"i've been upgraded from bunny to boy."
"THERE," Niklaus pointed to the camp, a smile forming on his lips, relief filling his eyes.
The trio — and Ray, still slung over Stefan's shoulders — walked into the campground, Nik taking the lead as the werewolves stood up and their chattering quieted. Stefan dropped Ray to the ground and a brunette girl rushed towards him, crouching down at his limp body.
"Ray!" She exclaimed. "Oh, my God."
She looked up to Stefan, and then her eyes found Eden's, a murderous look on her face. "Who are you?"
"The important question," Nik stepped in front of Eden, shielding her a fraction. Annoyance flashed her features as Stefan did the same, leaving her just able to view everyone behind their shoulders. "Is who am I. Please," his gaze snapped to a blonde man leaning next to the brunette girl — who reminded Eden a bit of Matt Donovan — and his smirk widened. "Forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus."
The girl slowly stood, and the pair took a step back.
"You're the hybrid," she recalled, her voice tinged in fear.
"You've heard of me," Nik grinned. "Fantastic."
Dizziness hit Eden and she blinked, gripping Nik's forearm to settle herself. He glanced down to her, pointing to a log. "Stefan, help her sit."
Eden leaned on Stefan as spots filled her vision, taking a seat on the log and steadying her breathing. Stefan took a seat next to him. Eden observed Nik as he threatened the werewolves and smiled a bit to herself.
He looked ridiculous in her fanny pack.
Stefan caught her smile and gave her a look of confusion. She pointed to her waist and nodded to Nik, and he followed her eyes, then chuckled to himself. "Definitely," he agreed.
"If you're both finished," Nik met their gaze with a glare, but Eden didn't see any bitterness there. It was all for show. The idea of him being harsh to others but softening for her — and Stefan — made her feel giddy.
He sighed, walking over and taking a seat next to Eden, who immediately rested her head on his shoulder. If he was surprised by her sudden affections, he didn't make it known.
"It's fascinating, actually," Nik pointed to Ray, stretching his legs out. "A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon. A vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid."
Ray jolted awake, gasping for air and Nik smirked. "Excellent timing, Ray."
"Did you plan that?" Eden asked with a smirk up at Nik.
He didn't respond but his smirk widened. "Very dramatic."
"What's happening to me?" Ray asked, coughing.
Nik didn't answer, looking to his younger vampire companion. "Stefan?" He breathed out, hand finding Eden's hand and gently tracing shapes across her palm.
Stefan stood, nodding, exchanging a look with Eden, who shrugged.
"Are any of you human?" He asked loudly, looking around the camp. "Your friend here, he needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die."
"She is," the brunette pointed to Eden. "Use her."
Nik and Eden rolled their eyes. "She's a wolf," Nik spoke up. "And a witch, so don't test her."
Eden smiled softly at the warning, noting how he didn't offer his protection of her, but instilled the idea that she could protect herself. She knew he'd be there if she needed it, but she appreciated him putting his confidence — albeit only verbally — in her, not himself.
"Doesn't take much," Nik added. "Just a sample."
"Like going to the blood bank," Eden pitched in. "Just a little donation for the betterment of society."
Nik looked down to her, grinning at the light in her eyes. "Horfðu á fallega stelpuna mína hjálpa mér," he said lowly, before standing and looking around to everyone else. "Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend along for the ride?"
Nik did a half circle until his eyes met the Matt Donovan look-a-like's. "You." He sped forward and bit into his forearm, then pulled the man to Ray's body, offering him the blood. The brunette screamed and rushed forward to defend him, but Nik stopped her, gripping her throat tightly.
"If you don't drink it, Ray," Stefan taunted. "I will. Problem is, I don't know how to stop."
"It's the new order, sweetheart," Nik looked down at the brunette, cupping her face. He wasn't gentle like with Eden, his eyes dark and smirk deadly, lips coated in blood. Eden shifted, knowing her arousal was obvious to anyone with heightened senses. Stupid full moon. "You join us, or you die."
"I'd rather die than be a vampire," the brunette ground out.
