TRIGGER WARNING: references to abuse, rape, kidnapping
"gotta go, 'lena, boutta get laid"
BLOOD coated her hands like paint.
Her cheeks wet with tears, mouth dry of words, limbs trembling from fear.
The wound in her stomach prohibited her from moving, reaching across the floor for her wand.
She gasped for oxygen, lip trembling as her blurred vision met his.
"Hello again, pet."
Eden's hands motioned an air guitar as another Led Zeppelin guitar solo came on.
Elijah and Stefan had left halfway through the song, exchanging a mildly irritated look and deciding to get food together.
Eden and Niklaus remained in the vehicle, singing — more like screaming — the lyrics to classic rock songs.
"So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins," Eden shouted, her head bobbing up and down. Nik's laugh echoed over the music and he danced in place.
"For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing!" He finished, reaching his hand over her air guitar and mouthing along to the ooh's in the song.
It finished a minute later and they both panted, exchanging a look.
"Eden Sommers, you are incredible," Nik breathed out, shaking his head.
Eden met his awed gaze with a grin. "I know, puppy, you don't have to tell me."
"Oh, I don't?" Nik's grin widened. "Noted, love. I'll hush up a bit."
"Do that, then," Eden nodded, biting her lip.
Niklaus chuckled at her words, his eyes gazing into her own, darting to her lips and back. He tsked, reaching his finger to her face gently, tugging her lip from her teeth.
"Such pretty lips should only be bit by teeth that make them bleed."
Eden's breath stopped and her eyes widened in surprise. She wanted to kiss his finger, only a centimeter from her lips, but she couldn't move. Frozen to the spot in a state of shock and unbridled desire.
"That's it," he cooed softly, finger trailing from her lip to her jaw and tucking back a piece of her hair. "That mouth moves too much, I like it quiet."
Eden's heart thudded in her chest. In retrospect, that could have been an insult, a dig at her sarcasm and wit but from a man who only encouraged her to speak her mind — she knew it was otherwise meant with sexual undertones.
Eden swallowed thickly, mouth opening a fraction. She couldn't think of the words to say, to argue, to snark back.
He'd completely winded her and she was enamored by him.
"Wonder what else it could do," he moved his fingers back down her jaw to her lips, wrapping lightly around her chin, thumb tracing her lower lip. "Think I could fill it up with something other than words?"
Eden found herself nodding, his words chasing her thoughts from her mind.
"Do you like that, little witch?" He asked softly, his thumb circling her lips. "When I tell you how I'm going to ruin you?"
Eden nodded, her body controlling her mind. Her breath was labored, her mind heavy, limbs tingling. She was dripping with arousal, and her legs tightened in the seat. She went to bite her lip again, but his thumb was there instead.
"There you go, fullkomna litla nornin mín," he breathed out, pressing his thumb into her mouth. "Oh, no, are you," he shook his head, reaching his other hand over the console and pushing her thighs apart. "Who said you could do that yourself?"
Eden's eyes couldn't disconnect from his as her tongue found the pad of his thumb, a rusted tint to his skin.
Probably blood.
The thoughts of that should not turn her on.
He pulled back and grinned at her. "So needy, ástin mín." He tsked. "Come, you need to eat."
He was out of the car before she could protest his words. Watching him slowly walk around the vehicle and open the passenger doo, Eden sucked in a breath, trying to push away the slick between her thighs.
Nik offered a hand to help her out with a cheeky smile on his face. She took it and glared up at him.
"What was that?" She asked, her voice more demanding than she meant for it to be.
"Call me puppy," he leaned down to her ear, hand intertwining with hers. "And I'll show you why I'm a wolf. Do you understand me, litla minn?"
Eden nodded breathlessly, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. He chuckled in her ear, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"Let's go, love."
As she sat down next to a mildly amused Elijah, and Nik chose her other side, she exchanged an embarrassed look with Stefan, who immediately looked to the menu.
