your grief for him will be too. You'll always love him. He won't let you get through a grieving process because he wouldn't want you to accept that he's gone."
Eden snorted a laugh and then started half-laughing, half-crying. George joined her, laughing softly.
"I was trying to make a good speech," George admitted. "Where's my inner Harry Potter?"
Eden laughed. George leaned closer to her, and she tripped back, falling against the couch. This only made him laugh more and he collapsed onto the sofa.
Nothing was even funny.
But it felt good to laugh with George.
"So, this is the Grill," Eden waved her hands dramatically around Mystic Grill.
"Very American chic," George commented with a look around. "Think if I set off a firecracker, they'll start pulling out harmful Muggle machinery?"
"Like guns?" Eden raised her eyebrows. "Why would you want that?"
George shrugged. "Could be interesting."
The pair walked to the bar and took a seat. George, having learned a spell from one of the creepier blokes in Knockturn Alley, had placed a charm on their ID's to show they were of legal drinking age.
The bartender gave her a look, knowing very well how old she was. She smiled innocently at him. He shook his head, mumbling something about how much he got paid, and poured them both shots.
"Bottoms up, Weasley."
"Show the cheeks, Sommers," he grinned before they both downed the shots.
"Oh, yeah," George grimaced. "Fred would be proud. I say we drink twenty in his honor."
Eden smiled in amusement. "Do you plan on blacking out?"
"Very much," George nodded as the bartender poured them another round.
George leaned onto the counter a bit more, taking the next shot and grimacing a bit. "Something's on your mind, sunshine."
Eden let out a sigh, shaking her head. "It's...a lot." She admitted. "I don't want to take away from today."
"No, please," George let out a breath of air, glancing around. "I need the distraction. We can...cry about him tonight. I think he'd love the gossip."
Eden let out a soft laugh, looking over George. He looked far better than the last she'd seen him, and he was speaking more. She knew he was seeing Angelina Johnson — though, they were on-again, off-again and last she heard; friends with benefits — but it was good for him. His smile reached his eyes, and the charisma had returned to his demeanor.
His eyes were sadder, lonelier, but less angry. Less hopeless.
So much had changed.
"I've got this soulmate, who's an Original Vampire, and his brother is a werewolf and I guess I'm his Valinn, which Elijah says is "chosen mate" so sort of his soulmate, but also not the same." Eden sighed, taking another shot. "It's all very confusing."
George eyed her for a moment before bursting into laughter. At Eden's bewildered look, he quieted to chuckles. "Sunshine," he grinned at her. "You've gone from my idiot brother to two incredibly powerful magical creatures." He laughed again. "Does this make you into beastiality?"
"What?" Eden exclaimed in horror. "No! Absolutely not, you complete idiot," she slapped his leg, but it only encouraged his laughter.
"Eden and the wolf," he cackled, "like that muggle tale you and Harry told us during the ghost story night," he snorted. "Red Riding Hood. You're — you're red riding hood."
"I am not!" Eden fought back a smile, eyes wide. "You're an idiot. You're a complete idiot."
George wiped tears from his eyes. "Your foreplay is going to be about how big his teeth are," he snorted. "Much better to eat you with, dear Eden," he let out a shaky breath, clutching his side. "He'll be eating something."
"George Weasley!" Eden's mouth dropped open, cheeks heating up.
George calmed down after a minute of slow breaths and another shot. "Blimey, Eden, I'd forgotten how much I missed you."
"Missed taking the mickey out of me," Eden rolled her eyes. "Prat."
George smiled fondly, observing her. "You said his brother's a vampire? Is he a vampire too?" He paused. "I didn't think there was a vampire werewolf hybrid. Leave it you to be the soulmate or chosen or whatever of the only one that exists."
"Ha, ha," Eden remarked sarcastically. "You're so witty, I missed your humor desperately."
"I know," George grinned, before a thoughtful look crossed his face. "If you're into brothers, were you ever into...?"