Veins gathered around Nik's eyes, and they took on a golden color. "Wrong choice." He bit into his arm and forced the blood to her mouth. Eden watched him, mouth falling open a fraction.
Her attraction to him in this state reminded her of the time Elijah had ripped the hearts out of two men in Slater's flat.
Eden perked up, smiling to herself.
Another memory.
She tucked it away to share with the brothers and Stefan later.
Overcome with bloodlust, Ray looked down to the look-a-like's body and drank the blood on his forearm. Eden sighed, glancing up to the sky as another shiver went down her spine. This was a nice distraction, but the sinking feeling was still there.
The brunette collapsed against Nik and he ran his hand through her hair softly, eyes meeting Eden's. "She'll thank me for that later."
Eden's gaze darted from his eyes to his lips, then to his eyes again. His smirk widened, blood gathering at the corner of his lips. He reached his bloody hand to his mouth and traced his lips, keeping his eyes on hers. Eden swallowed thickly, shifting again. He grinned down at her, raising an eyebrow a fraction.
Oh, Eden was fucked.
"Okay," he asked, veins growing and eyes changing again. "Who's next?"
Eden moved to the other side of the log as Ray sat next to her, trembling and wrapping his arms around his body.
"They're dead," he whimpered. "They're all dead."
"But they'll come back," Eden supplied, offering a small smile. "Different, but only just."
"He's through his transition," Nik informed, reaching his clean hand to Eden's hair and stroking it lightly, leaning her head against his waist. Eden sighed at the contact, somehow craving it more today than she ever had before.
Stefan looked at Nik, head tilting to the side from his spot leaning against a tree.
"He should be feeling better soon," Nik added.
"So, is this your master plan?" Stefan asked, looking around. "Build an army of hybrid slaves?"
"He's doing it for me," Eden spoke up, nuzzling against Nik's waist. His grip on her head tightened momentarily, but he continued his ministrations. "Protection, for all of us, and for me to not shift like I will tonight. And to keep Elijah from pain. All of it."
"But you'd have to be a vampire," Stefan's eyebrows furrowed. "Has that ever happened before?"
"That's where the experimentation comes in," Nik supplied. "Eden'll only get the final product when it's ready. And it better be soon, because I'll not have her wait a thousand years to break her curse."
Eden smiled against Nik. "It's okay though, Stefanie," she closed her eyes. "I've got my three favorite boys to keep me company."
"Oh, goody," Stefan replied sarcastically. "I've been upgraded from bunny to boy."
"You're my bunny boy," Eden laughed softly. "I've got my puppy, my bunny, and my vampire."
"I'm not yours," Stefan rolled his eyes.
"You're my friend," Eden countered, pulling back enough from Nik to meet Stefan's eyes. "Counts for something."
Stefan's eyes flickered and he smiled a bit, nodding. "I guess so." He looked between Nik and Eden for a moment. "Do you think you have another soulmate?" He asked Niklaus.
Nik shook his head. "No," he answered immediately. "My Valinn is all I need," he moved her chin up to look at him, gazing into her eyes for a moment before looking back to Stefan. "What about you, Stefan? Think you have a soulmate out there?"
Stefan let out a short, humorless laugh. "No," he shook his head. "I don't think there's anyone for me."
"I used to think that," Eden pointed out. "Then I met Elijah and Nik. Now we're the perfect trifecta." She laughed softly. "The witch, the hybrid, and the vampire."
"What is this, Narnia?" Stefan retorted with a snort.
Nik caught it first, dropping his hand from Eden's head and kneeling in front of Ray, grabbing his face. Eden's heart sank as blood streamed from his eyes and nose in tears; Ray choking on the blood.
"Something's wrong." He glanced to Eden. "Any ideas, love?"
Eden shook her head. "I'd say blood replenishing to help the loss, but he's a hybrid now, so there's no telling what's causing the blood loss to begin with."
Disappointment flashed across Nik's features and Stefan leaned down next to Ray.
"That shouldn't be happening," Stefan commented, meeting Nik's gaze. "Should it?"
"Well, obviously," Nik replied sarcastically.