Elijah and Niklaus each placed a hand on her thighs, and it did nothing to stop the pool of arousal sinking into her core.
Niklaus was hot and cold.
Eden didn't understand him at all.
He was tormenting her arousal one moment, whisper her sweet nothings, and the next he was ignoring her and glaring at her from his peripherals.
She wanted to throttle him and wring his neck and let him throw her over the chair and —
She'd never craved sex before.
She and Fred had only slept together a handful of times and they were always pleasant, but she never craved it.
But with the way Elijah would brush his knuckles down her side when they kissed, teasing her stomach with his fingertips...
And the way Niklaus would smile at her as if she were the only person that existed.
The way they both smelled and spoke to her and how she hadn't seen another person — except Stefan, who she'd rather drink rat poison than kiss — in nearly three months.
It was driving her mad.
"I'm about to drive myself off a cliff," Stefan sipped his bourbon next to her at the bar. "I'm serious. All this...weird sexual tension, it's disgusting."
"Your face is disgusting," Eden snapped, popping back a shot of whiskey. "Why is Nik only interested in me half the time? What's his game? Why does he only want me when it's convenient for him?"
Stefan scoffed out a laugh, before it fell and he looked at her. "Oh, you're serious?" He asked, then rolled his eyes. "Eden, you're not the smartest of your friends back home, are you?"
"'Course, I am," Eden pouted. "I'm super smart. I could've been a Ravenclaw." She sank onto her hand, sighing. "That's a terrible lie, Stef, I'd have never been a Ravenclaw."
Stefan blinked. "I have no idea what those words mean, but I'm gonna assume it means you're an idiot. Which, you definitely are."
Eden whined into her hand, sinking her forehead to the bartop and patting it against the counter.
"I. Am. An. Idiot." She said with each thump.
"First step is admitting you have a problem," Stefan conceded. "Now, I'm going to tell you this like it is. Because I'm your friend and I care about you."
Stefan pulled Eden's head up and looked at her.
"Klaus is in love with you," he shrugged. "And it feels completely illegal to say this, but I think you should...just go for it. He's," Stefan grimaced, finishing the rest of his drink. "A good guy, and if you ever tell him I said that, I'll deny it, drive you to Disneyland, and compel everyone to keep you on It's A Small World indefinitely."
Eden's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."
"I would," he nodded, patting her back once before walking off.
"Psh," Eden rolled her eyes. "Nik's not in love with me," she mumbled, knocking back another drink. "That's a ridiculous and completely untrue sentiment."
"Happy birthday to you," Eden sung over the phone, her legs swung over Elijah's lap as he read a book on the sofa. "Happy birthday to you, happy biiiiiirthday my favorite-niece-and-not-just-because-you're-the-only-one-I-have Elenaaaaaa, happy birthday to you!"
"Thank you, Eden."
Eden frowned, sinking further into the cushion. Stefan and Niklaus had gone out in search of a werewolf they'd finally managed to track down, leaving the couple in a hotel for the next two days.
"What's happened, pretty lady?" Eden asked with a frown. "You should be celebrating. I thought Jenna was making cake."
"Don't mention the cake," Elena chuckled. "She's been at it for hours. She's such a bad cook, I don't know how you're sisters."
"She tries, babe," Eden smiled into the call, grabbing an Oreo. "How's Remy?"
"He's okay," Elena answered honestly. "He's working at the Grill now, but I think you being gone is starting to get to him. He keeps skipping out, hoping he'll get fired."
"Bummer," Eden frowned. "Tell him to call me, I've only texted him a million times, the complete idiot."
"I'll remind him," Elena sighed. "How's...Stefan?"
"He's good," Eden chirped. "Yesterday, I bet him that I could eat an entire pound bag of gummy bears and then he laughed when I puked."
"That was a terrible idea," Elijah reminded her quietly, glancing up at her. "No more of that."
"You can't tell me what to do," Eden frowned, meeting Elijah's gaze.