"Oh, gross," Eden's nose crinkled up. "I'm not into brothers, it's not a type, George. I didn't ask to be their shared soulmate." She threw her head into her hands, letting out a groan behind her palms. "This is so bloody weird."
George pat her back gently, running a hand down her hair. "Drink up, Sommers, we've got many more shots to go if we're making Freddy proud."
Eden was hammered.
Absolutely and completely hammered.
"...And then I said "aye, y'know what, 'Lij, you're-you can-you can" — do you think if I were a reindeer, I'd be allowed to hang out with Santa?" Eden asked George from their place at the bar.
George looked thoughtful for a long stretch of silence. "I always wondered if Santa was real," he responded slowly, as if the words hurt to speak. "I think if Santa was real, he'd give me back my-my brother."
"I miss your brother," Eden frowned. "He was the best person. I'll never love like that again," she declared. "Eden and Freddy, Freddy and Eden," she sung. "Like our owwwwwn hit drama. We pull pranks and solve-solve crimes."
"I'd watch it," George held up his drink. "I'd-I'd totally watch that. But you-you are happy. Now. With your werewolf and vampire. You're-you-you-you—merlin's bloody balls, who is that?"
Eden followed his gaze to the door where Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy had walked in. She looked from George to the group.
"Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy."
"Which is which?" George slurred. "'M gonna make a move on the pretty one."
"Jeremy's my nephew," Eden frowned. "Cannot have him, offffff limits."
George pulled a face. "Not the boy, Eden, he looks twelve. The blonde one, which—which is that one?"
Eden sobered a fraction, looking between George and Caroline more fervently.
"Caroline Forbes? She's Elena's vampire friend. She's very...sweet. Has a nice smile. Sunny deposit. No, not right. Des-pos-it. Dis-pos-it. What's the word?"
"Complete opposite of you, then," George grinned lazily, half-listening to Eden's rambles. "I think she's gorgeous. Is she a Veela?"
Eden shook her head, eyes widening when George stumbled off the stool, walking over to the group. Tripping a bit behind him, Eden watched in horrified amusement as George stood over the three, grinning down at Caroline.
"Hello, Caroline, my name is George." He spoke slowly, slurring his words, but trying to appear sober. He ran a hand through his hair. "George is my name. Oh no." He looked to Eden. "'M'gonna pass out."
And promptly fell to the ground.
Caroline jumped into action, catching him before he fell, looking at Eden worriedly.
"Is he okay?" She asked quickly. "How much has he drank? Who is he?"
"He's George," Eden shrugged. "Dead ex-boyfriend's brother. Ex? We never broke up. He died. Boom splat." Eden said plainly. "I think I'd like a sundae now. Remy," she looked to her nephew. "I will pay you five galleons if you get me the biggest sundae around."
"What's a galleon?" Jeremy asked in confusion.
"I've failed you." Eden shook her head, sitting down next to Bonnie. "Bonnie, you smell nice." She tried to lean closer to the girl, who pulled back. "Sorry, right, we hate each other. Well, ya hate me, but I think you're pretty. And nice. Didja guys know that in 1892 or...wait...1982? When...what year is it?"
"How much have you had to drink, Eden?" Jeremy asked in concern.
"Only enough to make me forget about the boys."
"Stefan and Damon?" Caroline asked in confusion, George's head in her lap across the booth. Jeremy stood next to Eden, slowly tugging her up.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," Eden shook her head. "Hate those boys. They'reeeee dumb. Not like Tony the Tigger. I love Tigger. Bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce," she looked to Jeremy with wide eyes. "You're Eeyore."
"Okay, let's get you home." Jeremy sighed. "Caroline, can you take her friend? We can use your car to get them back to Eden's."
Caroline nodded and stood, Bonnie rolling her eyes a bit, but mumbling that she'd see them all later. As Eden leaned on Jeremy to the door, a blackness took over her mind and the world with it.