"You said it was gonna feel better," Ray trembled, Eden resting a gentle hand on his shoulder, offering silent support. She glanced up to Nik, who looked thoughtful, holding his hand to his mouth. "Why doesn't it feel better?"
Nik crossed his arms and Stefan sighed. "Some master race," he spoke up sarcastically and Eden shot him a glare. He quieted, looking mildly apologetic.
"Lose the attitude," Nik quieted him.
The brunette shot up from her spot on the ground, the vampire blood bringing her back as well.
"Derek," he called for the look-a-like. "Come get your girlfriend."
Derek stood, and Nik held his arm out for the brunette, but before she could feed, Ray sped up and leapt from the clearing, running away from them all.
"Okay then," Eden commented. "That was unexpected."
Stefan looked back to Nik, who smirked. "Go get him."
"Where did he go?" Nik questioned Stefan, his now clean hand intertwined with Eden's as they approached him at the edge of the clearing.
"He got away," Stefan shook his head. "Forget him, let's go."
Nik stopped him, grabbing his arm and looking down at it with a smirk. On Stefan's left forearm was a nasty wound and Eden's heart sank.
"A fatal werewolf bite," Nik observed. "Ouch."
"Yeah," Stefan nodded. "I'm gonna need your blood to heal me."
"Well, I tell you what," Nik replied, ignoring the scowl from Eden. "You find Ray, and then I'll heal you."
Stefan scoffed. "You can't be serious."
"He's not," Eden pitched in. "If I have to cut off his arm to give you blood, I will, Stef," she elbowed Nik, who smirked down at her. "But, go find Ray to keep him happy, I don't want him moping."
"You mope," Nik responded with a frown. "I don't mope."
Eden rolled his eyes. "Just go, Stef," she pushed him back lightly. "We'll see you in a few minutes."
"And you better hurry," Nik added, glaring at Stefan, his mood soured. "Because that bite looks nasty."
Niklaus and Eden walked back to the campsite, the smile on Nik's face widening as everyone began to wake up. He squeezed Eden's hand to show the excitement. She squeezed his hand back.
"You stay right here," Nik cupped Eden's face, a worried look on his face. "I'll be right here as you shift, and I'll check on the hybrids periodically, but you," he wiped a few of her fearful tears away. "Are my priority, alright?"
Eden nodded, trembling as Nik helped her strip of her shirt. She would have preferred it to be romantic, for him to see her scars and touch her skin in the same manner Elijah had described himself doing.
But Eden didn't have time for niceties and Nik didn't let his eyes drop from hers.
"You're alright," he promised softly. "I'm here, úlfur. Do you want me to shift before you or with you or after you?"
Tears fell from her eyes as reality struck her and she let out a sob. "I don't—I don't know," she whimpered. "I'm so scared, Nik."
"I know, love," he offered a tender smile. "Don't think about it. Just let it happen. You've got your potion, so you're all set to keep your mind. When you shift, just curl up and rest. I'll spend most of the night with you and I won't let anything happen to you."
Eden nodded, grimacing as the light of the moon touched her skin. A sob tore through her as her arm snapped, shifting into place of something much stronger and larger than she. Her tendons split and rearranged and her muscles moved, snapping bones slowly, painfully, as the moon settled upon the pair.
Nik took a step back, giving her room as she fell to her knees, grunting and whimpering in pain.
"It's alright, úlfur," he soothed her, but it was lost to the screams that ripped from her throat.
Eden's entire body was snapping and popping and tearing into place. Ligaments tore and healed themselves, her scars stretched, and her trembling hands extended into paws, nails clawing through her skin.
Eden reached a hand — or, paw, now, that's weird — to her shoulder, trying to stop herself from burning so much, but it only left a large gash over her body. Nik sank to his knees in front of her, pulling her head to his lap as she changed, become something else.
"It's alright, Valinn," he soothed her, running his hands through her hair gently. "You're alright, sweet girl. I'm here."