His eyebrow twitched up. "No?" He asked calmly.
But his eyes flickered with something and her own widened.
"Gotta go, 'Lena, boutta get laid."
"Wait, what—"
But Eden had already hung up and dropped the phone. Elijah looked back to his book and shook his head.
"You're too eager, prinsessa, you shouldn't have hung up the phone."
"Elijah," Eden whined, eyes wide. "Come on, I'm desperate, I haven't ever wanted this like I—"
His look silenced her and she closed her mouth, throwing her head back in exasperation.
"Now, I'm bored."
"A pity," Elijah mulled. "Call your niece back, I'm sure she'll provide mental stimulation."
"That's not the stimulation I need," Eden grumbled, rolling her eyes.
"You..." Elijah sucked in a breath, shaking his head and zeroing his gaze on the book again, cutting himself off.
"I'm what?" Eden asked with narrowed eyes. "Finish your sentence, Lij."
His lip quirked a fraction and his jaw clenched. "Elskan, do not test me."
"Test you with what?" Eden asked. "Just tell me what you're thinking."
"I'm thinking that you have terrible manners," he spoke finally, flicking the page. "You haven't asked me nicely, you are not clear on what exactly it is you want, you're absolutely abhorrent at taking orders from me, and—"
"—I'm not any of those things!" Eden exclaimed. "That's rude. Now I'm completely turned off."
Elijah closed his book and had her on his lap before she could blink again.
"Stop," he gripped her hair, meeting her gaze. "Interrupting me, Elskan."
Eden nodded, swallowing back her words at the look in his eyes.
"Good," Elijah praised, moving his hand from her hair and gently trailing down her jawline. "See how easy it is for you to behave, little witch."
Eden nodded.
Elijah's lip quirked up. "I adore this mouth," he pulled her face to his, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "And every word and soft sound that escapes it," he pressed a kiss to her jaw, and her eyes fluttered shut.
"And I suppose this is my fault," he kissed further up her jaw, brushing her hair behind her neck. "I haven't shown you how to behave," he tilted her neck and she let out a soft gasp as his lip touched the side of it. "Oh, sweet girl, what I'll do to you."
"Then-then do it," Eden challenged, voice wavering.
"Enough of that," he hushed her, both hands slipping around her waist and rushing them to the bed.
He laid her down gently and watched her from a standing position.
"Choose a word," he instructed her softly, gently guiding her up the bed. "Any word. Something you'll remember."
"Badger," Eden responded immediately. She supposed that proved where her loyalties truly lie: with the house of them rather than lions, but that was an entirely different thought process she didn't have the mental capacity to focus on presently.
"Good girl." Elijah stripped off his jacket, folding it and placing it over the chair near the bed. He removed his belt and smirked down at it, then at her, then placed it over the suit jacket. She blushed at the look and glanced to his belt, then to him.
Elijah chuckled. "Not today, Elskan." He stood at the end of the bed again, observing her for a moment.
"What shall I do first?" He asked aloud, licking his lips and tilting his head a fraction.
"Whatever you want," Eden breathed out, then hesitated. "But...I haven't done this since..."
The words hung in the air between them and he moved onto the bed, arms on either side of her face. He pressed a kiss to her lips softly.
"Tell me if anything upsets you," he whispered, kissing her again. "If you feel uncomfortable," another kiss, "or if you would like me to slow down. I will follow your lead, Elskan."
Eden appreciated the sentiment and her heart swelled with love for her partner. On one hand, she hadn't had a choice in how her body was perceived or used for months at a time, but on the other, she desperately wanted to lose control.
"I trust you," she whispered, reaching a hand to his cheek and cupping it. "I trust you'll know exactly what I need, and I'll be too afraid to ask for it."
His lips softened into a smile and he pressed a kiss to her nose.
"I trust you, Eden," he whispered. "And I promise, this isn't for me. I will make this good for you."