"I'm never fucking drinking again," George groaned from next to Eden in her bed.
"Shh," Eden winced, clutching her head. "Too loud, you prick."
George whimpered and they both jumped when the door opened.
"You're both idiots," Ginny lectured them. "How is it that you get day-drunk? Just—you missed all of Mum's festivities, she's furious, by the way, and you're lucky I'm not in here banging a spoon against a pot." She paused. "That's only because Harry hid them all, but I would do. Just to make you both suffer more."
"Sorry, Mum," Eden rolled her eyes, covering her face with the blanket. "But can you lecture us later? I'm trying to sleep."
"No," Ginny waddled over and pulled the comforter off the pair. "If you both want to carry on being drunks, you can do it up and about. Get out of bed. Breakfast is on the table." She dropped the comforter on the floor and walked out of the room.
"I hate her," Eden remarked, cuddling against George.
George let out a whine. "Me too."
Ginny was in labor.
It was a full moon.
Eden had two choices.
1) Be with Ginny and Harry for the birth of their son.
2) Stop her soulmate (sort of) from killing her niece.
With Harry's push and gentle forehead kiss, he asked her to come by once his son was born, and to save her family.
And her soulmates.
Now, entirely out of the loop from dealing with everyone, she figured the best way to stop Klaus and possibly learn more about their connection was to find him. Only, she hadn't a clue where to start.
That led her to walking aimlessly around Mystic Falls, fidgeting with her hands, hoping he'd just walk into view and speak to her — as he had the week prior.
Passing by Mystic Grill, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, finding the exertion of the nearly hour long walk getting to her. She really should get back into exercising. She and Hermione used to work out together, trying to catch up with Ginny, but they'd both slackened after her departure.
Momentarily distracted, Eden bumped into someone and stumbled a bit, looking up.
Eden tensed, swallowing back her nerves and smiling nervously. "Klaus."
Klaus looked down at her, brushing back the piece of hair that fell loose from the ponytail, tucking it behind her ear. "I didn't mean to startle you," he told her gently.
"It's okay," Eden bit her lip. "I...was looking for you, actually."
Surprise flickered through Klaus' expression momentarily, but it dissipated a moment later. "Oh? If you're trying to stop me from breaking the ritual, I've just spoken to your friends and told them the same thing I'll tell you. It's happening tonight."
"That wasn't — I mean, sure, I'd love that, because I don't want Elena in danger, but, no, I—I was hoping we could talk."
Confusion settled on Klaus' brow, then suspicion.
"You want to talk now? Just as everything I've planned is coming to fruition. You've had a week to reach out and now is suddenly the perfect time to—"
"—I had a friend visiting this past week, I didn't have time to find you. Besides, it's not as though I have your phone number and could just call you up—"
"—Oh, well, if you truly wanted to, I'm sure you'd find some sort of magical way to—"
"—Not that it's any of your business, but I just started using magic again, because I've been through, oh, I don't know, hell and back? And finding you isn't exactly easy. Besides, there aren't tracking spells in the sense that you're thinking and —"
"—But here you stand, found me, isn't that coincidental?" He countered with a glower. "That just as I leave the Salvatore's presence, here you stand with a distraction. Not happening, sweetheart."
"I'm not—I'm," Eden let out a groan, "I'm not trying to distract you, Klaus, I genuinely have questions, but you know what? You're a prick and forget I even wanted to ask. I'll just let them kill you and—"
"—Oh, as if they'd ever listen to my Valinn, they'd sooner watch you die, that much I can gather from the mere stench of their betrayal—"
"—Don't talk about them as if you know them—"
"—Better than presuming they'll have your back when they won't," Klaus interjected hotly. "You are the only bloody thing in this world I want to protect, Eden—"
"—Oh, but you're perfectly fine killing my family, as if my mental health doesn't need protecting—"
"—I didn't intend for your niece to be the bloody doppelganger!" Klaus shouted, taking a deep breath and glancing around. Gripping her arm tightly, he pulled her into an alley behind the grill. "You make it seem as though I'm this horrible villain, when in reality, I just want to break my curse and be with you."