Hours passed of much of the same, draining Eden and exhausting her beyond belief. She sank into Nik's lap, a snout instead of her face, fur covering her body. A part of her was grateful she wasn't a beast like Remus' wolf had been, more akin to Nik's canine side.
Her fur was as pale as the moonlight and Nik's touch was soft as he ran his hands through it. He left her when she fully shifted, to check on the hybrids, and she curled up against the tree.
This was her life now.
She hated it.
Nik transformed halfway through the night, but something was off. He was angry — not with her, nuzzling against her and curling next to her, even nudging her playfully to brighten her mood — but something was bothering him.
She couldn't ask him in her current state, but she made a note to ask him in the morning.
Eden couldn't see what she looked like in wolf form, but she knew by their difference in height that he was far larger than she. He was a dark wolf, massive in size with even more ominous golden eyes.
He was beautiful.
Eden presumed she'd be more playful in the next shift — Remus told her once that the first shift had been his worst, and the first one without the Marauders had been a close second — but she knew what he meant now.
As she lied next to Nik, her energy depleted and her muscles aching, she understood exactly what Remus meant by that. If she didn't have her with him, softly and gently taking away her pain with playful nudges and gentle kisses, she wouldn't have made it through the night at all.
Shifting back was brutal, but she was too tired to fight against her limbs as they broke back to normal size. Everything hurt. Everything.
It was like the cruciatus all over again, only with less vomit and more fur.
Nik held her hair softly, in his human form again, and she cried in his lap as she came back into consciousness. He ran a hand gently over her bare side, looking down at her with nothing short of adoration and sympathy.
"You did it, sweetheart," he praised her softly. "You did so well. I'm so proud of you."
Eden nodded, eyes drifting shut. He lifted her slightly, grabbing the shirt she'd taken off and helping her into her shorts. He held her to him, nuzzling into her neck as she steered into sleep, whispering his affections for her, giving her exactly what she needed.
Eden awoke in a hotel bed, blinking slowly, limbs aching and tender.
"Good morning," Nik's voice grabbed her attention and she moved her head to the right, spotting him on her side, one hand in her hair. "How do you feel, my love?"
Eden managed a small noise, but closed her eyes again, trying to hold onto sleep. She realized it was the first time without nightmares and could only thank the full moon, exhausting even her mind so much that it couldn't relieve memories.
"'m'kay," Eden mumbled, inhaling and letting out a deep sigh. Confusion hit her when she smelled a very distinct cologne and she moved her head to the other side, spotting Elijah. "Here too?" She asked.
Elijah's smile was gentle, and he nodded. "I promised I would be."
"Are you in pain?" She asked softly.
He shook his head. "It hurt, but I'm alright now. I experienced it through you, but it wasn't my own encounter. It dissipated after you shifted, whereas you felt it all night."
"My boys," Eden smiled softly, moving her heavy arm to his hand and intertwining their fingers, Nik's hand still running through her hair. "Thank you."
"Always, love," Nik responded quietly, his voice lulling her back to sleep.
Eden would be okay.
Horfðu á fallega stelpuna mína hjálpa mér - look at my pretty girl helping me
úlfur - little wolf
okayyyy semi-fluff! and some hurt/comfort. alsooooooo i was going to have eden be in the scene with the other wolves and have her fight them but honestly it was her first shift and 10000% nik only cared about her safety so he definitely kept her like a mile away and went back and forth. no chance he'd let her get hurt. also hopefully this was okay? it was weird to write the wolf bits (lowkey felt kinda furry-vibes LMAO) but i wanted to show what she turned into and what he did for her. also, her touching him a lot in this chapter is to show the emphasis of their connection as connected to the moon and their wolf insticts. he's a hybrid, so he feels it constantly, but as she's only a werewolf that shifts once a month, she feels the connection, and craves it, but only really really needs him the night of the moon. his presence is calming to her and yeah.
also, yes i did change that dialogue with stefan because if you remember stefan CHOSE to stay when Nik offered him the out. you can assume it's because he feels obligated for damon, but i've hinted at other reasons. (and no its not klefan hahahaha)
okay thanks for reading next chapter up later ebyeyyyyeyee
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