Eden nodded, pulling his lips to hers. He smiled into the kiss, deepening it. His tongue slowly pulled her lips apart and found her own, tasting her essence and breathing the air from her lungs before it could leave her body.
He pulled back, pressing a soft kiss to her jawline, then another and another, and another. Slowly, he eased her into her arousal, allowing it to rise and fall as gently and effortlessly as his lips met her skin.
"Such a pretty girl," he whispered, nipping her earlobe. "My pretty little witch."
Eden whimpered at his words, nodding.
"Mm, do you like that, Elskan?"
Eden nodded again, eyes fluttering shut as he pressed open-mouthed kisses to her collarbone.
"The best thing about soulmates," Elijah grazed his tongue across her neck and she shuddered. "Is that we can feel one another's emotions. I can tell...exactly, what's pleasing you, and can feel it as it arrives."
He chuckled lowly, nipping at her skin. "Feel this," he moved his hips gently against her, his hardness brushing her core. Eden bucked her hips in response and he chuckled again. "All for you, prinsessa."
Eden whimpered again and he pulled back entirely, slowly moving her shirt up.
Eden tensed at the touch and hesitated, meeting her gaze again.
"We can leave it on," he offered.
Eden shook her head. "No," she took a breath. "It's-it's okay, I'm...I just have a lot of scars."
"Oh, prinsessa," his demeanor softened and he leaned down, pulling her shirt up and lifting it over her head. "Your scars are your strength," he leaned towards her midsection and pressed kisses along the first scar from Dolohov.
"They show your resilience and humanity," he pressed a kiss to the marks left by Lupin. "They add to your beauty, not distract from it."
Eden's eyes watered at his words, and her mind drifted to Fred, the last person who'd touched her with consent. Her heart didn't pang at the loss, only smiled at the memory as Elijah kissed a scar over her right breast.
She couldn't even remember how she'd gotten it, but that only made her hate it more.
Until Elijah ran his tongue along it and then circled her nipple, eyes still connected to hers.
He smiled and bit her nipple gently, causing a gasp to evoke from her lips. Elijah chuckled, his other hand flicking her left nipple, fondling the breast unattached to his mouth.
Eden bit her lip, head falling back into the pillow. Her hips bucked up against him and he pulled his hand down, pressing down on her abdomen.
A groan fell into Eden's throat and escaped her mouth as a whimper and he pulled back from her breast.
"I love you," he reminded her gently, easing himself further down.
Eden appreciated the reminders. She didn't know she needed them — but he did. Gentle affirmations of his love for her, his adoration, his desire. Not for her body, but for her heart.
He trailed his tongue along her skin, across her navel and gently eased his hands to her hips.
"Remember your safe word?"
Eden nodded.
"No," he nipped her skin. "Use your words, prinsessa."
"Badger," she replied through a shaky breath. "I know it."
"Good," he purred, yanking her pants down and tossing them aside. "Oh," he smirked up at her, pressing soft kisses to her thighs, his finger tracing over her clothed core. "Look at you," he breathed against her skin. "All for me."
Eden whimpered. "Mmhmm," she moved her hand to his hair, wanting to touch him. Needing to touch him. To encourage him.
He smiled against her thigh, nibbling the spot that made her hips buck.
"Stop that," he ordered, pressing her abdomen down again. He inched her legs further apart. "Oh, what's this," he trailed a finger down her core, smiling as the wetness clung her underwear to her skin.
"Are you wet for me already?" He murmured, ghosting his finger across her covered folds. He chuckled, pressing his face in between her thighs, eliciting another loud moan. "Fuck," he breathed out, pulling back.
"I've been wanting to taste you since I met you," he met her gaze. "Ég ætla að láta þig koma um tunguna mína með þessari fullkomnu litlu kút."
Eden hadn't a clue what he said but attributed the blush on her cheeks to his darkened gaze, his slow, attentive fingers inching her remaining undergarments down.