She glared at the hand still on his arm, which he removed after a moment, and then looked up at him with a scowl. "And that involves killing my niece, threatening people I care about, and attacking my sister?"
Klaus' face flickered. "I didn't — I'm...sorry," he ground out, looking as though the word was filled with vervain. "About your sister. That was...ill-intentioned. I won't touch her."
"Really?" Eden crossed her arms. "And I'm just supposed to believe you?"
"I don't care if you believe me or not."
"I thought you wanted me to be with you?" Eden countered.
"Will you?"
"Fuck no."
"Well, then, it seems we've reached an impasse, love," Klaus declared. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a curse to break and you've a funeral to plan."
He moved to walk away from her, and she scowled at his retreating figure. "I still have questions!" She shouted after him.
Turning around, he smirked coldly. "Then, I hope you stew in disappointment and grovel back for answers."
Eden shouted after him a list of obscenities, but he was already gone.
Anger simmered in her, and she felt an instantaneous dislike for Nikalus Mikaleson.
With Elijah, he was patient, understanding, gentle.
Talking to Klaus was like pulling teeth. He was explosive and brash and prone to quick temperament. Not to mention, he was apparently more paranoid than Tom fucking Riddle. He was everything she hated in a person and more and she could not for the life of her see how they were supposedly...chosen.
Fuck Klaus.
Eden entered her building and jumped as the shadows moved outside her door.
"My apologies, Elskan."
Eden placed a hand over her heart, taking a moment, before crossing her arms as Elijah came into view. He offered a soft smile and polite nod.
She felt so distant from him now.
A part of her hated it, but when she thought about Klaus and how he lied to her, she was refueled with distrust and betrayal.
"What do you want?"
Elijah adjusted the button on his suit jacket. To some, it may appear as nothing, but to someone who had observed his minute details and minuscule movements; he was nervous.
"They're planning to kill Klaus tonight."
"I know."
"I was...wondering if you'll be there. At the ritual."
"I don't know," Eden shrugged. "I have to administer Elena's potions and hope they work properly. Alaric says he'll stay with Jenna and Jeremy. I..." her face fell and tears gathered in her eyes. "I'm really scared Elena will die."
Elijah stepped forward to comfort her but stopped himself. She wished he hadn't. She needed him.
He saw the longing on her face and pulled her to him, running his hand softly through her hair.
"It's alright, Kærasti," he murmured, "I'll be with you the entire time."
She wanted to ask if he could go through with it — if he'd actually kill his brother. If she'd lose Klaus. Not that she had Klaus, or even wanted him for that matter.
But to lose a part of her life that she...could have? That she may want in the future?
It was all so confusing.
It hurt the most that if Elena wasn't the doppelganger, she'd be fighting for Klaus to break the curse. To be free of himself and his own hinderances. But because of Elena's involvement, he would die. Was she terrible for wanting the opposite? For being alright with an innocent's death — so long as it's not her niece?
But Eden didn't voice her thoughts. She let Elijah hold her gently in the hallway and wished the voice in her mind begging for Klaus to be saved would go away.
okeieiieieeiieieieieie more kleden time because bless them they're terrible communicators and absolutely awful at trusting anyone. they're my little faves. hope you guys like them. i was soooooo iffy about george gah but we WILL be seeing a lot more of george as we begin the second half of the book. i diiiiiiiiiiiid throw a sneaky little hint in here so hopefully y'all spotted it. and hopefully you're enjoying this. next chapter is the ritual ahhhhhh!!! and be so prepared because eden is starting to come to herself again so get ready for my badass baby to shine, ugh i'm so excited.
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