He was fully clothed. It was unfair how proper he looked then. Only his swollen lips and messy hair could attribute to their current state of arousal, but her eyes caught the bulge beneath his pants and heat pooled in her again.
"það er það litla prinsessan mín," he growled, giving her face another look before he was between her thighs, mouth buried in her.
He let out a low moan as he lapped at her folds, a hungry man dying of thirst, and she clenched her thighs around his head.
He reached a hand up and pulled her thigh down, holding it steady.
She needed more friction.
His nose brushed against her clit as his tongue darted across her center, pulling the pleasure from her body and tasting it on his lips. He sucked and nipped at her skin, and when she bucked her hips, he growled against her.
Eden couldn't hear what he said into her cunt, but another moan left her as he pressed down against her abdomen.
Her legs shook as he pleased her, sucking against her clit and then surprising her with a finger between her folds.
"Fuck!" Eden exclaimed, eyes rolling back. "Ohhh, fuck, 'Lij," she moaned, voice falling as he began to move his finger in and out.
The wave approached her in increments. It tugged at her middle, and pulled at her center, and coaxed moans from her lips in hurried gasps.
"That's it," his lips left her and he kissed her thigh again. "Oh, you're so close, aren't you?" He asked aloud, inserting a second finger.
Her voice cracked in his name at the action and tears prickled her eyes. "I'm—I'm—"
"Shh," he quieted her, scissoring between her folds, bringing his lips down to her clit again and sucking softly, adding pressure to her shaking legs with his elbows. "Let me take you there," he said lowly over her clit.
Eden nodded, dark spots taking over vision as he picked up speed — definitely using his vampiric speed, or at least a fraction of it — and sliding his fingers in rapid beats between her thighs.
He sucked her folds and used his other hand to press her abdomen down, to keep her from bucking, forcing her to embrace the pleasure as it consumed her.
"Please," Eden begged, tears falling from her eyes. "Please, please, I'm so-I'm so—"
"Come for me," he asked of her, pressing down on her middle. "Cum fyrir mig helvítis drulluna mína."
The build-up was a hill, one she was slowly approaching the top of and the fall down was pulling the air from her lungs and leaving her breathless in his hands. In his mouth. In his presence.
"Good girl," he bit her thigh as the pressure overwhelmed her, a final moan escaping her.
She came quickly, clenching around his fingers and throwing her hand over her eyes, trying to block out the light from overshadowing this moment.
This moment of pure, unbridled, absolutely perfect pleasure.
He slowed his movements, pressing soft kisses along her center, slowly moving the kisses back up her body, hands tracing her sides and skin.
"So good," he praised her, "my favorite girl. My best girl."
He hovered over her, smiling fondly as he pulled her arm from her eyes.
"There she is," he pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
She could taste herself on him; tart and wet and she pulled him closer, wanting to taste more. As though to relive the pleasure he'd brought her from a kiss alone.
Eden tugged at his shirt, and he chuckled, allowing her to remove it from him. The buttons were hard to remove, and he smiled softly, reaching his hands to hers and pressing soft kisses to her knuckles.
So human for such a perfect, inhuman man.
Elijah placed her hands under his shirt as he unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it across the room before crashing his lips to hers in another searing kiss.
"I love you," he whispered against her lips, closing the gap between them again.
"I love you," she whispered back, hand finding his hair. "Perfect," she managed. "It was — you're—"
"Shhh," he pressed a kiss to her lips again, silencing her. "I'm not finished with you yet, prinsessa."
Elijah pulled back and within a second, his pants were gone, leaving him in tight — of course, of course they were Versace, was he ever not wearing something expensive? — boxers. Her eyes darted over his figure.
Soft. Gentle. Those were his hands. Those were his lips. That was his voice.
But his chest was hard and his eyes were dark and his abdomen was toned and she wanted to lick him and kiss him and —
"Easy, prinsessa," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to her head. "Your mouth is controlling your mind again." At her blush, he smiled, continuing. "Would you like to be on top?"
Eden nodded, finding relief in his question. She and Fred preferred missionary, but Dolohov either took her from behind or forced her eyes to meet his.
Elijah was offering up control so she could feel more comfortable.
A burst of arousal shivered down her core and she pulled his face back to hers.
"I fucking love you," she said against his lips, pushing him back.
He let her, falling back against the bed, watching her with a lustful interest as she moved her mouth to his neck.
His breath hitched as she trailed her tongue down his skin. Nerves prickled at her mind, and she wondered if he was enjoying it. She could feel his emotions, right?
But she couldn't really focus on anything after that orgasm, how could she—
"Shh," he ran a hand through her hair. "You're thinking too much, prinsessa," he pulled her head back so she could look at him. "You're perfect. Everything about this is perfect."
"Yeah?" Eden asked tearfully.
"Yes," he nodded.
Eden let out a shaky breath and pulled his boxers down, biting her lip nervously.
He smiled endearingly at her nerves, whispering soft praises as she moved herself down.
"You don't have to," he shook his head, meeting her gaze again. "I want to pleasure you, prinsessa, not the other way around."
Eden nodded. "I know," she leaned down, grabbing his length in her palm.
Tentatively, she leaned onto her elbows and pressed a kiss to the tip.
As it turns out, Elijah didn't need more than a touch from her before he gripped her hair, shaking his head.
"Sit on my lap, prinsessa," he ordered lowly. "I need to fuck you."
Eden nodded, slick pooling between her legs, dampening her thighs as she crawled up his lap, settling just on his abdomen.
"So beautiful," he looked up at her, taking her in. His eyes watered. "Eden Sommers, you are a gift from the gods," he whispered. "Please don't leave me."
Eden's eyes watered as he helped her settle atop him, their eyes meeting as pleasure built between them.
"Oh, gods," he breathed out, grasping her hips.
As Elijah guided her hips slowly up and down, she felt herself nearing tears again.
She'd cried during sex.
She'd been used and abused and raped more times than she could possibly count.
But these tears were not of pain. They weren't even truly of happiness. They were of absolute and complete trust and affection and love.
"Stay with me," he begged as she moved against his hips, biting her lip to stifle a moan. "No, no," he sat up, one hand holding her from behind. He pulled her lip from her teeth. "I want to hear you. I want you to be here with me, in this moment," he breathed out, leaning his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Eden, I..."
Eden whimpered, her hand sliding up his chest to his shoulder to steady herself, holding his gaze.
"I love you," she whispered, tears falling from her eyes. "I love you forever."
"More than forever," he sped up a bit, grunting as he met a new spot inside her. Her legs jolted, head falling back in pleasure. "Helvíti fallegt, prinsessa," he growled out, his free hand finding her hair and gripping the back of it.
He forced her head up again, making her eyes meet his. "That's it," he nodded, squeezing her back as he sped her up and down him. "That's my good girl, svo fokking gott fyrir mig, the prettiest little witch."
Eden nodded, leaning her forehead against his, the pressure building again. It surged between them; toying with their breaths. It consumed her and begged for release, nearing a precipice she couldn't steer clear from.
"I'm so close," she whimpered. "'Lij, I'm gonna..." her words trailed off, forehead falling to his shoulder.
"Shh," he ran his hand through her hair, tangling it there. "Let me take care of you," he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Fokk, þetta er himnaríki, þetta er - ó guðir," he buried his nose in her neck. "I want to...Bite ... Ég veðja að blóð þitt er eins guðdómlegt og leggöngin þinni...oh gods," he breathed her in, tightening his grip on her. His breathing sped up and he let out a growl, nipping her skin.
Eden whimpered as he moved his other hand from her hair, settling on her hip. He increased the rhythm, slamming her up and down, and a cry of his name fell from her.
"Come for me, prinsessa."
Something sharp nicked her vein, but she didn't pay attention, her mind swirling and her body vibrating from pleasure as she tightened around him.
His hand on her hip squeezed tightly — tightly enough to leave a bruise, but she wanted to be bruised by him, to be marked by someone who loved her body as wholly and completely as he did — and she came around him, crying into his neck.
"Fuck, Eden," he cried out, hips thrusting once, twice, and then stopping, buried in her. "Ég vil fylla þig með fræjum mínum og láta þig síðan smakka það úr píkunni þinni," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"I love you," Eden breathed out, kissing his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him, her heartbeat slowing.
Elijah gently ran his fingers along her back, trailing up and down her spine.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly.
Eden nodded, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm crying," she sniffled, "I don't know why. I just...I love you and...I'm overwhelmed with-with..."
"It's alright," he calmed her. "It's natural to be anxious, to be excited, to cry when emotions you've harbored and buried come to fruition."
He squeezed her softly. "I think I may cry, too," he confessed. "I can't believe you're mine."
"As you are mine," Eden confirmed, eyes fluttering shut. "I'm so tired."
Elijah chuckled, kissing her shoulder. "Rest, Elskan," he breathed out, resting her on her back and using his speed to run across the room, coming back between her legs.
"What're you doing?" She asked curiously as he gently wiped the secretion from her thighs. He held it below her core and bit his lip.
"Has no one provided proper aftercare to you, sweetheart?"
Eden blushed. "I don't...I mean, I guess not."
"A shame," he sighed. "Gods, your cunt is beautiful all messy for me like this," he kissed her knee. "A shame I have to clean it."
He didn't let her respond before he gently wiped their fluids from her, and darted from the bed again, before he was at her side.
"Here," he pulled her close, running his hand through her hair. Elijah pulled the blankets over them. "Sleep, my darling. I'm always here."
"I know."
In hindsight, Eden should've expected him to come for her. She shouldn't have let her guard down.
In hindsight, she should have realized he'd been tailing them and tailing her for months.
In hindsight, it was her fault she'd been taken from them.
But fighting with Niklaus about forcing Stefan to drink human blood, and rushing off in anger did nothing to help her situation.
She hadn't even seen the Expelliarmus coming because she hadn't even realized she'd left the hotel.
Too caught up in the arrogance that consumed Niklaus Mikaelson, she glowered at the pavement as she walked.
Storming away from safety.
Storming away from people that loved her.
Storming away from rationality.
Stupid, stupid, Eden.
In hindsight, she'd done this herself.
And in the end, that's what destroyed her.
fullkomna litla nornin mín: my perfect little witch
ástin mín: my love
litla minn: my little one
prinsessa: princess
elskan: love
Ég ætla að láta þig koma um tunguna mína með þessari fullkomnu litlu kút: I'm going to let (make) you come around my tongue with this perfect little (cunt)
það er það litla prinsessan mín: that's my little princess
Cum fyrir mig helvítis drulluna mína: come for me my fucking (slut)
Helvíti fallegt, prinsessa: fucking beautiful, princess
svo fokking gott fyrir mig: so fucking good for me
Fokk, þetta er himnaríki, þetta er - ó guðir: fuck, this is heaven, this is — oh, gods
Bite ... Ég veðja að blóð þitt er eins guðdómlegt og leggöngin þín: I bet your blood is as divine as your pussy
Ég vil fylla þig með fræjum mínum og láta þig síðan smakka það úr píkunni þinni: I want to fill you with my seed and then make you taste it from your pussy
hehe yall didn't think she'd be happy for long right????
hopefully the smut wasn't bad????? I'm SO BAD at smut cmdkskcosaoocr okfg I'm sorry please don't comment on it I want to throw up but I've rewritten it like 1000000x and if I have to do it again I'm going to never write smut at all so hopefully this was okay :( I have to practice good smut because in my other book I have Negan and y'all know he needs good smut so I'm STRESSED okay also dolohov's back mwuahahahahah
thank you sm for reading <3
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